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  • How much should you spend on a wedding dress? For that matter, how much should you spend on the wedding?

    This frugality is starting to show up in overall wedding costs. The cost of a median wedding fell 8% last year to $17,500, compared to 2008, according to the latest survey by, the popular wedding Web site. The biggest cost is usually the reception, and these days the shrimp cocktails are a little smaller and the wine is a little cheaper. The average reception cost fell $10 per guest to $63, says

    Remember: Every dollar you save will be make you richer by $5, $10 or even more down the road.

    People who spend more aren't more married at the end of it. The analysis I would really love to see would be one comparing the amount spent on the wedding and the likelihood of divorce.

    I wonder what it would show?

    4 AntwortenWeddingsvor 8 Jahren