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  • study in Germany, can she get a job when she get back to canada?

    my daughter want to study Ba in Electrical engineer in Germany. we are living in Canada. can she get a job after finish study over there?

    2 AntwortenStudying Abroadvor 9 Jahren
  • Please tell me your point of view, when a relationship end and Ex still keep ..?

    Hi, I am living together with this man. He and his Ex was on and off for over 10 years and was friend for two years ago. Now they had no contact because of me. I didn't do anything. She got jerlous because he spend more times with me than her. She told him, that she didn't want any more friendship with him, since he had no times for her. and that is 2 years ago.

    My trouble is, that he still keep all her picture, of his relationship with her, not only that, his car licence plate with their name on it, well there are more. Do you think, that he is still in love with her? I feel very depress about it. Every where I look, I see their past. I have no idea what to do. I am not sure if I want a future like this. Before I make any decision, please tell me your side of view. Do you think I am over reacted? I have asked him about it. He said that is his memories and I have no right or no reason to get jerlous of it. Do you think I am over react?

    6 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 10 Jahren
  • Do you think I should continue to stay or just go home?

    I know this men for about two years now and moving in for one year. I move thousand miles from home. We hardly fight with each other if I just do what he want me too. There were days when I am not feeling well and asked for a little help, he seem not to happy about it and he make me feeling guilty for not granted his wishes. Yesterday was his sister B day, I was tired and it was raining outside, I was asking if we could drive instead of walking, because I don´t want to get wet due I don´t have a close shoe. The distance for walking is not that far, but I did´t want to walk. I didn´t want to use the car and I told him that I will stay home than and he can goes by himself. He than threaten me if I am not going, I will see the consequent in the future. I was upset and we haven´t talk to each other since. I don´t know what to do, I just want to move back home, because I feel so low for he doesn´t care about how I feel. Please tell me what I should do?

    4 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 10 Jahren
  • relationship end and don't know what to do?

    my boy friend and I we just broke up today. I have moved thousand miles from home to live with him. I just open a business of my self and got into a 5 years lease. Now the relationship end and I have no one here and no place to stay. I am so broken heart and can't talk to any one, I don't know what to do. I am so scare.

    5 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • do you think this is normal for a relationship?

    Hi, my bf and I , we have been more than a year together. I gave up everything and move in with him for about a month now. Lately I feel very hurt and sad about his behavour. He keep all of his ex picture, in his cell, living room. Every where I look around, his ex is there... it really make me sick in my stumach. Not only this, is the past he find every thing to keep the friendship with his ex. It was me that they break up the friendship. His Ex break it up , because she felt that he didn´t give her enough attention. I have no idea what kind of relationship that is. They were living together on and off for the last 7 years. She broke off with him 3x, in the mean times she date again. But still want my bf. He ran after her when ever she called. The worst things is, I moving in with him. In his home, I can´t change anything. Everything in his house are his memories and he doesn´t want to change. He listen to my idea, but not do anything about it, if I get upset than he would cry. like his ex picture... I really don´t know what to do. Tell me it is normal? do you think, he is still in love with her? if this keep continue, I just want to walk out. He think I am over jerlous. do you think I am over reacting? I am a very independent women, I have everything of my own. Living with him, I feel like living in a prison. I have nothing of my own, I feel like sharing a house with his ex. Please help me.

    13 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • don't know what to do, need your advise please?

    my bf and I are together for a year now. He does everything for me, but he never say he love me. He and his ex is still close together, they are best friend. About 5 months ago she broke up with him as friendship. The reason he did´t give her enough time any more. the thing is ,he is still hopping that she will change her mind and get back together as a friendship. In my heart I believe my bf is still in love with his ex and it really hurt me. I don´t know what to do,should I walk out of this relationship? I just feel like a second best. I have talk with him about it , he keep denied it, but I see tears in his eyes, when I mention about it. Tell me your opion, if I am over reacting or not?

    3 AntwortenOther - Family & Relationshipsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what do you think , I shoud do, walk out or am I over react ?

    my bf and I are together for a year now. He does everything for me, but he never say he love me. He and his ex is still close together, they are bestfriend. About 5 months ago she broke up with him as friendship. The reason he didn´t give her enough time any more. the thing is ,he is still hopping that she will change her mind and get back together as a friendship. In my heart I believe my bf is still in love with his ex and it really hurt me. I don´t know what to do,should I walk out of this relationship? I just feel like a second best. I have talk with him about it , he keep denied it, but I see tears in his eyes, when I mention about it. Tell me your opion, if I am over reacting or not?

    1 AntwortEhe & Scheidungvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I am so confuse with love?

    my bf and I are together for a year now. He does everything for me, but he never say he love me. He and his ex is still close together, they are bestfriend. About 5 months ago she broke up with him as friendship. The reason he didn´t give her enough time any more. the thing is ,he is still hopping that she will change her mind and get back together as a friendship. In my heart I believe my bf is still in love with his ex and it really hurt me. I don´t know what to do,should I walk out of this relationship? I just feel like a second best. I have talk with him about it , he keep denied it, but I see tears in his eyes, when I mention about it. Tell me your opion, if I am over reacting or not?

