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My friend who is at least "bi" is getting married...?
He is only doing it because he wants to fit in to society, but he is attracted to men more. He wants me to be there for him to "fill in" when he gets the urge, but I told him if he gets married he's on his own. What should he do?
2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 2 JahrzehntenWhy do some people think being gay is a "Lifestyle?"?
What person do you think would actively CHOOSE to be gay??
10 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 2 JahrzehntenDo you think gays and lesbians are the targets of ignorance?
I am curious to find out opinions, because it seems undereducated people carry the most hatred. Let's see how this pans out...
9 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 2 JahrzehntenIf Jesus preached love to all, did He condemn homosexual love?
Just as there is love (and lack of love) between heterosexual couples, the same exists in the homosexual community. Why are they treated differently??
18 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 2 JahrzehntenIf God made us in His image, why would He condemn homosexuals?
I can't wait to see the responses from conservative Christian groups quoting the Bible!
21 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 2 Jahrzehnten