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I like Viruses. I study them as a hobby for a while now. If you have any question about a certain Virus, you are welcome to ask and most likely even get a good answer.
Name of movie 80`s(?) Actionflick?
So i was thinking about this one movie i watched maybe 15 years ago.
The plot is that there is one alien that comes down to earth to Steal Heroin. Which the alien then injects into people to harvest their "Braingoo" for a even more powerful drug. There are some cops who try to stop him who have some Amazing cool alien supergun. (this plot makes one love this movie already)
Anyone know the name, im googling for hours now but just cant find it.
3 AntwortenMoviesvor 9 JahrenWhats with the Obama Hate?
He doesnt seem like a very good President but he is not a bad one either (Inherited a broken economy and 2 wars).
However i do find that the Viciousness against him is totally of the charts. This feces tossing gives america a really bad reputation overseas.
The current state of hostilities between the parties (ok most comes from the Rep wing) is over the top.
Please no comments that tells us why it is Ok to bash him i would like to know why in such an extreme semireligious fashion.
6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 JahrenSeriously whats wrong with you Guys (americans)?
Whats wrong with you People.
You have a Openly Deeply Corrupt Politics. The Media Lies to you from all sides 24/7. There are 2 wars going on for a decade now. Half your People live in poverty and every month one more % of the Population joins them.
You are the worlds Biggest Polluter. You deny Global warming or even Evolution. You just passed a law that makes even the Morning after pill Murder. You have Crazy Preachers preach hate and Violence to minorities. You have semi slavery (mexicans). Your Companies do whatever they want and if there is some law that doesnt suits them it only takes months for it to change. Your Congress is held hostage by Laughable petty rivalries while your country is on the verge of collapse
You give guns to all people in order for them to overtake the government, but any attempt to do so will land you on the electric chair (or guantanamo).
There is quite more, but well i kinda have had enough of you people. What has gotten into you in the last 20 years, why did you people decide to abandon reason, basic ethics and common sense? I mean you do know that this wont end well.
Thats not a rant, i would really love an answer on this question.
14 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 JahrenIn Theory: What if God is a Virus?
Well i am fully aware that i will get 90% trolls on this question but however its worth for the 10%
First of, i Believe in evolution, Science and God (although im not in "his Alliance").
I would love to Bounce a question of that is quite interesting to think about.
As we all know (and sometimes would love to ignore) we evolved. First there was the ??? then there where Archeae then Bacteria and then Eukaryote (we belong to the latter). Viruses are known to have existed at the VERY Dawn of life.
Some say Viruses might have come first but that's just speculation which is irrelevant to the question. Viruses do play a very vital part in our ecosystem without them life would not have been able to evolve and survive as it did. That are quite undisputed facts so far that will make the Common atheist jump up in his/her seat and say "SIR YES SIR".
There are usually 2 kinds of Viruses One is lytic (kills the cell shortly after infection) and Lysogenic ones which put their DNA into the DNA of the Host. Now the thing gets really interesting, this Lysogenic Viruses are proven to Introduce new genes that aid the survival for a given Species. This means the virus is totally happy with just sitting in the DNA all day long and let the Host reproduce (which means the viral informations also gets reproduced) in a case the host receives a SOS signal (Death imminent) the Virus then wakes up and starts producing viral Particles to escape and infect others.
In this way its known that Viruses play a Very vital part in evolution. Also The human genome project has shown that about 20% of our whole DNA is Viral DNA. Most of it is junk DNA but many are still transcribed.
What Means this?
It means that the chance of "Creation" is rather high. Since another "lifeform" made us who we are today. Also there is the possibility that life itself is possible on other planets, but without viruses they would not be able to become anything more then very simple bacterias.
So it would be absolutly appropriate to say that our God (creator) is a Virus. What u think?
PS this isnt to discriminate against religion nor is some wishy washy ID all things i said are facts and done by very reputable scientists with real degrees and Publications in Real Scientific journals.
I do realise its a textblock^^
8 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 10 JahrenTextbook Wars why the fuzz?
