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Hey there, I'm Kitty. I'm actually German but live part-time in Australia. I think I can help with questions in music & mental health best, I also scan through other categories, in case I can help : ) Feel free to write me. Stay tuned Kitty

  • Your thoughts on biology, astronomy and philosophy?

    Hey everyone, for a personal project I'd like to know your opinions on the three following science subjects:

    - Biology

    - Astronomy

    - Philosophy.

    I would like to know:

    1. how you'd personally define each subject (in your own words, not Wikipedia's),

    2. how you think each subject influences your daily life

    3. what your personal experiences with each subject are

    4. what you like and dislike about each subject

    5. what ethical problems from each subject interest you and/or make you think.

    It'd be lovely if you help and I will base my choice for best answer around honest/genuine answers.


    1 AntwortOther - Sciencevor 1 Jahrzehnt