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what does xx means at last of any sentence? I think its some kind of smiley..?
5 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 1 JahrzehntPassword protected video / movie problem?
i download a video from torrent and when i play it, rather video playing; it plays a 3 minute clip which says me that "Type password and unlock this video. if you don't have password then go some site (i don't remember the link) and got password."
but when i go to that site, it says to sign up for site
have somebody an idea how to play that movie rather or unlock that movie?
1 AntwortMoviesvor 1 Jahrzehnti forgot my dell laptop inspiron 1420 bios password?
i forgot my dell laptop inspiron 1420 bios password
how can i recover it
any idea
3 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 1 JahrzehntI am asking again! Excell Problem Solution.?
G8 = 4000
S47 = 2453
N6 = 39000
R6 = 85800
G26 = RCG
G28 = RCG
V42 = 0.62%
Answer Should be = 9629
please solve this problem step by step
=IF(G8>=2000, S47, G8/2000*S47) + (((N6+R6)/2) * ((IF(G26="RCG", 0.05, 0) + IF(G28="RCG", 0.025, 0))) + ((V42*0.1) * (G8*1000)))
RCG is a field value. there is two values in this field. RCG and PCG.
6 AntwortenProgramming & Designvor 1 JahrzehntExcell Problem. Plz anybody solve it step by step. I am stuck...?
G8 = 4000
S47 = 2453
N6 = 39000
R6 = 85800
G26 = RCG
G28 = RCG
V42 = 0.62%
Answer Should be = 9629
please solve this problem step by step
5 AntwortenProgramming & Designvor 1 JahrzehntAJAX Dreamweaver Extension?
Any body have the dreamweaver extionsion named,
"AJAX Power Pack 1.1.0"
Plz plz plz give me the download link
its really ver important
1 AntwortProgramming & Designvor 1 Jahrzehnt