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well i am 19 i love horse riding and dance! i like to act and have been in loads of shows!!!
period problems?
1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 2 JahrenVets: where do I make an official complaint?
This may be a long one but I am so disgusted at the service my neighbour and I received during a recent visit to our vets in the uk that I feel I must make an official complaint.
The other day my next doors neighbour knocked on my door and asked if I could drive her to the local vets as her 1 year old cat was not well.
We arrived at the vets, an independent vets under the name of happy vets. This vet has 2 practises.
Our appointment was at 10:30.
We finally got seen at 11:45, we had been kept waiting 1 hour and 15 minutes. We had asked a couple of times if things were ok , if we had been forgotten about etc and just got told that we would be seen soon.
Well we went in and the reason why we were there in the first place was because the cat was having difficulty swallowing.
The vet said he would need to do an endoscopy ( the procedure where they put a device down the cats throat to see what was going on) this would need to be done under anaesthetic and he sent us away and said he would call us in a couple of hours.
It got to 6pm and we had heard nothing, fearing something had happened, we went back to the vets. After banging on the door for 10 minutes and finally being let in and waiting a further 30 mins, my neighbour asked if everything was ok, we were getting frustrated as we had heard nothing and we had feared the worst.
Finally at 6:45 the vet called us in and we were greeted by the vet and the 2 receptionists.
The vet then said to my neighbour and I quote 'your behaviour in this practice is totally unacceptable. My receptionists have been reduced to tears at the way you spoke to them'
We weren't offensive at all! We were nearly asking why we were being kept waiting and we had heard nothing regarding the welfare of the cat, perfectly normal questions.
M neighbour, in tears herself at this point was telling the vet she was very unhappy at first impressions and just wanted to know about the cat. The vet then told her he had done £400 worth of work but was only going to charge £189 as long as she didnt bring the cat back.
We were treated appallingly , we were left waiting 8 or so hours with no word, fearing the worst then get spoken down to by the vet
We want to make some sort of official complaint as this really isn't acceptable but not reAlly sure of where to go
Any suggestions?
Sorry it's so long but it really was quite upsetting
2 AntwortenOther - Local Businessesvor 8 JahrenVagina issues woman only?
Hi all,
Sorry for going into a graphic details on this one!
So 3 weeks ago I thought I got thrush
My vagina was very itchy and a little red but I had no discharge
For the first 2 weeks I used the canesten cream with no effect
I then went to the doctor who confirmed thrush and advised me to use the canesten tablet
I took this last Monday and the symptoms seemed to die down although not go completely
Well today I woke up and my vagina was an angry red colour and itched like mad. My vagina also hurts when I pee
It's not on my vagina but more around and in the entrance
I am off to the doctors on Wednesday but was wondering if anyone else had experienced this and what it turned out to be? Is driving me mad! I still have no discharge
It's defiantly not an sti as I have never had unprotected sex
2 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 8 Jahren2 part time jobs. tax question?
I have been in job 1 for nearly 6 years, 2 years full time.
I have just been offered job 2.
I will be working a combined total of 35 hours a week, 19 in job 1 at £6.81 per hour and 17 in job at £6.53 per hour.
my question is, how will the tax be worked out? I have heard that I will be crippled on tax and now I'm confused!
3 AntwortenUnited Kingdomvor 8 JahrenSpray tanning hints and tips?
hi all, I'm being treated to a spray tan for my birthday in a few days.
I've never had one before so not sure how to prepare for it and aftercare.
do I shower before or after ? how long before /after
how should I exfoliate?
I am a fitness instructor so slightly worried about me sweating in the few days after...
any tips or hints will be most grateful!
2 AntwortenOther - Skin & Bodyvor 8 JahrenTooth extraction problems again!?
Hi guys me again!
So I had my large tooth, second from the back. On the bottom left hand side removed on Tuesday afternoon.
It's now Friday evening and I'm still in agony.
I went to the dentist on Thursday afternoon for him to take a look and he said it looked good, looked like it was healing over nicely and dry socket and infection were not present. I've got no swelling or bleeding and to look at, it doesn't look nasty it looks ok but it's so painful still.
I'm living off ibroprofen and paracetamol at the moment which I'm hating-I never take tablets not even for a headache or anything. But these are not particularly helping. I mean it takes the edge off for a couple hours but nothing more.
I'm ready to chop my head off! I'm missing work which is frustrating. Any tips guys??
2 AntwortenDentalvor 9 JahrenPossible dry socket? Opinions?
Hi all.
I had my lower large tooth second from the back at the bottom removed on Tuesday afternoon.
Of course I was in a bit of discomfort especially as it was a bit of a bugger to get out.
The clot that formed in its place disappeared 24 hours later.
It's now early hours of Friday morning and I am in so much pain still. I'm living off painkillers both paracetamol and ibroprofen. Normally this does the trick but on this occasion it's still throbbing.
Should I get it checked out as it will be the weekend and I don't think I could handle the pain for that long! Especially as I have work.
I haven't been rinsing with salt water as it makes me physically sick but I've been rinsing with clean plain water. I had been drinking through a straw ( didn't realise you were not supposed to) I don't smoke. This is my first extraction. Should I be going to work?!
2 AntwortenDentalvor 9 JahrenSound system/speaker advice?
Hi all.
I am currently training to be a dance cardio fitness instructor and am hoping to go freelance in the new year.
I need one of those portable speakers that u can plug your iPod into and it plays out the music. They can get pretty loud.
Most instructors just have the one speaker and that does the job.
Any ideas what these are called and where I can find one? I am in the uk.
Sorry for sounding like such a novice but I new to all this!
4 AntwortenHome Theatrevor 9 JahrenNasty taste in my mouth?
Hi all.
For the past 3 days I have had a funny, nasty taste in my mouth.
It comes and go's but when it comes it's disgusting!
It doesn't matter what I eat or drink, or how often I brush my teeth and use mouthwash.
Any ideas on what it could be, what's causing it and and more importantly how to get rid of it.
1 AntwortDentalvor 9 JahrenI want to be a dance instructor ?
Hi all, I work full time in a supermarket but my real passion is dancing. I've been dancing for around 15 years and have recently retired from the competitive circuit earlier this year.
I sorta enjoy the supermarket job but I'm looking to earn a little extra money teaching children disco dancing a few nights a week. I obviously need to train and get a qualification to say I am qualified to teach dance but I have no idea where to begin!
Can anyone point me in the right direction? I live in Brighton and hove, Sussex, England.
Thanks all In advance.
2 AntwortenDancingvor 9 JahrenExercising after miscarriage?
Hi all, in posting this on behalf of a friend.
She had a miscarriage on Saturday . She was 10 weeks pregnant. She went to hospital Saturday afternoon and was released that evening. She has not had any bleeding or pain since Sunday. It is now Wednesday. Before and during her pregnancy she did Zumba 6 times a week. She hasnt been since the miscarriage but she is so bored hanging about at home and she is eager to get back into it.
She asked her doctor who said whenever you feel ready.
Just wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation, she's dying to get back to the classes! Any advice would be helpful!
Thanks in advance
2 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 9 JahrenWeight loss... Need advice/ tips?
Hi guys
I'm a 21 year old female.
I am 5 ft 5 in height
I am 11 stone 3 in weight
I want to get Down to about 9 stone.
I exercise 7 days of the week
I do a hell of a lot of cardio work as well as a good amount of strength and muscular work aswell. I am a freestyle dancer and. Trainee fitness instructor
I have recorded what I eat over a period of a month and I eat 1200-1500 calories a day. I do my best to steer clear from junk food. I also work ful time in a supermarket and am on my feet for 39 hours a week.
I have been 11 stone 3 for about 6 weeks now- I just can't get off that weight... Anyone know what I'm doing wrong or have any tips?? It's driving me mad
18 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 9 JahrenVery painful, stiff neck?
Hi all
I woke up on Monday with a painful stiff neck. It's so bad, it runs from my neck all down my shoulder a half way down my arm. I must of slept funny. I have tried painkillers which do not touch it and tiger balm which feels like it actually making it worse.
This is effecting my job. I am currently touring with my theatre company all over the uk and although I battled through the show yesterday, I've had to pull out of 2 shows today.
Any one have any tips or tricks o a fast recovery, I really need to be back on stage tomorrow!
3 AntwortenPain & Pain Managementvor 9 JahrenSecret smoker- 'coming out!'?
Hi all,
Im 21 and have been smoking on and off for about 8 years. The past 6 months I have taken up the habit a bit more regularly and I now smoke about 10 a week.
I am the only person in my family who smokes, and always have been- no one in my family has ever smoked.
I smoke mainly at work as all my colleagues smoke
Do u guys think I should tell my mum I smoke or leave it her to find/figure it out by herself. The issue is I am asthmatic and a trainee fitness instructor so my mum will go mad- she will be fuming. This is why I am petrified of telling her!
4 AntwortenCancervor 9 JahrenThe name and artist of this song?
Hi guys me again!
Anyone no the title and artist of the song from these lyrics? We do it in zumba and I love it!
Everyone, gather round, keep it moving, to the sound
Then it goes,
Ba, ba ba ba ba. Ba ba ba,, I no it's not a lot to go on but someone out There may no!
Its my earth, wind and fire!
Thanks again!
3 AntwortenLyricsvor 9 JahrenUnwell, your opinions please?
Hi guys! I am a 21 year old female who is very fit an rarely unwell.
The past 3/4 days I have been not been feeling right. I have been very tired and feeling a bit nauseous and dizzy. I am always on the go. I have a full time Job as a a supermarket supervisor on a busy department and I am a zumba and dance Instructor for a few hours a week. I have a lot of stress recently due to my car having to be scrapped and worrying how I am going to manage a busy schedule without transport. Pregnancy isn't completely out of the question but I'm 99% sure I am not.
Just want your opinions on what this could be as I am a little worried. Is it just me being manic busy and I am run down or something more serious?
Thank you for your time.
2 AntwortenInfectious Diseasesvor 9 Jahrenname this zumba song?
hi guys,
before my dance class, there is a zumba class and i always hear this song which i love and would love to do some choreography to it.
the chorus goes something like this.
'work work, work, work, work, work'
they do moves during that bit like running on the spot.
i know i am not giving much but its all i got!!
any help would be grately appreciated.
2 AntwortenOther - Musicvor 9 JahrenIt's a long shot I no! Need to know the name of a song with no words?
Hi there!
This is a long shot I know,
At my fitness class recently, a song was used and I love it! Problem is, I need to know what it is called so I can download it but it has no words!
It's quite dancey, maybe basey???!!!! It's got drums in it and goes like....dun da da dun da dun dun dun... Etc lol! Don't laugh! if anyone has any idea at all please let me know!!!!
3 AntwortenLyricsvor 10 JahrenGrumpy female bunny??????
Hi there , I have a female rabbit who is 15 months old. She has always been a bit grumpy and naughty. she has always been with her brother until 3 days ago when he got poorly and had to be put to sleep suddenly. Since this, my female bunny has been a nightmare, biting, scratching, not wanting to be approached and when she can't go out because of bad weather, she Throws a huge tantrum, she always lived with her brother and I know she is proberbly confused but she becoming a nightmare, she is spayed, any advice??
4 AntwortenOther - Petsvor 10 Jahrenquick breakfast ideas?
hi there.
i am quite a fussy eater so i never really have breakfast but i am starting to do earlier mornings at work and really need something that is going to fill me up for a few hours.
I have IBS so can't eat bread but CAN eat wraps, rolls etc...(i know its odd!)
i also can't eat banana.
I don't really want to be cooking in the mornings as i don't have much time.
any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
11 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 1 Jahrzehnt