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Lv 31.026 points


Favorisierte Antworten11%
  • Will my PC's UK power supply work in the US?

    My husband is going to the US on weds, he said he's taking his pc with him. I know you can get diffirent pc cables. But I'm sure someone told me the powersupplies inside the pc don't work in deffirent electrical currents. Am I wrong? I know the ps3 will work abroad but I've never heard of the pc working in another country. It's a desk top. If worst comes to worst I can get him a keyboard for the ps3..

    3 AntwortenOther - Hardwarevor 9 Jahren
  • AKC DNA number and finding heath tests?

    Ok sorry for what may seem like a simple question. But I'm in the UK, I've managed to get hold of some of the dogs on my pedigree's AKC numbers and AKC DNA numbers. I'm after health tests for these dogs but short of trying to track down the owners (I have found one of the kennels but not the other) I'm not sure how I'd go about getting their heath tests? They are not on the breed club website that I can see.

    5 AntwortenDogsvor 10 Jahren
  • Does the AKC have a health test register?

    I'm trying to find out if the AKC have a health test register like the UK KC do, because I have some imports on my dog's pedigree and I am trying to find out health tests for her lines.

    4 AntwortenDogsvor 10 Jahren
  • If someone passes away is it ok to withdraw money to pay for their expenses (USA)?

    My father in law is from America and he used to have me pull his money out for bills etc. But he passed away and he is due to get paid. He gets VA and a small amount of SS (but that will get taken by his payday advance that he took out last month). Is it ok for us to pull out his money to help pay toward expenses like getting his ashes back to the US and outstanding bills he owes? I don't want to get in trouble and break the law but we arn't sure on the law in regards to that. Oh and he's from CA.

    4 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 10 Jahren
  • Can you pay a funearal of in installment after it's happened?

    I'm sorry for such a sad question. But my father in law passed away yesterday and we are concerned about paying for the funeral as we're responible for it. I live in the UK. I am not entitled to any benifits as far as I am aware because he's American. What do I do about paying the funeral, will they let me pay a payment plan?

    6 AntwortenFamilyvor 10 Jahren
  • Why is my little pony friendship is magic so hard to get in England?

    I really wanted to get my daughter some sets from the canterlot series but the only one that seems to be out here is the canterlot ball one and it's out of stock on tesco!? Is there future plans to release more stuff here or has it not done as well as they thought? I've also noticed there are no dvd's out yet are there any plans to release a PAL dvd set?

    1 AntwortToysvor 10 Jahren
  • How can I fill the gap in the fence?

    There is a gap of about 30 cms or 15 inches aprox between the brick wall and the concrete post in my new back garden. The ground is concrete so I can not fit anything into the ground. I have a siberian husky and a border collie who are escape artists. Next door have a twig like trelice blocking the gap. Can we say puppy lunch? I really need an idea of a secure way to fill the gap up?

    Please use laymens terms as I am not a DIY expert..

    Thanks :)

    3 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 10 Jahren
  • How would I fit a piece of fence betweeen concrete and brick gap?

    A property I am hoping to move into has almost perfect fences but there is about a 10 inch gap at the end of the fence. There is a concreate post next to the brick wall. I have 2 dogs so I'm wondering how I could put a bit of fencing to secure it off. I was thinking of using welded mesh.

    2 AntwortenDo It Yourself (DIY)vor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What costs are involved with buying a house (US)?

    For example if I brought a property outright what closing ending cost would be involved?

    What if I got a place with a morage? Closing costs obviously but what else is involved in the process?

    2 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can you do self testing for pet allergies?

    For example taking some fur and taping it to your skin and checking for a reaction or something to this effect? My doctor won't do any allergy tests (nhs) because there is a 2 year waiting list and they won't do it unless you have a severe or full body reaction.

    2 AntwortenAllergiesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • A pet question to landlords!?

    If I aproached you and offered an extra £100 on the deposit and an increase of £10 on rent as well as taking out an insurance policy that covers up to £750 per pet (for damage) would you be willing to allow me to have 2 netered/spayed cats and 1 dog (will be 1 at that time and will be looking to get him nuetered) in your rented house?

    I am a responsible pet owner but have a daughter also and am wondering what my chances are of finding a new place that will accept me with pets when I go to do my university degree next year.

    6 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What do you need to become a vet (in the US)?

    I've read lots of diffirent things. I was considering a degree in Biology, would this be able to lead me onto a masters in animal sciences in the US? My husband is American and we are planning on moving when I finish my degree.

    2 AntwortenHigher Education (University +)vor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Whats high school like in the US?

    Most descriptive will get extra points. I'm writing a novel based around teenagers and I'd love some firsthand information on what high school is like in the US. I'm particularly interested in smaller high schools as well as larger ones.

    What pressures do you have?

    What is the work like?

    How often do you get homework?

    What subjects do you take?

    What electives do you have?


    3 AntwortenPrimary & Secondary Educationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What size aquarium for guppy fry?

    I had 2 guppy fry in a fry box for 1 month now. But I found another 7 and the box isn't going to be surfactant for them. Keeping into consideration that this is a temporary aquarium for them until they get big enough to go back into my community tank, would a 17ltr be surfactant or should I be looking at something in the 20's?

    2 AntwortenFishvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does anyone now what a long term impact wound is called and what they would do?

    In december last year I fell onto the bedside table and developed an impact wound. The lump is still there so I am planning on going to the doctors. Sometimes it bruises sometimes it doesn't but it is constantly there. Of course the cut healed up a long time ago.

    Has anyone had something like this? Do you know how it would be treated? I don't really like going to the doctors very much so I would like to know a bit more before I go. It doesn't hurt anymore unless I go to the gym... hence why I am going because I have put on weight since I haven't been able to go to the gym with out pain in my leg. Ocationally I can feel it pulsing.

    I know I should be going to the doctors and not asking on here, which I will do. But any experiances with this type of injury would be apreciated.

    1 AntwortInjuriesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • My fish has a hole bellow it's mouth what is this?

    Harlequin rasbora:


    ph: 7.5

    ammonia: 0

    nitrite: 0

    nitrate: 5

    water is hard.

    168ltr tank (39 US gallons) ehiem 300 ecco pro external filter (79 US gall turn over).

    Heavely planted tank with rocks and shells. Tank inhabitance: 6 harlequin rasbora, 6 glowlight tetra, 2 corydoras habrosus (I am hoping to get another 4 if this isn't contagious).

    One of my harlequins has a small hole bellow it's mouth that goes back to it's jaw. It seems to be swimming ok. It goes all the way though to the other side and you can only see it when she breaths. I'm just wondering if anyone knows if this might be hole in head as I thought that was higher up. I'm not sure if I should treat the tank with melafix and primafix. The tank has been set up since the begging of april and I haven't had any problems with the cycle and the filter has been running just fine. I was planning on adding to my cory shoal and am concerned that this might be an outbreak.

    1 AntwortFishvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • can you fix knitting thats been run on a hot cycle?

    My daughter switched the dial while I was cooking dinner and two of her best hand made cardigans that my grandmother made her and the first one I ever made too (took me 10 days) have been stretched out. They are still the right size but you can see though the knitting. Is there anyway of making it look wearable again? I've soaked them in cold water and run them on a cold cycle and I'm hoping this will help. Has anyone got any ideas?

    2 AntwortenHobbies & Craftsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can I end my tenancy on these grounds?

    My tenancy is a fixed tenancy so if I end it I must pay the balance of rent until the end of the term. However when someone came to check our boiler in Febuary (1 month after the tenancy started) he said that a valve needed replacing on the boiler even though the gas man had done a boiler check and my landlord had a certificate. The man that came over said that if the valve was not replaced the radiator water could go into the tap water (radiator water has chemicals in it).

    I have been drinking bottled water and giving bottled water to my pets and my daughter for 5 months now incase it's contaminated. But my landlord after being told this infomation has made no attempt to change the valve. Where do I stand with this? Can I end the tenancy and not pay him rent on grounds that he neglected his duties as a landlord?

    The landlord is fixing a hole in the bathroom floor in may and the front door needs replacing because it lets lots of cold air in but he hasn't done anything about it. The insulation in the place is aweful and my bills were aweful this month. I really don't want to live here anymore and I found a place that will open up in may. Any advice would be apeciated.

    5 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can I end my tenancy on these grounds?

    My tenancy is a fixed tenancy so if I end it I must pay the balance of rent until the end of the term. However when someone came to check our boiler in Febuary (1 month after the tenancy started) he said that a valve needed replacing on the boiler even though the gas man had done a boiler check and my landlord had a certificate. The man that came over said that if the valve was not replaced the radiator water could go into the tap water (radiator water has chemicals in it).

    I have been drinking bottled water and giving bottled water to my pets and my daughter for 5 months now incase it's contaminated. But my landlord after being told this infomation has made no attempt to change the valve. Where do I stand with this? Can I end the tenancy and not pay him rent on grounds that he neglected his duties as a landlord?

    The landlord is fixing a hole in the bathroom floor in may and the front door needs replacing because it lets lots of cold air in but he hasn't done anything about it. The insulation in the place is aweful and my bills were aweful this month. I really don't want to live here anymore and I found a place that will open up in may. Any advice would be apeciated.

    1 AntwortRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can someone tell me about tenancy agreements in the UK?

    If I move out of a property 2 months before my contract is up and give my 2 months notice and pay 2 months rent at the property, can the landlord keep my deposit? I have had a change of family circumstances and am willing to pay the 2 months left on my tenancy but I have to move to be closer to my grandfather as he is ill and my grandmother just passed away. I was planning on moving anyway (when my tenancy was up) because where I want to move is a better school district and the schools around here don't have very good reveiws. But the house that I might be moving into is being let in may and they won't wait. It's really hard to find properties that accept pets and a cattery is expensive for 2 months (landlord wants my cat gone 2 months before tenancy ends).

    4 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehnt