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Lost in time
Nothing about me to tell
Mac computers are getting attacked for the first time?
Yelp it has happen here read the story
The only thing that apple says to install to stop it is ClamXav located in the apple app store
It is a free be and takes a little time to update its self
6 AntwortenDesktopsvor 9 JahrenWho uses Firefox and forgot to check?
The Add-ons Manager on the top left of the plugins page -- in "real little" -- words is
Check to see if your plugs ins are up to date
If not you better be doing it a lot of updates have been added
1 AntwortReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 JahrenWho uses Firefox and forgot to check?
The Add-ons Manager on the top left of the plugins page -- in "real little" -- words is
Check to see if your plugs ins are up to date
If not you better be doing it a lot of updates have been added
2 AntwortenOther - Internetvor 9 JahrenHoe long will the Laptop last with the new?
iPad 3 on the door being released
I read in this months Macworld March 2012 Front page story
Is the iPad Ready to Replace the Laptop
I read the article and it don't look good for the Laptop
What do your think
2 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 9 JahrenI have androphobia for years and have never told anyone?
That is a fear of men for the ones who don't know what it is
I am 64 and it is getting worse I am starting to say things with out thinking and it is hurting some people that don't know I have a problem
I am a 100% disabled vet and am wanting to know what they will do
I know of hypnotizing
What else can they do
2 AntwortenMental Healthvor 9 JahrenDoes DNA have all the source of our?
Dreams only 1% of DNA is used to create a body
If a module of DNA can make an eye another module a heart and all the other parts of the body
DNA also has all the memory of who our ancestors were and what they did
That is how Moses was able to have a dream of creation that no one question
Yes we could all each one of us have a module of DNA memory what Adam and Eve did
And a little of us goes on to our children in dreams they can have
3 AntwortenBiologyvor 9 JahrenHey what going to happen to Netfix?
Read their stocks fell threw the floor from $400.00 a share to $100.00 a share in one day
When they lost 2.2 million to 3 million subscriptions
When they split the DVD and the Instant watch parts of Netflix
And charge more for doing so something like from $9.00 a month to $15.00 a month for both
And the soon use to be CEO is packing bags after being given his walking papers
5 AntwortenOther - News & Eventsvor 10 JahrenIs Wall street collapsing 10,000 lost?
Potential jobs lost in 2012
Is Wall Street not just America is living on borrowed time not just money
What are your thoughts
3 AntwortenGovernmentvor 10 JahrenWill America collapse when they?
To keep it easy in the numbers to follow
When the budget is cut by
$1,400,000,000,000 in bank loans aid
They will have to cut 14 million $100,000 a year jobs
There is no way that the unemployment can take another 14 million out of work
4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 JahrenSince Warren Buffet wants higher taxes for the rich?
Do you think Congress will listen to him
He Buffet paid $3,932,000 in taxes and made 6 billion
6 AntwortenGovernmentvor 10 Jahren