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I'm a 21 year old lesbian who lives in Louisiana, although Houston will always be my home. I work at an AT&T Wireless Call Center. I have a pit bull/pointer mix named Kenzie, and right now I'm helping hand-raise a 2 week old kitten named Ally. I'm an agnostic therian, though no religion or belief system I have ever heard of completely matches what I believe in. As children, me and my sister were physically & mentally abused by my older brother (and I mean real abuse, not 'give me attention and feel sorry for me' abuse). I take Adderall legally but illegitimately. I don't mind chatting, so if you'd like to talk, email me at or AIM me at trippystemny. Title your email appropriately so I know it's not spam. Photos: Me - Kenzie - Ally -¤t=everything109.flv
Best answers to YOUR questions?
When you ask a question that got a lot of answers, do you read through all of them before picking a best, or just pick from the first page/first few?
What about when you ask a yes or no question? How do you choose which 'yes' answer or which 'no' answer will win?
1 AntwortYahoo Answersvor 1 JahrzehntTips on weaning my friend off of the kitten?
Me and a friend of mine that I work with have been raising a now 2 week old kitten who was abandoned by her mother. We got her when she was probably around 8 days old, and bottlefeeding her constantly and watching how strong she's getting as gotten us both attached to her.
Now here's the dilemma:
We need to start weaning the kitten off of milk. However, Josh refuses to. He wants the kitten to be dependent on him, and just about the only time that she's just peaceful and quiet is either when we're feeding the milk to her, or when she's sleeping.
I've already told him that the kitten needs to be weaned for her own health. I told him that she won't be dependent on him for very long if she becomes malnourished and dies. Nothing is getting through to him.. and I think I need to try a softer approach. This isn't a pressing issue yet, so I'm not too rushed about it.
So... does anyone have any tips on how to get him to 'let go' of the kitten's constant dependency on him?
1 AntwortCatsvor 1 JahrzehntInfected Dewclaw Removal in 2 year old dog - Don't tell me to ask the vet!?
My dog (about one and a half years old) never had her dewclaws removed, and now one of them has become infected. I've made an appointment for her Tuesday to be put on antibiotics before she can have the actual surgery.
My question is (because I keep forgetting to ask the vet) - What is a basic/standard price range for this surgical procedure?
I know that they do have to put her under for the surgery. Also, she weighs over 50 lbs, if that helps any.
1 AntwortDogsvor 1 JahrzehntInfected Dewclaw Removal?
My dog (about one and a half years old) never had her dewclaws removed, and now one of them has become infected. I've made an appointment for her Tuesday to be put on antibiotics before she can have the actual surgery.
My question is (because I keep forgetting to ask the vet) - What is a basic/standard price range for this surgical procedure?
I know that they do have to put her under for the surgery. Also, she weighs over 50 lbs, if that helps any.
3 AntwortenDogsvor 1 JahrzehntVideo Stills?
How do you choose what still you want to use from your video, aside from the three that it chooses for you?
2 AntwortenYouTubevor 1 JahrzehntAnyone play Maplestory?
Is it good? I haven't played it, and am not sure if I'm interested. Looking at it, it looks fun... I've played Furcadia before, and Maplestory definitely seems much more interesting... but is it very elitist, or full of young kids?
4 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 JahrzehntDetox foot pads?
Do they really 'cleanse your body'? How good do they work?
I have hyperhydrosis, which means that I chronically sweat more than most people (whether I'm hot, cold, nervous, calm, whatever). Will my feet sweating stop the foot pads from working right?
1 AntwortOther - Healthvor 1 JahrzehntPlanned Parenthood STD test?
Does Planned Parenthood give free/discounted AIDS/STD tests, and would they still give me the discount (if there is one) since I'm a lesbian?
3 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 JahrzehntI know, it sounds kind of hilarious... but please answer seriously.?
Me and a friend of mine are hand-raising a 2 week old kitten. I brought her to the vet for the first time 3 or 4 days ago, thinking she had an upper respiratory infection due to the fact that her eyes were gunky and crusting closed when she slept, and she was dangerously ill when we first got her.
The vet told me that it was more likely Syphilis than an upper respiratory infection, and gave me Amoxicillin and some eye gel for the kitten.
My concern is that, before we brought her to the vet, the guy who is helping me raise her would let her bite and suckle on his lip all the time.
Can a Syphilis infection be transmitted from a kitten to a human through a bite or scratch, and is it the same kind of Syphilis that humans pass amongst eachother? Could he get an STD from the cat biting his lip, or would it just become an infection somewhere on his face?
9 AntwortenCatsvor 1 JahrzehntFree AIDS test?
Does anywhere know where you could get a free AIDS test in Lafayette, Louisiana?
Any other free STD testing would be helpful as well.
4 AntwortenSTDsvor 1 JahrzehntWhat is the best/nicest thing you have ever done without expecting anything in return?
And did anything good come of it?
10 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 JahrzehntAspiring Models (male or female) - something fun?
I work for AT&T Wireless, and we are currently being required to submit an idea in the form of a poster to replace "Jack" (the little orange guy that was the logo for Cingular) with "Raising the Bar" as our logo.
Me & a friend have come up with an idea that my manager absolutely loves - instead of "Raising the Bar", on our poster we will put "Raising the Benjamins". Instead of signal bars we will have bills in the background ($1 bill being the smallest, and the $100 bill being the largest), and in front of it we will have a picture of someone which is going to be photoshopped to fit our theme.
What we need is a photo of a person looking thuggish (sideways or backwards hats, sunglasses, large jewelry, or any other accessories you'd like to wear are welcome). You would need to pose with your fists out in front of you, because we plan on photoshopping brass knuckles onto them. A sneer would be a nice touch as well, so we could add a grill.
So, would you like to be on an AT&T Poster?
1 AntwortOther - Arts & Humanitiesvor 1 JahrzehntIs this illegal?
I work at AT&T Wireless, and we are finally getting rid of all of the posters in the call centers featuring "Jack" (the little orange bubbly-looking guy). As a result, every manager in the call center has to have their team submit a poster playing off of 'Raise the Bar', and whoever wins will have their poster distributed between the call centers, and will win some other prize (a movie or something).
So, me and my friend Josh came up with an idea, since we know we aren't going to win anyway.
What we want to do is, instead of using buildings or clouds or whatever in the background to imitate the "raising the bar" signal bars...
We want to take pictures of money ($1, $5, $10, $20, & $100) and have a guy posing all gangster in front of it.
My question is, is it illegal to make a photocopy of a bill and use it on something like a poster, without changing anything on it? I heard that you can only use the photocopy if you change it in some way. Is this true?
7 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt"I Suck At Life" moments?
You know... those moments where you just fail at life.
For example, my dog sucks at life, for the following reasons:
1. She runs head-on into hard surfaces at full speed.
2. She is part pointer, but she can't even sniff out bacon-flavored treats when I throw them right next to her.
3. She is part pit bull, but she is scared of shopping carts.
4. When she attempts to sniff small things, she usually inhales them (including live frogs).
So... have you ever sucked at life, or do you know someone who has? What happened?
10 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 JahrzehntMcCain - The Daily Show?
Didn't McCain used to always be on the Daily Show, before he decided to run for president?
Because, if I am thinking about the same person, he sure has changed his views since then.
3 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 JahrzehntOkay, so what about McCain?
I already asked why people don't like Obama (but feel free to continue answering here) -- I haven't kept up with the presidential race at all this year, so I have no idea.
So now that I have an idea of why people don't like Obama...
Those Obama supporters, why do you not like McCain?
13 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 JahrzehntQuestions in R&S?
Why can you not ask a question (regardless of your religion or spirituality) in R&S, and get a serious answer?
I understand when the question is a smart *** question anyway, but what about the people who ask a question out of genuine curiosity, or questions regarding the differences between religions, etc?
My first guess would be the age of the users in R&S, but honestly, I do not spend as much time on Yahoo! Answers as I did 2-3 years ago, so maybe that has changed. Looking at some of the questions and answers I doubt it, but hey.
I know that people get easily offended when their religion (or lack thereof) is challenged or questioned. I also know that those of us who aren't very religious sometimes find it amusing how angry others get.
But that doesn't explain why, when I asked or have seen others ask serious, non-offensive questions about religion or spirituality, the majority (if not all) of the answers are just bashing each other.
So, why do YOU never answer seriously?
1 AntwortReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntI haven't been keeping up this year...?
Why exactly does everyone hate Obama?
9 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 JahrzehntWhat books should I read, taking into consideration the ones that I liked?
Please take into consideration the books that I have read.
My favorite are true (but still written like a novel) books about people who have lived through child abuse. I also like (fiction or non) books about drug addiction/usage or sexual abuse (as long as they are more like stories than 'you can do it' books). I sometimes will read vampire/werewolf books, but I'm not a huge fan of science fiction. I absolutely hate detective/murder stories. I do sometimes like the silly-type of girly books.
Books I've Enjoyed:
Oryx & Crake
Already Dead
Naked Lunch
The Lovely Bones
Memoirs of a Geisha
P.S. I Love You
A Child Called "It" (and the others)
9 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 1 JahrzehntBully: Scholarship Edition?
I've noticed that the Scholarship Edition is only out on the Wii & Xbox right now. Do they plan on releasing it for the PS2/PS3 as well?
2 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehnt