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  • who cannot be proud of our boys at Lansdowne Road today?

    WE lost n overtime to the best team in the world, I'm so proud of the performance the boys put n today, man of the match, all of them.

    9 AntwortenRugbyvor 7 Jahren
  • What is the difference between the Kenyan terror attack and Cameron?

    Sad as it is many lives have been lost in Kenya, but not so long ago Cameron wanted to attack Syria where there would have been the inevitable "collateral damage (murder of innocent people ). The Blair/Bush attack on Iraq cost in excess of 100k civilian lives, can someone please explain to me the difference between murdering terrorists, and murdering politicians, the only difference I can see is the politicians wear suits

    6 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 8 Jahren
  • does anyone else wonder why?

    we must all live in austerity because the country cannot afford the welfare state, or the NHS can't cope because of lack of funding , we cannot do this that or the other because there is no money, but we can always afford a war, war=money=borrowing=debt, all the human misery that is about to be unleashed in SYRIA keeps the bankers in luxury, it is not the warriors who should be held to account, but those who fund them

    1 AntwortOther - Society & Culturevor 8 Jahren
  • does anyone feel sorry for Mr Cameron and his bad back?

    After working for over 40 years of working in the construction industry I don't, feel any sorrow for him, the hardest thing he does with his back is get it off the bed in the morning, I hope he is not claiming full pay while he is not working, he should be sent to ATOS like honest decent people are. Mr Cameron live with your pain like the rest of us have to.

    2 AntwortenWrestlingvor 8 Jahren
  • anyone fancy a rebellion?

    let's get rid of the scum that has risen to the top, and replace it with cream.

    2 AntwortenComics & Animationvor 8 Jahren
  • is anyone else having trouble with the password hacker thing?

    I'm sick of having to reset my password every time I log in to my email account.

    2 AntwortenSecurityvor 8 Jahren
  • Does anyone have any opinions/views on the poor woman who felt compelled to take her own life?

    because of the so called bedroom tax?

    Less than a year ago I worked as a volunteer for a mental health charity, but thanks to camerons Big Society project funding to my organisation and many others was cut, the organisation I worked for had an advocacy service that may have helped this poor woman.

    Austerity measures may be necessary but at what cost? I would like to remind MP's that like charity, austerity begins at home, so they should repay the £3k+ they voted for themselves to attend thatchers funeral

  • what are the tories bringing in?

    it is my belief that politicians use things like the current food scare to take attention away from unpopular policies they wish to implement. Qhow do you know when a politician is lying/ A they open their mouths

    3 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 8 Jahren
  • please help (tesco & horsemeat)?

    please join with me in boycotting tesco re the horse meat found in their burgers, to me eating horse meat is like eating your pet dog

    16 AntwortenHorsesvor 8 Jahren
  • ANOTHER TORY CON (servative)?

    It's good to see that the tories are waving the VAT on the Liverpool disaster single, to help pay the legal costs of the families involved,. as an eye witness to the events of that tragic event, (I live in Sheffield and saw people dying) my heart has always been with the people of Liverpool, however I would like to remind everyone that the event took place during thatchers Police state reign, and I would also like to point out that justice is free (or am I kidding myself) and not a commodity to be traded on the stock market of human suffering, One more point, it is the law that we pay VAT where applicable, so by waving the law in the case of the impending sinle, are the tories trying to ease their concience, or is there something more sinister afoot?

    3 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 8 Jahren
  • camerons sympathy for Us shooting victims?

    Having lost a grand daughter, my heart goes out to the families, and friends of the victims, also to all the service personnel who were involved. but my grand daughter died as a result of camerons cutbacks in the NHS SO HOW DARE HE SHOW SYMPATHY WHILE HIS PARTIES AUSTERITY POLICIE S ARE COSTING LIVES, he is to my mind no better than that crazed gunman, only he kills people through politics, (which is apparently legal) I'm sorry for my rant, but I find it extremely offensive when hypocritical politicians try to make political gain from other peoples tragedy.

    9 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 8 Jahren
  • who feels like a rebbelion?

    In certain countries there is no freedom, in others there is the illusion of freedom, in GB, and the USA we suffer the illusion of freedom, but we are controlled, our governments divide us, they put us in a tiered system, and then set each tier off against the other, this is how they maintain power, but the politicians are bought and sold like the cheap commodities that they are,by the bankers, the bankers try to kid us that they are indespensible, and there is no other workable system but theirs, this is untrue, we could go back to a system of barter eg Iam a joiner, you are a butcher, I trade 1 days joinery work against so many pounds of meat, the next day Itrade 1 days joinery work against an amount of vegetables, so in reality if we have something to trade we need neither bankers nor government, who agrees

  • how long are we going to tolerate being ripped off by the banks?

    fractional banking! I put my wages into the bank on Friday, let us say £1000, The banks can then lend this amount out tenfold, so my £1000 is worth to the bank £10,000, I need a £2000 loan and the bank obliges, and charges me interest on this loan, remember I put my wages in the bank on Friday, and made the loan on Monday, my £1000 pay cheque was worth £10k to the bank, so in effect I am borrowing my own money and paying for the privilege, certain government people have called for serious reform of the banking system, I don't agree, I believe in a total rebellion against it. In reality money is only an iou, so let us go back to trading on true worth and cut the wankers out, sorry I meant bankers

    9 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 9 Jahren
  • cameron the man who steals from charities?

    with the proposed philanthropy tax, will david cameron be remembered as the man who walked into the church, and stole the collection box? (I deliberately use lower case in his name as a matter of disrespect, as if this tax becomes law, then all society will suffer at the expense of his rich cronies, who will be drinking pink gins while some poor sod is breathing their last because the charity money has been swallowed up by the rich

    13 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 9 Jahren
  • why can't we live together in peace?

    I am a white Irishman who lives in Sheffield England, the community in which I live is one of which I am proud to be a member, it is a community that is extremely diverse, and the reason I am proud of my community is that by and large, is that we all get along, and live together in harmony. The reason for this post is that I have just watched a programme on channel 4 about the Muslims and a right wing

    group in Luton, it seens to me that these two factions are hell bent on destroying eachother. This brings me to my question. If all races in my community can live together in harmony then why can't they in other areas of the country?

    6 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 9 Jahren
  • does anyone have any interestingg stories concerning the H.S.E?

    Any strange or stupid rulings from the health and safety executive

    1 AntwortMythology & Folklorevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • my meadia player wont work any suggestions?

    for the last three days I havn't been able watch U=tube or i player, any suggestions? thanks

    4 AntwortenMonitorsvor 1 Jahrzehnt