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  • How do quantum physics relate to OM?

    I have read that quantum physics has discovered a relation between Om and quantum machines. If this is true I would love to see if anyone had links to reputable sites that explain this relation.

    1 AntwortPhysicsvor 8 Jahren
  • Ammonia titration with HCl help?

    We are titrating gaseous ammonia with HCl to find the amount of active ingredient in ammonia bought at stores. We have had trouble writing a equation for it.

    Do we need to involve H2O in our equation?

    These are the equations I have seen but would like to be explained to why they are done that way.

    HCl+NH3----> NH4Cl

    I have also seen it in this formate but am unsure which is correct and why.

    1 AntwortChemistryvor 8 Jahren
  • Industrial piercing pain?

    I am going to get a industrial piercing as is two of my friends its one of those group things like a tattoo but not as permanent. I was just wondering on the overall pain. I talked to the pierce and they said they pierce it with two rings and then after two months switch it out for a bar. I was just wondering if the healing time is really two months and how bad the pain was. I have my ears (lobes) and my labret done, how would the pain compare to those? Thanks :D

    1 AntwortPain & Pain Managementvor 9 Jahren
  • Do you have to be 18 to buy a blow up doll from Spencer's?

    My friends and I are wanting to buy some blow up dolls for a party (as a joke) for our beach trip.

    3 AntwortenToysvor 9 Jahren
  • I am looking for rainbow condoms anyone know where to get some?

    I do not want ones that are a solid color. I want ones that are actually rainbow as in the whole condom is rainbow.

  • Latin translation help?

    I want to get a tattoo in latin that says "The truth will set you free"

    3 AntwortenLanguagesvor 9 Jahren
  • Military uniform questions?

    I attend a high school in Oregon and my teacher for public speaking wants me to wear a military uniform. So I bought one that is identical almost to the JROTC uniforms. I plan on wearing it to school Tuesday for my speech which is the one Charlie Chaplin preforms in the great dictator. I bought a bunch of the ribbons for the ribbon bar and a pin(not really military more of a novelty) at military surplus store, and also plan on wearing this the day of my speech. What I was wondering is as long as I cover the Ribbon bar and pin under my coat other then in my speech class can the JROTC leader do anything about it. He is in nice terms a dick. I am no disrespecting the military in my speech. All I am doing is wearing the pants and shirt and shoes.

    5 AntwortenMilitaryvor 9 Jahren
  • Where can a 16 year old find a job(clothing store) with I store discount.?

    I am 16 years old and am interested in finding a part time job. This will be my first official job persay. So I was wondering what would be good stores( preferably clothing stores) that hire 16+ and allow piercings. I am willing to remove my piercing (lip) while working if required. I would also like some backgroudd if you know of any about the stores. I live in Oregon which has many mainstream stores such as Macy's, American eagle, Zumies,rue21,pacsun, buckle 8. The main reason for wanting to work at the stores above is because I would like the in store discount. Overall I really just would like to hear some pros and cons from preferably employees or people who know employees at the stores above or ones I may of left out. ( no walmart, target, so on)

    1 AntwortOther - Local Businessesvor 9 Jahren
  • 33. Galileo was found guilty of heresy and condemned by the Inquisition on the grounds that he....?

    33. Galileo was found guilty of heresy and condemned by the Inquisition on the grounds that he:

    a. left the Roman Catholic Church and became a Protestant

    b. used his telescope to explore the heavens

    c. actively supported the Gallican cause in France against papal supremacy

    d. publicly advocated Copernicus’ heliocentric system

    e. discovered the law of universal gravitation

    Yes its a test question.No I am not cheating. I have not been able to figure this out I chose A which the teacher said was wrong.

    7 AntwortenHistoryvor 9 Jahren
  • I have a speech on gay marriage. I would like for you to read it and give me some feed back (no gay hate pleas?

    Ladies and gentlemen how would you feel if you could not marry the one you truly love? Today many gay people are faced with exact feeling. In America today we claim to allow religious freedom. But I ask is it not denying them of religious freedom by not allowing them to marry only because they are the same sex? Many people claim that being gay is not natural when in truth many animals, birds and insects including African lions, Dolphins, Dogs, and Raccoons display homosexual behavior. To say that it’s not natural is as absurd as me saying that the earth is flat. Another reason many claim that gay marriage should not be allowed is because being gay is a sin. The question is a sin to whom? From what I understand we have the right to worship any religion we wish. By not allowing gay marriage and using the reason of religion, we are breaking one of the most cherished rights in America, the right to freedom of religion. Both gay men and women pay taxes go to work just like the rest of you, why should they have fewer rights? What allows us to say if their love is valid? By not allowing gay people to marry, we are plain and simply denying ones right to happiness. 1.2 million Gay people are living with a same sex partner in America. And yet almost all of them are not allowed to marry. America was founded on the principles of equality and tolerance. I believe that is not only a moral but civic duty to allow gay marriage for the very principle of equality. The facts are that 1 in 10 people are gay. You most likely have a family member or friends that are gay. Would you not want them to have the chance to marry the ones they love? The facts are plain, there is no reason that we should not allow gay people to marry.

  • What does the term "Minds a traitor" mean?

    It is used in the play Antigone and I understand somewhat what it means but would like a good definition please

    1 AntwortWords & Wordplayvor 10 Jahren
  • Banning logging in National forests?

    I have to debate against banning logging in National Forests, and keeping it at the way it is. I though found much more information on banning it and would like if I could get some reasons for keeping it the way it is, and maybe some links to sites that will help me with this. PS. I do not get to chose which side I am on in the debate that's the reason why I need it for the keeping the way it is argument

    8 AntwortenGlobal Warmingvor 10 Jahren
  • I was wondering if it was ok for a teacher to make a child do push-ups as a punishment?

    I dont want to hear sucking it up or any other bs. I want to know if its legal for a teacher (not a pe teacher) to make the student do push-ups as a punishment. In Oregon,USA.

    5 AntwortenTeachingvor 10 Jahren
  • I am 16 and I have someone who wants to fate me that's 18?

    I have a "friend" who wants to date me but there 18 and I know that dating is ok but what if we had sex? I don't want to get them in trouble. I would not go after them nor would my family. I am not sure how that works if it's only if one side trys to sue or something ?

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 10 Jahren
  • Ok so I have my lebret pierced and was wondering about the gum damage?

    I know it will case my gum to receed but I heard as long as I get one that is tighter and not not super long that It will not damage as much if at all. Is this true? and I heard about bioplast studs that cause much less damage are they good?

    1 AntwortOther - Skin & Bodyvor 10 Jahren
  • I have been wondering on where or how to make a magnet strong enough to wipe a computers harddrive?

    I do not want a program or taking the hard drive out I want a magnetic way of doing it.

    4 AntwortenDesktopsvor 10 Jahren
  • i was wondering about snake bits (piercings)?

    i was wondering if when u take them out can ppl tell u had them. i kinda want to get the stud types but i dont know if i want to have them there forever and if i want then just to close up will they?

    6 AntwortenTattoosvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • i have little white bumps under my eyes?

    i have got them before and they went away for the most part but they always seem to come back im not sure but i have heard that it could be milia i was wondering if anyone knows how to get ride of them fast

    2 AntwortenOther - Skin & Bodyvor 1 Jahrzehnt