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  • We had a new consumer unit fitted at the end of last year?

    as well as an earthing ground spike.The house is Victorian & had little earthing at all when we bought it as well as only old fashioned fuses.

    The electrician told us he didn't give guarantees but surely we should have been given some official paperwork for the consumer unit ?

    In our last house we were given an official form & also had to produce it for our buyer's solicitor before the sale could go through.

    The electrician was very experienced & an approved contractor with NICEIC.

    Can anyone advise what we should have been given please so I can chase this up ? Thank you

    3 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 8 Jahren
  • I blocked my sister from calling me on my Vodaphone mobile?

    about a year ago but only from her mobile,she can still call my mobile from a landline.Can I reverse this & undo the blocking ? She had upset me badly & now I wish I hadn't blocked her.I have been to my local Vodaphone store but they can't help.Thanks if you can.

    1 AntwortMobile Phones & Plansvor 9 Jahren
  • you have the sense to use smoke alarms in your home & keep them checked & maintained ?

    We always have at least 2 & change the batteries once a year whether they have expired or not.

    The house we have just purchased had only one in it & the batteries were not only two different mixed ones they were dated 2000,needless to say it didn't work & we have already replaced it & bought & installed a second one as well.

    2 AntwortenOther - Cultures & Groupsvor 9 Jahren
  • Do you like the names your parents gave you?

    Or have you changed them.

    I like mine with my married name but didn't with my maiden name,it always sounded odd.My daughter has one Scots name & one French name to reflect my ancestry but wanted to reverse them when she was 12.We wouldn't allow it at that age & in fact she never did change them

    16 AntwortenSenior Citizensvor 9 Jahren
  • Do you drive like this?

    or know people who regularly do ?

    This afternoon we were followed very closely by a young woman driving her car with her head on one side trying to keep her mobile phone under one ear & one hand fully occupied with a large ice lolly.

    There were 2 children with her & she had very little control of her car.I was watching her in the passenger side wing mirror all the time & when a Police car came along we hoped she was stopped & at least cautioned.

    8 AntwortenSenior Citizensvor 9 Jahren
  • Will I get a printed handbook if I buy a Nokia Lumia 610 ?

    I don't want the expense in paper & ink in printing a 93 page download as I am an OAP,quite capable of using the phone but feel penalised if handbooks not given as they always were.

    1 AntwortMobile Phones & Plansvor 9 Jahren
  • Are any of your family members connected to the 2012 Olympics in any way ?

    One of my nieces,a bus driver here in Devon,was among many vetted & selected to drive the teams to all the appropriate venues for the duration of the Games.

    She is having a great time,finds it extremely interesting but tiring as she works 12 hour shifts each day,2pm to 2 am.The drivers are well looked after,well fed,accomodated & even have their laundry done including their uniforms

    The drivers are not allowed to speak to any competitors,just drive them to where they have to go.

    6 AntwortenSenior Citizensvor 9 Jahren
  • What is the most unusual thing that has woken you up ?

    We were woken this morning at 6am by a magpie attacking a pea-chick (baby peacock) right under our groundfloor bedroom windows.There are a few semi-wild ones around & this chick had clearly strayed from it's parent & was cowering with it's feathers pecked.

    My husband dressed & went outside & rescued it.After checking it wasn't bleeding he put it gently under a hedge near where we have seen them before.It was scared but scuttled off very quickly to live another day

    21 AntwortenSenior Citizensvor 9 Jahren
  • Which mobile company gives best coverage?

    I am buying a house in Briton Ferry,Neath in south Wales & have just discovered my Vodaphone mobile will only get decent coverage outside.This is really annoying & I would appreciate it if anyone can tell me which other provider can give better coverage in this area please so I can decide whether to change or not.

    I am retired & really only use my phone for calls & texts but do need to use it every day for family reasons.My husband's phone is Vodaphone too & we do like to have a phone each.

    We both have fairly basic Nokia phones,not Smartphones but I could change to one if necessary.I don't think Vodaphone Sure Signal will be the answer

    4 AntwortenMobile Phones & Plansvor 9 Jahren
  • Seniors,if you were undercharged in a shop would you own up ?

    I was undercharged by just over £20 but did not realise until hours later as I had been distracted.I went back to the shop next day & paid up,would you have done the same ? The manager seemed astonished that I had even bothered but she was grateful

    12 AntwortenSenior Citizensvor 9 Jahren
  • How honest are you if you are undercharged in a shop ?

    Two days ago I was undercharged by almost £20 in W H Smiths but did not realise until late that evening.Next morning I went back to the shop to explain & pay & was shocked to find that the manager was amazed that I had even done so.The error was that of a young man at the till & to be fair I should have realised the error too but was distracted & just gave him the amount he asked for.That night I was upset that he would be in trouble or accused of taking the money or the products I had not paid for & was worried enough to go back even before the time I could use my free bus pass.

