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Lv 745.937 points

old grumpy

Favorisierte Antworten20%

. None of my answers are meant to be offensive but are made in a light hearted manner.

  • Is this the price of Failure ? £679.452 ? (UK)?

    Sharon Shoesmith was fired after a damning report into the failure of Social Workers to save

    17 month old Peter Connely, who died after months of tortures.

    This huge payout to the ex Social Worker Chief is unbelievable

    She was responsible for the utter shambles in her department, to be awarded such a huge sum

    even after it has led to the torture and death of this little boy. (Baby P)

    Your observations and this matter, is much appreciated.

    5 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 7 Jahren
  • MP's should take HONESTY Lesson. Is this because they are not?

    The Committee on Standards of Public Life said that, compulsory "introduction programme" would aim to avoid future expense style scandals.

    Chairman Lord Bew said it was of particular concern that Parliament had so far resisted it.

    He said "More than ever, MP's need to be fully aware of principles that guide their behaviour".

    We are talking here, about the Law Makers, who seem to be unaware of the meaning HONESTY.

    Your thoughts please.

    3 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 7 Jahren
  • Has anyone else, having problems Posting Answers?

    Today for some reason, I have been unable to post answers, in other words when I submit one , it does not register at all. Even a TU motion takes me straight to another category and fails to register.

    I am at a complete loss. Can anyone help why this is happening.


    4 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 7 Jahren
  • Court upholds Frances ban on full-face veil or niqab, should we also ban it? (UK)?

    The European Court of Human Rights has upheld Frances ban on wearing the Muslim full-face veil or niqab.

    Its not a statement of "Fashion" but oppression surely.

    Your thoughts please

    6 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 7 Jahren
  • A Murderer on Day release skips Jail for a third time, what's going on here?

    Yes Arnold Pickering serving a life sentence for stabbing a man to death has again failed to return to his Jail after a day release and this is his THIRD occasion..What sort of system are we operating here?

    We had Skull Cracker and now this Low Life.

    Police warned the Public not to approach this man. So was he fit to be given a day Pass?

    (He has now been recaptured, thank the Lord)

    Your thoughts please.

    6 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 7 Jahren
  • What is wrong with our Criminal Justice system ?

    I am of course referring to Micheal Wheatley called the "Skull Cracker"

    This low life was given 13 life sentences back in 2002 for carrying out armed raids on loads of

    Banks and Building Societies in the South East.

    He was called Skull Cracker because of his habit during armed robberies of smashing people's heads with his pistol.

    With 13 life sentences, some one decided it might be a good idea to put him into an OPEN PRISON !

    Mind you, they did warn the public not to approach him (Thanks for that)

    Ps.I know that he is custody again, but WHY and WHO decided to let this vicious Criminal walk out?

    Your thoughts please.

    7 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 7 Jahren
  • Police Commissioners. Have they proved to be a necessary appointment? (UK)?

    Politically appointed by a turn out of less than 15% of voters.

    Are they actually fulfilling what the public were promised they would do?

    Police Commissioners have employed some extra 449 staff since taken office.

    The figures in relation to the cost of running this office are not complete, as there is no central register of the information.

    The Commissioners hold a Police Budget of some £8 bn of spending on Police in England and Wales.

    The average salaries vary between £70.000 and £100000 and several have now taken on Deputies at a cost of £65000.

    Lord Stevens (ex Met) has suggested that they have not increased public accountability of Police or proved cost effective.

    What are your opinions.? Waste of more Taxpayers money or a necessary "Quango" ?

    Many thanks.

    4 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 7 Jahren
  • A suspect Terrorist is to be freed,but he will not be named. Why ?

    This guy is one of six suspected Terrorists being freed from anti-terror measures, here in the UK.

    He is a leading figure in a group of Islamists extremists in London. MI5 reckons he was planning the sort of murderous mayhem as in Mumbai.

    It is a known fact that he was training with Jihadi loons in Syria.

    His release is due to the fact that the restrictions on these maniacs can only be for two years.

    Labour Yvette Cooper has questioned the idiocy, because it cannot do anything to make our Country safe.

    So his release will cost the Taxpayers some £20 million to keep an eye on him and the rest of the rabble.

    He has joint Nigerian and British Nationality.

    Because of the contravention of his Human Rights, he will not be named !!!

    How do you think he and the others should be dealt with ?

    Your thoughts please.

    7 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 7 Jahren
  • The moving EU Circus. Is this not the dafters idea ever ?

    Figures revealed for the first time show the shocking waste, as the European Parliament moves from HQ in Brussels to Strasbourg for FOUR days a month.. EVERY MONTH.

    The average cost in doing so is estimated to have cost over 7 years some £928 million.

    £2.5 in moving freelance interpreters

    £330.000 in providing medical back up

    £41 million in building costs, such as maintenance, heating and security.

    About 2.500 boxes transported between the two Parliaments

    £200.000 each month to charter trains between the two Cities

    £1 million dished out for food and drink in Strasbourg.

    £250.000 annual cost of 5 lorries taking documents between the two establishments.

    £41 million a year for Security of Strasbourg HQ

    Even MEP have expressed that this craziness has to stop.

    Its a symbol of waste and stupidity and is an example what is wrong with the EU.

    The objector to one Parliament in Brussels, are the French, who have a veto on the matter.

    You thoughts please.

    3 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 7 Jahren
  • Ed Balls and Clegg, are they the Political Clowns, or are they realists ?

    Its behind the scenes maneuvering before the 2017 Election ?

    Balls has done a U turn and has now praised Clegg, as a very friendly and warm person. He previously stated that he would rule out sitting in the same Cabinet as Clegg after the Lib/Dem formed the Coalition with the Tories.

    Labour and Lib Peers have now joined forces to block a Private Members Bill when it reaches the House of Lords, on an In-Out EU referendum by the end of 2017.

    Who are they kidding? Could such a "Togetherness" really work?

    It did not work in 1977.

    I would appreciate your thoughts on this matter. Many thanks.

    6 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 7 Jahren
  • Should all the Party Leaders appear on TV to debate their Policies ? (UK)?

    Personally, I think it would make good Television, to see these people all together debating the issues that concern all of us.

    Instead of throwing the usual insults at each other, as they do in the Commons, it would be interesting to see if any of them actually understand the world around them. I mean of course, here in the UK

    Just an idea. What do you think?

    9 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 7 Jahren
  • Should we not amend our Xmas Carol, to 100 Lords are leaping? (UK)?

    They never feel the pinch in the House of Lords, because our Lordships have now cost the

    Taxpayer £42 million more then three years ago.

    And guess what, since the Coalition came into power, they have actually created another 100 Cronies to be dressed in fancy outfits.

    Subsidised food and drink is costing us an estimated £60.000 per week. On top of that, just to poke their nose into the House of Fame, they collect expenses which could amount to some £115.000 a year.

    The snout in the trough has no ending.

    What are your thoughts please

    Thank you

    4 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 7 Jahren
  • When is a CUT, not a CUT ? UK please?

    The Big six Energy Companies will knock off £50 of a planned increase, after the so called "deal" with the Government. However we still have to pay the difference of £70.

    And who will pay for this "generous" handout ? Yes you have guessed and me, the Taxpayers.

    What do you think should have been done under the circumstances ? Why not take away the VAT from our Energy Bills ?

    4 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 7 Jahren
  • confused with new lay-out on Q/A,can you help, please?

    How do you look for questions in POLITICS and GOVERNMENT. Any help much appreciated.

    5 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 7 Jahren
  • Are we unpatriotic, because we want to leave the EU ?

    According to Nick Clegg and Danny Alexander, we are.

    Being patriotic means, we know what is best for our Country, even if these two muppets do not.

    You thoughts please.

    9 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 7 Jahren
  • To raise a £1000 for Charity,they had to pay her £5000. Is that called Charity?

    Diane Abbotts appeared on a TV Program to win and raise money for the "Sickle Cell Society", but she pocketed £5000 to take part. Not the first time she has demanded sums of money even when she appeared as a speaker at the Nigerian National Institute at a woman's day.

    What a two faced individual and all in the name of Charity.

    Your thoughts please.

    7 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 8 Jahren
  • Is EU Bureaucracy restricting the freedom of British Business?

    In 3 years since Cameron came into power as our Prime Minister, we have had 3.580 business related regulations and directives totalling 13 million words from the pointless EU Bureaucrat's.

    Basically they are trying to strangle us with Red Tape.

    Here are some examples:

    "Hedge Tax" will require gardeners to pay to get rid of hedge trimmings by registering as "Waste Carriers"

    Rules on labelling of Spirits and use of rosemary extracts in certain low-fats and fish products.

    Directives forcing TV Manufacturers to change their "

    " requirements for stand by buttons.

    Rules forcing the makers of water heaters to change the way energy consumption is labelled.

    Other regulations cover feed additives for cattle, cats and dogs etc.

    A Business Chief described the EU as having an addiction to Red Tape which desperately needs to be tackled.

    As and when Cameron gets off his, whatever,he should at least make it clear, that its getting worse and do something about it.

    Your thoughts and opinions please.

    6 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 8 Jahren
  • Should we allow our Politicians to control the "Freedom of our Press" ?

    Our Politicians want to keep our Press in "check" not by the Laws of the Land, but by them.

    This from a crowd, who formed their own "Rules" to rip-off the Taxpayers with their Expense Claims.

    Something they so badly wanted to hide from us at all cost.

    Who embarrassed them ? The very people they want to control.

    What are your views, your opinions on the "Freedom of the Press"?

    Is this also our freedom we might be talking about here ?

    12 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 8 Jahren
  • Is our Benefit system, rewarding idleness ? (UK)?

    I am referring to a Jobless couple with 12 children and expecting another, who had their Tax funded Home doubled in size, after the Council agreed to knock through into a house next door, which was empty.

    Tim Fisk the father and his partner, currently y receive £52.500 a year. The children range between 2 and 21 years of age.

    Despite not working they have loaded their house with luxuries, such as

    42in Plasma TV

    2 Xbox es

    2 computers

    Sound system

    Designer clothes and several tablet computers and smart phones.

    Tim Fisk, when questioned on this situation replied: If I want to have fifty kids, that's my decision.

    Now don't get me wrong here, but I am curious to know what the general feeling is.

    Do they deserve the support in benefits or is this an example of idleness and lack of responsibility.?

    11 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 8 Jahren