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Win10 Update blaming the hardware for lack of space?
My Acer Aspire ES11 has a small "hard disk" in modern terms, and the latest Win10 update is refusing to completely install - which leaves it in a messed up state.
I know that when I first updated this system, the update asked for more space, and used a USB drive to complete. Nothing like this is happening now.
I also know that there is very little space on the drive which is not being occupied by Win10.
I have not installed any programs or apps on it. Every app or program which was not in use has been deleted. The automated update process keeps complaining it cannot function without more disk space.
When the system complains about needing to free up space it only finds about 50Mb of stuff to delete. The update will then download when nothing else is running (ie web browser and text editor off), but the install dies saying there is not enough disk space to complete.
The web browser is not running correctly since this update hassle started, and I can only imagine this is because it has been partly modified.
What do I need?
6 AntwortenSoftwarevor 2 JahrenFried Fish Over The Years?
A question from Dave at the chippie:
I know that dogfish became popular in late Victorian times.
I know that in the 1930s up to about 1962 herring was the popular fried fish, then because the herring had been overfished the popular fried fish became cod, and haddock also came into the picture.
What other fish were popular, and at what times?
4 AntwortenOther - Food & Drinkvor 2 JahrenYoung men on a night out - what is this about?
In my youth, I was once standing at the bar in a night club when someone I had met recently came in and said "hello" and a few words more in passing. He came in with a group of young men.
When I later approached him for a conversation one of the other men butted in and told me aggressively that he was "with them", I was not "with them", and so I should not attempt to talk to him. I later tried to ask him in passing what this was about, but before either of us could speak a word Mr AlphaMale was on the spot reiterating his message about me not being "with them".
I never understood what this was about - I never met the man again to ask him about it.
I am asking now because I heard of another similar case recenty where someone was beaten up for trying to continue a conversation in similar circumstances. What is this about?
2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 4 JahrenThe Fossil Record and Humans?
Some people say the human race was planted on Earth because of the lack of fossil evidence for human evolution.
I just wondered if there were other species without fossil evidence, like, say, pandas or rabbits or something. What do you know?
Anthropologyvor 5 JahrenHow To Copy WIndows 7?
My hard disk is dying. I can get it to run by connecting it to a separate power supply, but it is drawing too much power from the computer's PSU
The computer will not boot if the disk is connected to its PSU, but everything runs ok if the disk is powered externally.
I can run another hard disk in the computer simultaneously. The question is how to copy the Win 7 installation from the defective disk to the new disk.
If there is no easy way to do the copy, is there software for this?
2 AntwortenDesktopsvor 5 JahrenJ'ai une camionnette Berlingo dont les rétroviseurs sont cassées?
J'ai une camionnette Berlingo. Quelqu'un a brisé le montage du rétroviseur - ne qu'une pièce métallique coulée fragile.
Les rétroviseurs sont maintenant cassées sur les deux côtés, l'une se tient par une sangle.
Le concessionnaire local n'offrent que le jeu complet, € 200 avec des coûts d'.équipage pour chaque côté.
Je me demande s'il ya des fournisseurs de "marché seconde" en France qui pourraient me vendre seulement les pièces cassées par courrier.
Merci à tous pour tout ce qui aide mon problème.
2 AntwortenMaintenance et réparationvor 6 JahrenThird shiny penny on my doorstep?
My wife and I have bought a house, and we are moving into it slowly, over a couple of weeks.
Today, for the third time, I found a bright shiny penny on the doorstep. I am of the opinion that somebody has targeted the house for a burglary, and is likely to use the presence of a coin on the doorstep to indicate when we are not about, so they feel safer about breaking in.
Has anybody come across this before?
7 AntwortenLaw Enforcement & Policevor 9 JahrenToo much Elijah? Whatever does it refer to?
The phrase "Too much Elijah" is used in some communities to indicate when a person has drunk too much alcohol. I'm just curious as to which bit of the bible it refers to -
3 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 Jahren