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • buying a property from a sister?

    last year I bought a house from my sister. she got divorce and the judge granted her the house. I bought it, now her ex want to re open and he got the judgement to re start over the trail. Now he put a lean on my house, saying that I didn't buy it from my sister. Any way what can I do now? I bought this, can he reposes my house? and who is responsible for it? my sister did sell the house legally. I need advise what to do.

    7 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • divorce over turn, now he want my house back.?

    Last year, my sister got awarded the house for her divorce. I bought that house from her. Her ex had wait for almost a year to reopen the case, now the judge granted him the decision the re trail the case. My trouble is,the judge granted him to put the lean over the house. but this is my house, I bought it from his wife. what do you think I should do. yes I am her sister, but I bought it. do you think he can take my house back, and who is responsible for it? My sister didn't do anything wrong, it was legal for her at that times to sell the house, the judge was rule over her favor. please give me advise

    3 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • was ist der Unterschied......?

    Hi, Ich habe gerade diese Frage gelesen, und ich selbe versteht nicht. My Freund sagt es zur mir immer dass er mich ganz schwer liebt. Was ist der Unterschied , ich liebe dich und diese? Ich habe gedacht dass bedeutet das gleiche. order nicht? Ich bin selbst kein Deutsche, und ich wohne nicht in Deutschland, deshalb manche sachen verstehe ich nicht so gut. Es tut mir leid fuer meine Fehler. Danke viel mal

    5 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • divorce case, please help me I am in so much trouble?

    it was more than a year now, I have won my divorce case. I was granted very thing, that I can paid the debt. Now he came back and want to reopen the case. I was in court today and I have the feeling, the Judge will let him to do so. My trouble is, I have nothing now. if he win the case, how am I gonna have the money to pay him, when I myself have nothing right now. I have sold the house to my sister last year. please give me advise, how am I gonna pay him back when I myself still own a lot of debt and creditor are after me every day. I live so in fears.. please give me some advise please. thank you

    2 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Wie teil euch das Haushalt Rechnung?

    HI, Ich moechte wissen wie man in der Beziehung mit den Financial sache tun? Tut euch alles zusammen, order teil euch 50/50 auf und behalten den restlich fur sich selbst? Funtioniert so was? Ich habe keine Ahnung wie man dass macht. Meine Glaube, dass wenn man zusammen in eine Beziehung hinein gehen, Mann solstet alles zusammen in einen Top. Bitte verzeihen sie mir dass ich meine Deutsch Sprach so vielle Fehler mach. Ich wohne nicht in Deutschland . Danke

    12 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what doyou think? does he love me or not?

    Hi, I have meet this man in Internet for about 4 months now. We live thousand miles from each other. He came to see me about a month ago for one week, now we talked to each other for about 3 -7 hours each day. He will come to visit me again soon. We never say anything to each other about love. Do you think, what he did is love? He is a very shy person.

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do you think that he love me at all?

    I have meet this man just for about 4 months now, and he has come to visite me. We live thousand miles away from each other. We write to each other alot. Since his return, we speak with each other 3-6 hours each day plus email and SMS. Because we live 6 hours times different, he has only a few hours of sleep each night. He would tell me anything, if I have any question about it. I have never meet anyone like this before. He never speak about any thing to each other than friend. I don't really know what I call this, GF or just friend? He told me, that he never spend so much times with anyone. He did this just for me. Do you think, from this action, does that mean he has some feeling for me? I really don't know what I should think about this. thank you

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do you think , this is love? does he love me at all?

    I have meet this man just for about 4 months now, and he has come to visite me. We live thousand miles away from each other. We write to each other alot. Since his return, we speak with each other 3-6 hours each day plus email and SMS. Because we live 6 hours times different, he has only a few hours of sleep each night. He would tell me anything, if I have any question about it. I have never meet anyone like this before. He never speak about any thing to each other than friend. I don't really know what I call this, GF or just friend? He told me, that he never spend so much times with anyone. He did this just for me. Do you think, from this action, does that mean he has some feeling for me? I really don't know what I should think about this. thank you

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • schmetterling im bauch?

    Ich will nur wissen, wie fuhlt man Schmetterling im Bauch. Wie erkennen ich mit diese gefuhlt?

    4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Ich habe noch nie im meine Leben Freunde gehabt.?

    Ich kenne ein Mann, er is aus Deutschland and wir sind im Freundschaft. Was sollt ich verhalten? Sollte ich jeden tag an ihn schreiben? order nur ab und zu an ihm schreiben? Wie verhalten Mann mit Freunde? Ich weisse nicht, wie ich verhalten sollt. Danke

    5 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What it is mean, when a man say to a women....?

    What it is mean, when a man say to a women that he love her and always will and don't want to lose her.?

    but never have times for her?

    Thank you for your advise. Actually we are not dating each other at all. We are just friend. I found it is funny when he prounce the LOVE, but his action is not there. I didn't say anything to him, because we are thousand miles away from each other. And of course what you wrote is very correct. that is what I feel also. Thank you

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt