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[ndc] the man of few words
sorry about my english if something is wrong just try work it out yourself... horrible at english. meh what can you do? lol btw i rarely double check my spelling, expect some thing wrong
Does anyone know whats going on with raw in aus? +BQ?
It should be on fox 8 now but they have a awards instead so has it just been canceled this week or what?
BQ if Daniel Bryan would have been cleared who do you think he would have fought?
1 AntwortWrestlingvor 5 Jahrenwould this pc be good for gaming?
im not the greatest with pc stuff so i just need a little help. im mainly wanting to play guild wars 2 and bf3
4 AntwortenPCvor 8 Jahrenso it was y2j are you surprised?
2 AntwortenWrestlingvor 9 JahrenIf a game is really old is it still illegal to download it?
i'm asking this because i've been wondering for a while now and kinda wanna try out old games such as ET and a few games from my child hood [ps1 stuff]. would i get in trouble for doing this or should it be fine? all the games i'm thinking about no longer have the company supporting them either out of business or changed projects
7 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 10 Jahrenneed help! my 360 won't play 360 games?
The thing is though that it still reads and plays original xbox games perfectly well but when you put in a 360 i get messages saying stuff like couldn't be read [note thats after the game is already working and is waiting for the loading screens to finish] if someone could help me i would really appreciate it
1 AntwortXboxvor 1 JahrzehntWhatever happened to the show balls of steel?
are they making a new series or is the show dead[canceled]?
1 AntwortComedyvor 1 JahrzehntIn each year of the monday night war which company did you think was better?
I know most of you will say WWF was better through the whole thing but i personally think WCW was better until 2000 then the WWF became the better company.
What about you?
3 AntwortenWrestlingvor 1 JahrzehntIYO what would be John Cena's current WWE status if Brock Lesnar didn't quit in 2004?
BQ: Would Brock be considered a legend if he stayed in the WWE
4 AntwortenWrestlingvor 1 JahrzehntWho IYO is the king of overselling?
BQ: agree or disagree if the WWE continues with their current style of show the WWE will go bankrupt within 20 years
10 AntwortenWrestlingvor 1 JahrzehntWhat was the main reason behind WWE hiring such bad wrestlers and entertainers?
If you look at the current roster most of the wrestlers aren't great at anything besides over exaggerating moves and wrestling extremely slow... i just don't understand why WWE would hire them unless they were cheap to get it doesn't make any sense to me.
6 AntwortenWrestlingvor 1 JahrzehntIf Bill Goldberg returned would he be able to rebuild Raw?
by rebuild i mean bring back the excitement,shock and overall entertainment of the WWE which the current one is seriously lacking
BQ: What would you want him to do first once he had returned
6 AntwortenWrestlingvor 1 JahrzehntIf John Cena was never discovered how different would the WWE be today?
BQ: What part of his gimmick made him come over so well with the fans under 16 yet be hated by order fans?
8 AntwortenWrestlingvor 1 JahrzehntIn the past WWE brand vs brand rivalry's who were you always cheering for to win?
BQ: With all the taunts and insults being thrown around in 2005 by Triple H and JBL why did the WWE never consider a Evolution vs JBL's Cabinet rivalry?
7 AntwortenWrestlingvor 1 Jahrzehntif i have two accounts on xbox live can i share downloaded content between the two accounts?
if you don't quite understand the.. wouldn't be surprised . im asking if i use a redeem code on one account to get something e.g. map pack will i be able to transfer to the other account or able to download able on other account or will i have to rebuy the item?
1 AntwortXboxvor 1 Jahrzehntif i have two accounts on xbox live can i share downloaded content between the two accounts?
if you don't quite understand the.. wouldn't be surprised . im asking if i use a redeem code on one account to get something e.g. map pack will i be able to transfer to the other account or able to download able on other account or will i have to rebuy the item?
2 AntwortenXboxvor 1 Jahrzehntif i have two accounts on xbox live can i share downloaded content between the two accounts?
if you don't quite understand the.. wouldn't be surprised . im asking if i use a redeem code on one account to get something e.g. map pack will i be able to transfer to the other account or able to download able on other account or will i have to rebuy the item?
2 AntwortenXboxvor 1 JahrzehntIYO How many world titles would be the equivalent to the streak?
BQ: if Goldbergs streak never ended which would be more impressive 173-0 or 18-0 at Wrestlemania
7 AntwortenWrestlingvor 1 JahrzehntIn order for a match to be considered great what must it do or have in it?
10 AntwortenWrestlingvor 1 JahrzehntDoes the statement only the best are at Wrestlemania still exist?
if not what year do you think it stopped being true.
3 AntwortenWrestlingvor 1 Jahrzehnt