    Would you have gone back for the reasons I did or just reckoned these shops make enough anyway so why bother ?

    4 AntwortenOther - Local Businessesvor 9 Jahren
  • Movie Maker takes up a lot of room?

    & I see nothing in it that I would ever use so can I safely delete it ? I don't even use my computer for keeping photographs let alone any form of film or video.There are warnings that other things might be adversely affected but not what they are.I could do with the space on my disk.Thanks

    1 AntwortOther - Computersvor 9 Jahren
  • I have just uninstalled Norton Internet Security 2011 as it continually gives me problems?

    as well as gobbling up 80.4MB I can ill afford to lose on my little laptop.Can anyone suggest an alternative,I am the only one using my computer,and not a lot of memory left & wonder if it is safe enough just to rely on Windows Defender which is already built in.My system is Vista Basic & I don't want to upgrade to anything else,pensioner & can't afford it for one thing.Thanks

    5 AntwortenSecurityvor 9 Jahren
  • I have an Acer Aspire 5315 bought in 2007 operating Vista Basic,32 bit operating system?

    The capacity of my Acer C drive is only 32.5GB & the Data D 32.2GB which don't seem to be nearly enough.The C is showing I only have 7.27GB left & recently that went down to nearly 2GB & I had warnings & freaked out because I have very little on there as far as I know,no photographs,only about 8 letters & all programmes I don't think I need have been deleted to save space so what is going on ? I have Norton Internet Security 2011 loaded & have changed this every year.The last 3 times I did a full scan the printout showed over 3 hundred thousand items so what on earth are these ? I am not computer illiterate despite being a silver surfer & I keep up to date with Vista publications etc bit something seems very wrong & I am almost afraid to use my laptop.I am soon to move house & need to be able to use it without worrying to find property & lots of correspondence matters but feel I need help as I can't see what I may have done wrong.Help will be much appreciated

    5 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 10 Jahren
  • Were you "made" to learn to dance as a teenager?

    At 13 in 1958 my mother decided my younger sister & I had to learn to dance properly so we were sent to dance classes to learn waltz,quickstep & foxtrot.My problem was at that age I was quite tall & as there were few boys I was made to learn the boys steps,highly embarrassing.For my bronze medal I could only dance with my female teacher but I did pass & still have the medal.Having both passed we persuaded our mother not to make us continue

    19 AntwortenSenior Citizensvor 10 Jahren
  • Smell of mothballs driving me mad?

    Does anyone know of a definite & lasting way to remove this horrid smell from a garment please ? I was given a beautiful red boiled wool jacket,German made,but it stinks of moth balls.I have had it dry-cleaned at quite an expense & as warned the cleaning process could not remove the smell.I have risked washing it twice & it has survived with the smell lessened but I daren't risk washing it again,the label says not to anyway.I really want to keep the jacket but can't tolerate the smell.Nor do I want anyone round me to be sniffing the air & complaining they can smell moth balls.

    Febreze has been suggested but I don't want to use that as I have 2 asthmatic grandchildren who are affected adversely by Febreze

    2 AntwortenCleaning & Laundryvor 10 Jahren
  • Does it annoy you when you spot?

    someone jabbing away at a lift button in the vain hope it will make the lift arrive or go

    more quickly ? Surely it only confuses the "command" system

    15 AntwortenSenior Citizensvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can any of you military or ex-military answerers please tell me what the military use to denote " afternoon "?

    I presume for when they are ensuring there is no mistake in the time of day being referred to,eg am or pm.It is for a non-prize crossword answer & driving me mad not knowing.Two words & what I have so far is p-p -m-a,many thanks

    5 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Garden much too green?

    This year with new borders my plants have grown like mad but I have had far too much green leaf & too few flowers.I gather I have to add potash but in what form can I find it please ? Is there a powder or liquid I can add & when should this be done ? .The new borders were created from mixed bought topsoil & many bags of multi-purpose compost so clearly I have created an imbalance somewhere

    4 AntwortenGarden & Landscapevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Are you superstitious about strange things?

    Today I had to walk under a builders ladder to avoid getting run over but instantly did something I have not done since I was a child which was to cross the first two fingers on both hands until I saw a four-legged animal.My fingers ached like mad as it was ages before I finally saw a dog.I seem to remember also doing it if I saw an ambulance or a hearse.I have no idea why I ever did it at all.

    4 AntwortenMythology & Folklorevor 1 Jahrzehnt