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The U.S. Dollar is Dying?
If you still believe that the dollar is strong and the United States is set up to be a world superpower forever, these videos are a must-see.
In them, analyst Max Keiser investigates the ill health and possible demise of the dollar. Since 2003, the dollar has lost more than one-third of its value compared to other major world currencies. Now, the U.S. dollar is in critical condition and is losing ground fast.
How did things go so horribly wrong, so quickly? It involves an excess supply of dollars, consumer over-spending, increasing trade deficits and national debt, offshoring and a country (the United States) with FALLING standards of living for its people -- and it’s all explained in the videos
13 AntwortenGovernmentvor 1 JahrzehntThe U.S. Dollar is Dying?
If you still believe that the dollar is strong and the United States is set up to be a world superpower forever, these videos are a must-see.
In them, analyst Max Keiser investigates the ill health and possible demise of the dollar. Since 2003, the dollar has lost more than one-third of its value compared to other major world currencies. Now, the U.S. dollar is in critical condition and is losing ground fast.
How did things go so horribly wrong, so quickly? It involves an excess supply of dollars, consumer over-spending, increasing trade deficits and national debt, offshoring and a country (the United States) with FALLING standards of living for its people -- and it’s all explained in the videos
4 AntwortenEconomicsvor 1 Jahrzehntmuscle ache?
I few days ago I woke up and my muscles hurt like a lifted weights in my thigh chafe. It been a couple of days, now my biceps hurt ache too.. do you know what could cause this, it kinda got me worried? I have not done any heavy lifting or exercise even my wife is feeling it too?
1 AntwortPain & Pain Managementvor 1 JahrzehntReport: Sony expecting twofold full-year game losses?
what do you think ?
Sony has said in an interview with Reuters that its electronics division will beat its target operating margin for Sony's financial year to March 2008, but the company is now expecting its video game division to record double the loss initially forecast.
Console manufacturers such as Sony generally make a loss on their consoles, which cost more to produce than they recoup in the sale price, and make the money back selling software for the platform over the unit's lifetime. Manufacturing the PlayStation 3 is estimated to have cost the company ¥100 billion (approx $870 million).
Sony is expecting a larger full-year loss than it had previously forecast in the video games division after reporting on Thursday that it was aiming for break even in the second half of its financial year, after a loss of ¥126 billion ($1 billion) in the first half.
However, the electronics division, buoyed by LCD TVs, is likely to exceed targets of a 4 percent operating margin by one perce
3 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehnt