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Lv 766.658 points

Michael E

Favorisierte Antworten12%
  • Are Gilberto and Tish Hinojosa related?

    I saw a news story today and an unusual name jumped at me "Hinojosa". Are Gilberto Hinojosa (the Democratic Party Chairman for TX) and Tish Hinojosa related? I can't find that information from either of their on-line bios.

    Politicsvor 11 Monaten
  • Are Tish and Gilberto Hinojosa related?

    I saw a news story today and an unusual name jumped at me "Hinojosa". Are Gilberto Hinojosa (the Democratic Party Chairman for TX) and Tish Hinojosa related? I can't find that information from either of their on-line bios.

    2 AntwortenOther - Musicvor 11 Monaten
  • Songs about veterans?

    I'm putting together a playlist of songs about veterans. There are plenty of songs about soldiers in the army, plenty of songs about war, about the dead, but very few about soldiers who live through their service. I can only think of Treetop Flyers (Steven Stills), Ballad of Ira Hayes & When A Soldier Makes It Home (Arlo Guthrie). Does anyone have any more? (any genre)

    3 AntwortenOther - Musicvor 2 Jahren
  • How to not clear iPod?

    My computer died. All my music is on an iPod. I've bought a new Mac and want to move my music from the iPod to my Mac. I've heard that if I just "sync", that my iPod will be emptied and all my music will be gone.

    How do I get my music from my iPod to my new Mac?

    1 AntwortMusic & Music Playersvor 7 Jahren
  • Macbook Mail question?

    My old Mac's hard drive died. I got a new MacBook Pro.

    On my old MacBook, I had Mail set up so that if I deleted an email from Mail, it would not be deleted from my Yahoo! account.

    On this new computer, if I delete an email from Mail, it is also deleted from the Yahoo! website.

    How do I get my new computer to act like the old one. What is this feature called, so I can find it and turn it off?

    2 AntwortenSending and Receiving Messagesvor 7 Jahren
  • Easy Rider Blues composer?

    Who composed the Easy Rider Blues?

    My searching has found references to Blind Lemon Jefferson as either the composer or the arranger.

    Paul Campbell as an arrainger.

    But nothing definative as to who composed it.

    Who composed the Easy Rider Blues?

    Or is it another song from our good friend Trad ?

    2 AntwortenBluesvor 8 Jahren
  • Call Tone vs. Ring Tone?

    I have a friend. When I call her, I hear a piece of music that she has selected.

    "Ringtone" is used to describe what a phone's owner hears when someone calls. (The phone's owner can set this to be a song.)

    What is the term that means "the song that the caller hears while waiting for the recipient to accept the call"?

    Do you know if that is customizable in the Samsung Galaxy Stellar?

  • Is Foggy Mtn. Breakdown a fugue?

    A short theme repeated after itself with small variations.

    Does the fact that the next entrance happens after the phrase is finished matter?

    1 AntwortClassicalvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Seeking source for Website count data?

    "How many public message boards contain a post on the topic of today's being Jerry Garcia's 67th birthday?"

    If no one knows the answer, where could I look for that data?

    Other - Internetvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Legal definition of "normal buisness hours"?

    From my rental lease:

    "Upon not less than 24 hours advanced notice, the tenant will make the demised premises available during normal business hours to the Landlord ... , for the purpose of entering (a) to make necessary agreed repairs ... (b) to show the premises to a prospective or actual purchasers, mortgagees, tenants, workmen or contractors."

    (There is also a provision for emergency access in case of an emergency.)

    I interpret this to mean that (with 24 hours notice), I have to let prospective buyers into my home during "normal Business hours".

    While I realize that these prospective buyers are potentially the people that have to agree to rent to me next year, I don't like my home being on display. Especially on my days off.

    What are "normal business hours".

    7-11 is open 24/7. Is that a normal business?

    Is 6pm on Tuesday, a "normal business hour" for a real estate business?

    How about 2PM Sunday?

    Is it "normal" for a real estate business to show a property at what ever time the prospective buyer desires?

    My bank is closed on New Year's eve.

    Wal-Mart isn't.

    Is Dec 31 a normal business day?

    How are "normal business hours" determined?

    4 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Seeking a good reference/tutorial for AppleScript.?

    I have a MacBook with OS 10.5 and Office 2005.

    The ultimate goal is to take data from an Excel spreadsheet and have it put into a website's text field(s). (I'm using Safari).

    I can handle the VBA part of it, but getting from the Clipboard to Safari is outside of Excel VBA.

    I'm hoping to use AppleScript to do this. I've had limited success combining Animator and Script Editor, but a book or tutorial on Apple Script would get me there faster (and with better script.)

    A help forum dedicated to Apple Script would also be useful.

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AntwortProgramming & Designvor 1 Jahrzehnt