When you open the R&S page in YA you likely see 70% of the questions devoted to the battle of Ideologies between atheists who claim life just Popped into existence and Religious people (also some Nutters) Who claim that a Intelligent source created the first precursors of Life.
I did my Googling, reading and asking over the years and my personal opinion doesn't really matter. What does matter is the fact that no side really knows what happened. In the USA there is this huge fuzz on what to teach Children. Again we try to give ourselves Eternal life in the idea that when we pass on our knowledge to the youth that something can of us can survive.
Well there is just one thing. I am a teacher myself now for the last 5 Years and i have a personal Policy in teaching my Students only things that we KNOW.
Evolution has many many many points to it so i am not arguing against it. Still the question about the Origin of life is not answered yet. There is NO PROOF on neither side. When it comes to the origin of life our Science has NO IDEA what could have created the first cells.
The problem i guess is in our pride, what is so bad in saying "We dont know yet." Is it not better to leave the part about the Origin of life out of textbooks? Is it so hard for us to admit that we dont know something?
So my question: Is it ok to leave a blank page in the Textbook which concerns about the very origin of life? Or is it better to give information that SEEMS right but hasn't been proven.
2 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntJesus`s Resurrection:Could he might have survived the Crucifixion?
No Atheist trolls please...Thanks.
Well i was thinking...we all heard about this cases that many people where Pronounced dead when infact they just appeared dead. We all know the story but for those who dont i give a recap
Jesus had to carry his cross.
Jesus got Nailed.
Jesus got Harpooned
Jesus got thrown into a Tomb with a stone infront of it.
Jesus Came back 3 days later.
So he carried the cross right? That is quite exhausting. He might got whipped too. Means he is fullon Adrenaline. Then he got nailed, and we can safely assume that his feet where on a little bench (or he would come right down (gravity). After a day he got speared. And here is where i have to interject. If he was unconscious or even in a come (dehydration) then he could not have moved. and a stab in the belly might hurt but it surely doesn't mean instant death. The spear might even have missed some important Organs.
So his Unconscious body got thrown into a Tomb. We know from mining accidents that people can rehydrate through air too. Tombs are usually pretty wet. He could come back to his senses and screamed for help.
Then maybe some guy with a Donkey passed by and heard him screaming and he thought "DAMN he aint dead! lets get em out of there!" So the donkey pulled away the stone and Voila!
He ran back to his Buddies and (because nobody was very proficient at medicine) they all where stunned and said it was a miracle! And a person who says about himself that he is the "Son of God" He would surely have answered "Yep miracle" His later death could have been the cause of an infection from the stab.
I am not saying that there ain't no christ. I guess there was but the rumors that god Pulled him back from the dead could have been just a few lucky accidents lining up on each other. The human body is sometimes FAR stronger then we think. I have to stress again that Jesus was a quite real Person he was also a quite nice guy. I just dont belief that there was anything supernatural about his Resurrection.
21 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntHow can our Military Fight Jesus?
Since many people believe that the end of the world goes along with jesus`s return the question arises if he comes for revenge. I mean if he just comes back then there would be a time of general niceness worldpeace and all that stuff. Still the apocalypse that is prophecised goes hand in hand with the return of jesus which can only mean that he comes to destroy.
We know the following.
He cant die.
He can walk on water.
He can Heal with his hands.
He can change water to wine.
So what could he do else? And how our military can stop him if he is Hellbend on destroying all life on earth?
12 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntIs Torchwood stupid? [S01Spoiler]?
First off im a huge Sci Fi Fan. So i thought i gave torchwood a try
Well after watching now the first season (ep 12) i found that torchwood in itself is a real Stupid design.
First off They say they protect the earth against what comes. So they collect aliens and alien Equipment.
Well, they do collect it and then lock it away. Why no R&D on that stuff. They just lock it away and keep humanity even more stupid and defenseless to what comes.
The team itself. They are freaking Lunatics. The boss is a Immortal idiot who shoots first and asks questions later also he`s a dick. The new girl is a Adulterating bltch that actually serves no purpose other then being a "Anti Mary Sue" and Audience surrogate. Ianto kept a cyborg super warrior woman locked in the basement. The doc is just a @sshole white trash sucker. The only one that actually does a job seems to be Tosh.
