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Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. If it hasn't happened to me then I've had a front row seat for someone else's drama and disaster. Feel free to email me, I will answer emails, and if you add me as a contact, I'll add you as a contact unless you've blocked people linking to you.
Why do nice, decent guys chase losers & psychos?
I see guys on here all the time asking "why don't women like nice guys? boo hoo they like jerks. blah blah blah." & then they go on to describe some basket case they've been chasing who has been ignoring them or taking advantage of their goodwill for her.
So I have to ask: why do nice, decent guys chase losers & psychos? Why aren't they attracted to nice women?
10 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 JahrenMega Millions: Does anyone else think she's lying?
That woman in Maryland who claims she won the lottery, does anyone else think she's lying?
the statements she's made keep getting weirder...."well I haven't checked all my numbers yet, but I think I remember that number in there somewhere..."
and if she is lying, why do you suppose she is? what does she have to gain by lying about this when the real winner (if it's not really her) does come forward?
6 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 9 JahrenClaire P! Where are you?
sorry you deleted your question. I hope you weren't getting harassed but I guess you were. You don't allow emails so I'm posting this here and hope you see it.
contact Nar-Anon ( ) or Al-Anon ( )
both have chapters worldwide and can help you w/ your problem. If there aren't any chapters local to you then go to Alcoholics Anonymous. They won't turn you away because you're not the addict or because your spouse's drug of choice isn't alcohol.
I realize you don't want to burden your mother but you should also tell her what's going on. Just give her the facts so that she knows everything isn't all sweetness & light. Sharing your problems w/ those closest to you shows them respect & trust & love. Shutting them out & claiming it's to protect them often leaves them feeling hurt & betrayed.
Good Luck to you.
Marriage & Divorcevor 1 JahrzehntAAAARRRRRRRhhhhhhhhh!!!!?
I've read one too many questions that have run "we've been together for X years and he won't marry me", "we've been living together for 14 years and have 6 kids and we won't divorce his wife and marry me", "I've told him marry me or I'm gone and he won't marry me, should I leave?"
Here's a radical idea:
How about if ALL of the women who want to get married to their SOs PROPOSE to their men instead of issuing ultimatums or whining about how he won't marry them? THEN if he rejects your proposal, you KNOW he doesn't want to marry you and you are FREE to continue on as you were knowing he will not marry you or you can move on and find someone who wants what you want.
I know, I know...what would we do for vicarious entertainment if everyone suddenly thought rationally.
11 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 JahrzehntTreating brown thatch?
I have what looks like brown thatch on my lawn. What is the best way to treat it and prevent it from spreading?
Garden & Landscapevor 1 JahrzehntSuggestions/Recommendations for a sewing machine?
What brands or models worked best for you? The ancient Singer machine that was left to me by my stepfather finally died and it's much too expensive to repair.
I'm an advanced beginner-intermediate skill level. I will be using the machine mainly for minor mending and making home decorating items, such as curtains, slipcovers and pillows.
Also I'd like to keep the price of the machine under $150.
Thanks for any help or suggestions
1 AntwortHobbies & Craftsvor 1 Jahrzehnt