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Lois L
When are we going to get better questions from men so that women are not always on the defensive?
I have been on gender studies for one year. I hate ansswering mean to some men but so many of them are asking awfully sexist questions about women. I can't believe the lack of respect and the contempt for women on gender issues. I know I am no better as I lash back those men If women asked such awful questions about men, I would defend men. However, it is always men who show a total lack of respect. Not all men; just the annoying same ones (whom I will not name here)..
5 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 9 JahrenShould I permit my infant son to be circumcised?
My husband wants it done. However, I worry about the psychological trauma and the inpact on so much pain on an infant. Please help me come to terms with this procedure. I think it is barbaric but I need more feedback.
6 AntwortenNewborn & Babyvor 9 JahrenWhy does society accept that men have many sexual partners but yet brand women as loose if they do?
I prefer not saying all the awful names that men and even women brand females with more than one sexual partmers in their lifetime. You all know the names. We hear them at schools, at outings, at bars, etc. And HOW DO WE CHANGE THIS UNFAIR SYSTEM OF VALUES so that men too are branded sluts or other awaful names.
6 AntwortenGender Studiesvor 9 JahrenI cannot open any .pps files with Adobe Reader. What can I do?
It says the pps file is either corrupted or unavailable. I tried to open it with another program as I had reinstalled Adobe Reader. Nothing works. What can I do as a next option?
2 AntwortenSoftwarevor 9 JahrenCan someone control my writing with my computer mouse?
Awhile ago, my mouse was moving the arrow by itself. I thought it was just coincidence, but it did again. Is it possible someone has taken over my computer and if so, what do I do to protect myself from this invade?
3 AntwortenAdd-onsvor 9 JahrenMy eyes are itchy and red. I rub them a lot and I know it is NOT pink eye. What could be causing this?
I have had this problem for 6 whole days. I cannot wear my contact lenses because of it. Should I see an optometrist?
2 AntwortenOpticalvor 9 JahrenI got my eyelashes dyed professionally. I now have red painful, itchy eyes. Has anyone else gotten this done?
I just can\t believe I paid money to get my eyelashes dyed for the first time and last time. Do not get it done. The Professional washed it off a lot but the damage is that I need now to have a doctor help me out with this irritation. Tears keep coming out of my left eye especially. I thought an eyelash extension was with artifcial eyelashes, not DYE!
2 AntwortenSkin Conditionsvor 10 JahrenHow do I get an old friend to want our friendship again?
This old friend broke up his marriage 10 years ago and it broke our friendship because he had cheated on his wife and we supported her instead cause she was the one most in pain. Since she remarried, she does not need our support anymore and we want to rekindle this friendship. I found him on facebook and wrote to him several times but he seems to be giving me some lame excuse that he may call us but does not. Can you give me some tips on how to convince him we miss his friendship and would welcome his girlfriend?
6 AntwortenFriendsvor 1 JahrzehntAre you for polygamy?
Polygamy is in the Canadian courts because older men want to have a means of getting into the pants of way younger teenage women? I am so much against that? It will infringe on the rights of women again. If this passes as legal, you better prepare of the notion that one woman can have more than one man in her home too!
18 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntIf my friend breaks up with a guy, do she need to give him back his past gifts?
Actually, one of his gift was a car that she did not want to accept but he insisted. Two years later, must she give him back the car he bought? She is so used to it but he wants it back even though he admits he bought it specifically for her as a gift for their relationship when they celebrated one year together.
15 AntwortenSafetyvor 1 JahrzehntDo you call 911 when you drive and some maniac driver zigzags between every car in sight?
We need to do something about crazy drivers. They are injuring and killing thousands of innocent people each year. Can someone come up with a game plan here; even if it is just to save one innocent life? I want some ideas so that I can initiate this plan somehow through my brother who is in law enforcement.
12 AntwortenSafetyvor 1 JahrzehntWhat are the years associated with the Chineese year of the pig beginning in 1950?
4 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 1 JahrzehntI am about to break up my engagement. Do I have to return the $6,000 ring?
Please consider that I am not going after anything even though we lived in his house for 2 and a half year and that I worked full time while he has a better income then me. I am also ending it because he has been unfaithful to me.
37 AntwortenEtiquettevor 1 JahrzehntWhat is only one thing you do to help our troubled environment?
I have cut buying take-out coffees. I bring a thermos.
6 AntwortenEnvironmentvor 1 JahrzehntShould I tell my best friend that her husband admitted confidentially to me that he has been unfaithful?
I wish he had not let me know. Now I feel that I am in a no-win situation. If I tell on him, I lose him as a friend. If I don't tell my girlfriend ( I was her maid of honour ), I feel like I have betrayed her and can no longer look at her in the eye. The good news is that he says it s over with the other woman.
23 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 JahrzehntWhy is girls' hockey the biggest growing sport in the world, yet they have no audience in our arenas?
College hockey for boys and men are usually sold out. I know you cannot compare apples and oranges. However, the sport of tennis for men and women attracts a lot of spectators and support.Each group is just as popular and attracts the same number of audience to watch them in and women! Why not hockey...some of these girls and women are phenomenal!
11 AntwortenHockeyvor 1 Jahrzehnt