I mean this bunch of low lifes have the responsibility to save mankind?
My Question, Is it worth watching more? Does it get better in season 2?
With better i mean that the characters stop behaving like horny animals.
2 AntwortenDramavor 1 JahrzehntHow well are American Military Installations Protected against a Tactical Nuclear Strike?
The title says it all. Does the US Military construct their installations and bases in a way that they can survive a Tactical Nuclear strike (10 - 50 Kt air-ground burst).
Are the walls and doors designed to withstand a nuclear blast?
How about shelters?
Food and water Supply?
I always wondered this, i know for a fact that it isnt very complicated nor expensive to "nuke-proof" certain facilities. 50 years of cold war and nuclear testing should have given the Architects enough Know how i guess.
And if not, why not? (please dont say that nothing can survive a Nuclear attack because thats bollocks)
6 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 JahrzehntWhat should be the Governments First responses to a zombie Outbreak?
Well we all know the question about what every individual can do in case of a Zombie outbreak and we all come quickly to the conclusion that alone we are quite doomed. So lets discuss the things that the Government/Military can do.
Of course i have an idea too. And as a long term fan of the zombie genre i guess im confident that my plan will effectively counter a zombie outbreak (or any outbreak of a Rabbis like supervirus) Zombie rules: UNDEAD, SLOW MOVING, DUMB. We are not talking about the Trixie virus from the crazies. If that happens we would be screwed anyway. so here my idea.
First: Urge everyone to stay indoors. Engage Nuclear Sirens.
Second: Quarantine the affected area. Use of Corpse dogs (Dogs specialized to sniff out dead people) should be deployed.
Third: If situation in the Contaminated area gets Out of control Deploy Chemical Weapons to stop zombies from reinforcing.
Fourth: After they are cut off from supplies APC`s and Black hawks Should move in and position snipers all over the cities roofs and highgrounds.
Fifth: Eradication of the thread. Keep 3 Quarantine rings if one fails.
Six: After most zombies are eradicated Usage of Groundburst Nuclear weapons should be used to seal the Area.
Seven: Build a Wall around the area. and keep it guarded.
Thats my Idea. I guess it will work but the impact on the civilians is quite high since everyone in a affected area is doomed to Die. So Maybe you got other ideas what could work. Write ur ideas what the GOVERNMENT should do. Not a individual a group of rednecks.
And dont forget Zombies are not real ;)
5 AntwortenMythology & Folklorevor 1 JahrzehntSeriously worring. Is this Sociopathic or something?
Well To make it short.
I always have the best intentions. I Always say and think everything i say and do is for the Benefit of others. Turned out that i am quite wrong (had an epiphany just now) i always think my way is the best. But i found that my way is MY WAY. I Unconsiouly manipulated alot of people (ALOT!) to do as i see best. I heared that this behavior is connected to sociopathic tendencies. Im in a job with alot of responsibilties over alot of People. My job i do fine, and this "skill" does help, my personal life on the other hand. Well lets say it that way. I do manipulate my family friends and partners to accept my way. Even in full knowledge its not what they want. Its not like they hate me or sth, they love me. But i guess for all the wrong reasons. And to be honest im a little scared of myself now.
So my question, is this just how people are? or is there something seriously wrong with me?
Im on the way of breaking up with my Fiance now because of this. Thats why i ask so publicly, a few million minds are better then one (maybe clouded) Mind.
3 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 JahrzehntThe Chinese Compare Obama with Chairman Mao, what u think?
well yes, i live in China Kinda hard to not hear em, they are all over the place....
15 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 JahrzehntWhy does Kraftwerk works against Ghosts?
Many people report that Kraftwerk Immediately disintegrates Ghosts. Also there have been no Ghost reports ever by german Kraftwerk Fans and Electronic Discos (and they do take alot of acid don't forget!)
So why do ghost`s Don't like Kraftwerk music
2 AntwortenMythology & Folklorevor 1 JahrzehntPope Benedict and Emperor Palpatine the same?
Well ever since Benedict became pope i wonderd that he looks very similar. NO not even similar. They look Alike!
Turn on google images and google Pope vs Emperor then you know what i mean.
I dont mean this insulting.
2 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntIs there something like accidental Cursing?
I know what you might think. That i want to curse somebody.
But actually its not so. The Point is there is a Person this Person Hurt me very very much.
And while i was heavily depressed i wished very bad things happen to this person.
The problem is, that they nearly all became real, i mean ok this person really deserves this. But still i feel not so comfortable with this.
Also if u say its coincidence yeah i thought so too, but the point is. The things that i wished for this person got real Completely in every detail. So i am afraid that some of the more Nastier things i wished for this person might become real.
So im just asking is there something like accidental/unintentional Cursing?
PS im Truly prepared to get ridiculed i know for myself how crazy my question is. But hey that's yahoo answers and we all enjoy anonymity ^_^
1 AntwortMythology & Folklorevor 1 JahrzehntIf a T-Rex would Rampage Vatican City. Would Christians belief in Evolution then?
Lets assume we would clone a FVCKING T-Rex and let it loose in Vatican City to Rampage would Christians remedy the 7 Days (Young earth theory) creation theory and belief in evolution?
28 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntInfos ueber die alt Aegyptische Religion?
Halle allerseits.
kennt jemand eine seite wo es infos über die alt Ägyptische religion gibt?
Außer wikipedia natürlich.
Hab bisher nur seiten gefunden die nur etwas von allem haben. Ich währe sehr interessiert an einer ausfeuhrlichen webseite, mit geschichten und vielen bildern Buch des tods schoefpungsgeschichte zb, Kann auch gerne in English sein. Das ist kein Problem.
5 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualitätvor 1 JahrzehntWas WW2 a Accidental War?
Newest research found out that Germany didn't want to INVADE poland
Poland where Invited!!!
There where maybe a big Misunderstanding at place. So here is what Happend
On 1. September Germany Started to send People over to Poland to Pick them up. They try to organize Busses but the guy who drove the busses to get the Poland`s was to stoned to drive. So hitler thought about sending the Military over, they had cars airplanes and so on.
But then a tragic thing happend. Poland got the Invitation card. But because a bad Polish translator poland actually thought they wanted to INVADE them. here is the Text (translated into english)
"Hey Poland its me Adolf, how about we ALL hang out on september 1? Don't worry i will send someone to Pick ya up we will Blitz krieg you. Hehe So consider yourself Invited...
Greetz Adolf420"
The translator made 2 HUGE mistakes first was he translated Invite to INVADE and Blitzkrieg into War. Blitz Krieg is just slang....It comes from the Word Blitz (for Fast) and Krieg (Means Get something ich krieg das) But krieg also means WAR in german.
So he send his military over on september 1. to Pick them up. But as soon as they crossed the Border they where FIred Upon!
Hitler say`d LOLWTF!?!
Poland responded with "Get lost Douchebag"
Then hitler got really mad......
And so ww2 started.
SO my question is Why britain and france declare war on germany then? (where they jealous they didnt got Invited?)
7 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 JahrzehntWhy are Americans so Paranoid About the Socialised Heathcare?
that's the question. I asked French British spanish Canadian`s and many more People (im german). All don't understand what`s the Fuzz about that. And why people become so totally paranoid.
Its not an insult, i honestly don't understand why people think BS like this
cant add links... China's Firewall doesn't like me today ;(
But i guess u know what i mean.
PS: Please answer just the question ok? don't turn this into a Holywar (I mean it!)
12 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 1 JahrzehntWhat was (is) The best Tank for its specific Time?
Hello there.
This question Nagged me quite a bit. I was thinking of what was (is) the Best Tank. Don't compare an old Sherman with a T90. I mean what was the Most superior tank in a specific time frame. Who had (has) the Biggest advantage over other Nation`s tank`s and did they or did they not play this advantage out?
Starts from 1930 to Today all tanks accepted as long they where build in real and not some paperdrawing.
13 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt