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How did Hammurabi effect our modern law when it comes to crime and punishment ?
Basically the important milestones of Hammurabi on our modern laws when it comes to crime and punishment ?
1 AntwortHistoryvor 1 Jahrzehnt¿Puede usted explicarme cómo escribir esta frase en perfecto?
1. ¿Cuánto paga usted?
2.El periódico llega más tarde.
1 AntwortAyuda con los estudiosvor 1 JahrzehntWhat is the reason for his anger? the source of his rage ?
The main character of The Black Cat.
What is the reason for his anger?
The source of his rage ?
1 AntwortBooks & Authorsvor 1 JahrzehntWhat, who is needed to make new desktop/laptop cases from scratch?
Profession names ?
Types of tools needed ?
Hardware ?
Software ?
And anything that I'm missing that contributes to designing/ making/ building/ producing.
But please each thing in its own category as in, if the software helps with building then it should be like this for example: Building= screw driver. Making= Photoshop. get the point ?
Thank you in advance for all your time and patience.
1 AntwortOther - Computersvor 1 Jahrzehnt