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Lv 2335 points

Wilhelmina Walker

Favorisierte Antworten32%
  • Could somebody help me identify these Korean songs?

    I really enjoyed these three songs, but their titles weren't given and I can't understand the Korean lyrics... Does anybody recognise them? If not, could somebody help me identify the lyrics so I could look for the songs on Google?



    3. (the second song that starts at 1 minute, 55 seconds, sounds a little like a children's song)

    Gansamnida, thank you very much in advance. :)

    1 AntwortKoreavor 10 Jahren
  • Trouble putting my iTunes on shuffle?

    I've already clicked the "shuffle" symbol on the lower left and I've already tried clicking on Control, then "shuffle by song". The problem is after I click a song, it'll only randomise within that artist's songs. For example, if I click on a Paul McCartney song after turning on Shuffle, the next song that plays will be a random McCartney song. I want iTunes to randomise from my entire library but I have no idea how to go about doing that. Any help would be greatly appreciated... :)

    1 AntwortMusic & Music Playersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can I get into Wesleyan University?

    I've been researching colleges lately, and I've fallen in love with Wesleyan University. I'm not sure I stack up very well, though- do you think I have a chance of getting in?

    I'm in the top quarter of my class, I got a 183 on the PSAT, I'm taking the SAT very soon, and I've taken the ACT three times(I got a 26 and two 27's, but I plan on taking the test for a fourth time). I'm Hispanic, I've travelled extensively/lived in four different countries, and I speak three languages and am currently teaching myself another. I am the cofounder of my school's Gay Straight Alliance, I'm a member of the National Honor Society, and I regularly vounteer. I'm also fairly confident that I can write a thoughtful essay. The problem is, I only have one AP credit (English/Composition with a 4) and I got a D in the 2nd semester of my junior year along with a couple of C's in the 1st (all in AP Chemistry). I'm also nervous at the prospect of officials seeing my "progress report" grades, seeing as they're usually a lot lower than at the end of a semester when I bring them back up. Would a prestigious school like Wesleyan even consider accepting a student with an F on their progress report? Thank you very much for any help.

    2 AntwortenHigher Education (University +)vor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Album covers with art references?

    For example, the cover of Coldplay's Viva La Vida is a reference to 'Liberty Leading the People'... Are there any other album covers with art allusions in them? Thanks for any help! :)

    1 AntwortOther - Visual Artsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What does this phrase mean?

    превед медвед! :D The Russian language is very beautiful and I'm trying to learn it... Translating Russian songs is great practice for me, but sometimes I can't figure out what a phrase means. What does "Трах трах тибидибидах" mean? I just know it's dirty because I googled the words and looked at the images. :P Спасибо большое :)

    5 AntwortenRussiavor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Quais são os jogadores da seleção brasileira?

    O jogo tá pra começar mas eu não sou muito ligada no futebol... Quais são os jogadores brasileiros? Obrigada! :D

    3 AntwortenFutebol Brasileirovor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Kennen Sie gute Deutsche Musik (pop/rock)?

    Es tut mir Leid, ich spreche nur ein bisschen Deutsch... Aber ich liebe Deutsche Musik und Deutsche Kultur! Können Sie gute Musikbands empfehlen? Ich mag melodisch pop/rock (wie Fertig, Los)- ich mag metal/hard rock nicht (kein Rammstein, Oomph, oder Tokio Hotel, bitte)

    Danke sehr! :)

    10 AntwortenRock & Popvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What are some cool German bands that fit this description?

    (I would ask in the German part of Yahoo Answers, but my German isn't very advanced and I don't want to mangle everything with an online translator... It kind of seems rude to ask in English there.)

    But anyways! Whenever I ask about German music, everyone tells me to listen to Rammstein, Oomph, or Tokio Hotel. Does anyone know of any cool German bands/musicians that aren't hard rock or metal? I'm looking for melodic rock/pop, kind of like Fertig Los or possibly Nena. Thanks for any help!

    3 AntwortenRock and Popvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I need help remembering a book title?

    I remember checking out a book in my local library about five years ago... It was probably in the teen/young adult section. I recall it being a bit morbid and the cover was dark and gloomy-looking- it told a story from the perspective of a wheel-chair ridden boy who couldn't talk, feed himself, or do anything, really. He could think perfectly in his own mind, though, and he recounted how his father and (I think) his brother took care of him. The ending was ambiguous because it was just a description of the boy drifting off to sleep- his father may have drugged him to death. Thanks for any help, I'm going nuts trying to remember!

    2 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Some weight advice, please?

    First off, thanks for even reading this... I'm sure these kinds of questions get very tiring. :/

    I'm attending a big event on April the 16th, and I've already bought the dress I plan to wear that night- it's strapless and fairly short, so my upper arms, neck/overall area above my chest, and legs will be on display (I'm abooout.. 5'4, 125 lbs). Naturally, I was looking to lose some weight before then so I look better. I'm not looking for diet plans or a list of what I should cut out, I'm just asking for little tips that may help me along the way. QUESTION: what are some weight-loss secrets/tips that have worked for you? :D

    20 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How can I burn my CD?

    I usually make CDs with Windows Media Player, but that's not working anymore- the CD will be ejected with only half the songs burnt in. I've already tried slowing down the speed to little avail. Are there any other programs I can use to burn a regular CD-R CD with songs in MP3 format? I'm so tired of wasting CD after CD. Thanks for any help! :-(

    2 AntwortenMusic & Music Playersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What are some cheerful, upbeat songs?

    I'll take them as long as they're not sad! I'm thinking something with a 'Shiny Happy People' vibe to it... Feel-good stuff like Mika. Bonus points if the song's got piano in it. Thanks for any help! :-)

    5 AntwortenRock and Popvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Helfen Sie mir! Ich suche ein Lied?

    Hallo! Ich spreche nur ein bisschen Deutsch, aber ich suche ein Lied... Ich glaube, dass es 'Zusammen' heißt. Ich kann mich an nicht mehr erinnern, nur 'zusammen'. Es war ein Folk Lied mit Guitarre und vielleicht Klavier- ich habe es in deutscher Klasse gehört. Bitte helfen Sie mir, war es ein schönes Lied! :'(

    4 AntwortenVolksmusikvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can a French/English speaker help me translate the lyrics of 'Machistador'?

    I don't speak French, but I'm a big fan of -M-'s music and I would love to know what he is saying in the song! I understand the sentence structure because I speak Spanish, and I know what he means by 'machistador', but I know nothing else. Merci beaucoup, mes amis!

    1 AntwortParolesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Could any french speakers help me translate a song into english?

    I'm listening to a song by French musician -M- and I'd love to understand what he's saying. Freetranslation isn't helping very much, I'm guessing because the song has its fair share of french slang. Fortunately, I already know a bit of what he's saying because I speak a Romance language and I already understand the 'machistador' wordplay. It'd help knowing the whole song, though! Here are the lyrics, and thanks for any input:

    Je suis un missionnaire de la drague, je l'avoue

    Le kiki au toutou en espadrilles à clous

    Elle craquait sur les sièges, les pendentifs

    J'ai la poupée d'E.T. dans mas Golf GTI

    Elle était émotive en parlant de Jean-Yves

    un amant incompris qu'elle quitta pour Henri. Et oui !

    Mais j'me foutais de sa vie

    et surtout de son avis

    beaucoup moins de son envie

    tu veux pas... je reste en vie

    Tu sais pourquoi cocote

    Je suis un machistador

    je crois qu'elle m'adore

    non, non, non

    y'a pas d'error !


    Je me brise au Whisky glace

    Mais je courtise avec classe

    Je m'allume au Malibu

    Malade, pas beau quand j'ai trop bu

    Ces magazines nous contaminent

    J'préfère encore les fanzines

    Pour la télé y'a pas photo

    J'préfère R.V. qui fait l'idiot

    Point de Vue Image du Monde

    A votre âge c'est immonde

    De vivre sur le cul de ces individus

    Qui n'ont pas plus à dire

    Que Raoul sur sa tire

    Dans le mouvement d'approche

    J'ai le mou membre en poche

    Et d'un pas pragmatique

    Je pratique la drague

    Mais ma poitrine est imberbe

    Il faut y remédier

    Pour jouer au salaud

    Comme le fils de John Wayne

    Avec un long manteau, un chapeau

    Non,pas la peine...

    Même les jours difficiles

    J'ai toujours les mots piles !

    1 AntwortLyricsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Got any catchy piano tunes?

    Could you guys recommend me some? But leave out the obvious ones like songs from Billy Joel or Elton John, 'cause I've already heard all of them. I'm thinking something jaunty like 'Lonely Boy', but I'm also happy to hear any modern songs you've got to share ( I won't lie, I love 'What I've Been Looking For' off of High School Musical ). xD

    1 AntwortOther - Musicvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Which music video is this?

    It's a music video in which Panic at the Disco had cameos... They were dressed up in animal costumes and were kind of dancing. Help please! :P

    1 AntwortOther - Musicvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Where can I find this song on Myspace?

    I want to add 'From a Mountain in the Middle of the Cabins' by Panic at the Disco to my Myspace page, but I can't find it. Some help would be greatly appreciated! :)

    1 AntwortMySpacevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Catchy 'emo' songs, please!?

    I've been listening to emo music lately, and I find that some of the songs are really great! Granted, lots of it is rubbish too, and I'm no good at finding good tunes. So this is where I ask for help! And yes, emo's a pretty vague description so I'll do my best to describe what I'm looking for.

    - I consider My Chemical Romance too hard rock to be emo ( I'm looking for softer music )

    - No Panic at the Disco ( I've already heard all their stuff :)

    - piano-based emo songs would be great!

    - electric guitar is great too, but nothing too hard rock

    - think stereotypical emo singers and catchy melodies

    Now go go go! Thanks tons <3

    5 AntwortenOther - Musicvor 1 Jahrzehnt