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  • Britney's career summary and down fall??

    i want to know more about britney's spears career summary and what causes her career downfall?

    11 AntwortenCelebritiesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • am i obese? what is the easiest way to lose the fat?

    i weight 170lbs 5'1 wear size 10 jeans

    3 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • how to get my tooth straight?

    i have this one front tooth that sticks out but the rest of my teeth are straight. i dont want to get braces because only one tooth is out of shape. can someone tell me what's the cheapest way to get it fix.

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  • what to eat to lose weight fast?

    i dont eat much but what ever i eat seems to add up my weight. i dont know if there's any food with HIGH metabolism. got any suggestion? for drinks does which kind makes you lose weight faster hot water or cold?

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  • How can i stop having feelings for him?

    i like this guy in my class. He has a gf and they've been going for about one year. I have a bf for about 2 years. I just can't stop thinking about him. i always goes to his myspace page to check out his pics with his girl and it gets me really jealous. I dont even understand why i like him cause i dont even talk to him at all. Can any one give me some advice to stop thinking about him

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