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  • Capitalist, Socialist or Communist?

    Based on my opinions would you say that I'm a capitalist, socialist, or communist?

    Firstly, I believe that the economy should be run by the state and not private businesses.

    I believe in state healthcare, schooling, and that everybody has a right to the highest quality in medicine and education. I think that the rich should pay a much higher rate of tax and that nobody should be entitled to a millionaires life style, while others struggle to find enough money for food, shelter or healthcare.

    I believe that smoking, drugs and alcohol ruin lives and should be gradually banned as generations move on until they finally disappear completely from society. After all, no-body (except a minor few) practice the art of taking laughing gas anymore.

    I am against any form of prejudice, and the believe that the class system needs to be smashed.

    Im am against a one party state and completely oppose the idea of a monarchy or hereditary rights.

    I believe that the only way to remove the evils of a society is via a revolution against the ruling elite.

    I would make all efforts to allow the monarchs/the elite to give up their power peacefully, but in my view, if they refuse to give up their ill gotten power, they would be MADE to leave via violence if necessary.

    The freedom and prosperity of the nation should always come before a self-appointed dictator.

    The ideal economy would be as follows:

    All private companies would be made illegal and here would be how it would be run instead.

    (figures just examples for ease of use)

    A worker who makes cars for example, works 10 hours a day.

    They earn £10 per hour & 1 car per day

    at the end of the day the worker is paid his £100

    The state (who now controls all business) sells the car for £200 making £100 profit.

    Whereas the £100 would have gone to the business owner, they no longer exist and instead the £100 goes to the government and back out in to the system, paying for state health care etc.

    Now, there would be no such thing as the upper class, and more people would be given a fair, equal chance to prosper.

    I hope that this has been informative and I welcome your feedback


    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren