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I am in service with a corporate, working with zeal and friends with my colleagues, am happy in helping them and share joys and sorrows.
Why ladies in India do not address their husband by name. It can not be respect.?
Although, it is said that they do so for respect. But what is that respect that name of the husband goes in hiding. It can be due to polyandry ( more than one husband in ancient times), or the women consider the man so inferior that they even do not want to call by name.
7 AntwortenGender & Women's Studiesvor 9 JahrenWhy the wife is very lively, when some one has come to your home,but as he/she leaves, it altogether fades.?
Husband is treated with cold. If he creates something to smile, it is treated with cold shudder. As such the husband feels very lonely. What is the solution. What should the man do. How can he get his peace of mind.
7 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 9 JahrenWhy a man leaves his house for ever, leaving behind his wife and children and become a saint . a.?
This can be due to his unpleasant family life which compels him to leave the family or due to depression (as he can not express himself in house), or he shirks from his responsibilities . What can be causes that a man is compelled to take such drastic step.
5 AntwortenPsychologyvor 9 JahrenWhy is it so that in India, the women do not call their husbands by name.?
This can be either due to respect to the male or date old traditions. It is very rare in India that the ladies call the names of her husband.
5 AntwortenGender & Women's Studiesvor 10 Jahrenwho is strong. Male or female.?
We have to judge it from all the qualities of both the sexes.
14 AntwortenGender & Women's Studiesvor 10 JahrenWhat can be the reason that the girl has to leave the home of parents on marriage.?
On every marriage the girl is displaced from her home. She has to adjust in new environment.
6 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 10 JahrenWhat is the motive behind indian woman to keep fast on Karva Chouth Festival?
For whole of the year, she may not behave with her man properly and call him words. he is denied of marital pleasure with one or other pretext and abuse his relatives. But on this festival why this loves comes.
5 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 JahrzehntWhat is meant by aspiration. Deep study required?
1 AntwortMarketing & Salesvor 1 JahrzehntMost of the Sadhus and Babas have left their married life to become you agree.?
This can be due to neglect from wife. Unfulfilled sexual life. Fear from wife. Due to this the persons runs from home and pretends to be saint and gains by the sentiments of the people. As the people still admire such people, his speech becomes refine and his inner power comes out to teach the people what he could not let his wife know. Some of them also fulfill his lust by attracting the unsatisified house wives .Some of the people devote themselves for the welfare of the society and some like dhongi baba play with the womanfolk.These days the later variety is pravelent. They are the menance for society and these should be corrected.
2 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 1 JahrzehntOn this fateful day , my loving father left us for his heavenly abode.What should i do for his peace.?
My father left us on 18/11/2008 for his heavenly abode. He was one of the nicest persons who always cared for others and never hurt any one. I wish that he should be in peace and happiness. Incidently my mother expired on 27/09/2008 and my father on 18/11/2008.
3 AntwortenOther - Holidaysvor 1 JahrzehntI have lost both my parents within a span of 52 days. I am very- very sad .Kindly advise how to reconcile. ?
My mother expired on 27/09/08 and my father also expired on 18/11/2008 due to brief illness. I am feeling that I have lost everything
and I have lost my guides and my protectors. Please guide me how to cope with such a loss. I very much know that I shall never see them again.
11 AntwortenFamilyvor 1 JahrzehntHow to keep yourself calm in adverse conditions and dont get provoked even if other person tries .?
In the offices and in the home we quarrel on the petty things and the damage we incur from the brawls is immense and sends bad message to the family or the people.
5 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 Jahrzehntwhat are the papers we have to submit to the bank when we want to take loan to purchase 3 buffaloes.?
i want to sell milk and get liovelyhood.
9 AntwortenCreditvor 1 Jahrzehntwhy are we not live in peace. find faults,but dont see your own,why the world is so much can burst
the son dont listen father. the girl dont listen to parents and they take drastic steps even upto sucide in case they are rebuked by the parents. the parents fear to say any thing to the children even if they are on fault , there are numerous cases in which the child has ended the life just in fist of anger.why...why...why...what is the force which are driving towards this thing.the people has got no patience. murderers are taking place on petty things. the world is divided over atom bombs. they donot try to get the peace to the mind of all. all are provocating one one seems to be happy and if one is happy, other one is pulling his legs to keep him unhappy.the countries are quarelling over the petty trade. there are barriers to come to other country.although all are human beings. why all the world is not made a single country, and where there is no bar for anyone to come and checks, no visa, no passport, and will make our world to be a heaven. this is very distant drea
3 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 1 Jahrzehnthow to be happy?
22 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 Jahrzehnti am 52. please let me know when i shall be able to act upon my own.when i will be able to act independently.?
in the childhood and in the youth i was commanded by parents and elders and in service by my boss and now by my wife and children and i have to accept almost all the things althogh from my heart i am unwlling. my refusal can lead to quarrels and my explanations are not accepted and if accepted sarcassastically. i have to accept otherwise it will be ahell.i know that the other people also have some problems. I do this to safeguard my relations but it is inching me towards end of my life.
13 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt