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Lv 732.674 points


Favorisierte Antworten53%
  • GoPro H3 Update! Do you have the latest?

    O-K, I'll admit this is more of a rhetorical question with the intent to pass on the news there is a new update for the H3 series. This is the April 23rd 2013 update available on their website under support.

    1 AntwortCamcordersvor 8 Jahren
  • How are Lenovo laptop computers?

    As a general brand and customer satisfaction. Looking for a lower-end laptop i3 to i5 and these folks have what appears to be a fair one.

    2 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 8 Jahren
  • College age "kids"---Why do so many of you not wear seatbelts?

    "Kids"-Just because I know you dislike that got your attention! lol

    Serious question though. Another WSU genius is dead from a 1 car accident where 2 without belts were ejected. I am not asking if you wear a seat belt or not. Looking for reasons why you, or why you think some others don't.

    4 AntwortenSafetyvor 8 Jahren
  • Photo pros: Do you find a benefit of Adobe Lightroom ?

    Trying to get input from photographers using PS and Bridge as well as Lightroom.

    I have and know my way around the full production suit (in CS5 version). I download, sort and re-name using bridge. I adjust the camera RAW with PS, print smaller copies using self created templates. I've had a couple photo-friends recommend lightroom, but it just seems like a duplication of features found in the other applications, predominately in Bridge and PS. Am I missing a work-flow advantage in lightroom?

    Just looking for a reason to bother with even going through the free trial.

    2 AntwortenCamerasvor 8 Jahren
  • Adobe experts: Do you find a benefit of Lightroom 4?

    I have the full production suit (in CS5 version). I download, sort and re-name using bridge. I adjust the camera RAW with PS, print smaller copies using self created templates. I've had a couple photo-friends recommend lightroom, but it just seems like a duplication of features found in the other applications, predominately in Bridge and PS. Am I missing a work-flow advantage in lightroom?

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 8 Jahren
  • Diamond?...Looking for some (worldwide) traditions for a 75th birthday/anniversary?

    A youth center is turning 75. Looking for some traditions to help promote a re-union of past staff. "Diamond Jubilee" is all I can think of, lol...was wondering if there were some more traditions (must be suitable for minors) we could build into this.

    1 AntwortOther - Holidaysvor 9 Jahren
  • Mp demo, can you tell which photo was taken with a full frame DSLR and which was done with a...?

    vintage 2002, 3mp, Point and shoot (HP715).

    Which is which, DSLR or PnS...

    Sample 1:

    Sample 2:

    Both were resized to be the same dimensions and approx the same file-size, and to have a large displayed size.

    The point: MP count is but one of numerous factors to consider in a camera. If most of your photos require little cropping, if the largest print you intend to make is 8X12, or if all your material goes to digital media...even 3mp can work well!

    4 AntwortenCamerasvor 9 Jahren
  • Attractants for "Rescue" brand yellow jacket traps. Inland NW near Spokane.?

    The refills for the attractant work o-k, but are a little spendy around here. I've tried the meat mentioned in the instructions, as well as apple concentrate. So far though, real sugar Mt.Dew "Throwback" works best of all I have tried.

    Anyone else had good results with something different?

    1 AntwortOther - Home & Gardenvor 10 Jahren
  • Which camera would you choose?

    Take a look at these two cameras.

    The one on the left gets video, but pretty poor still photos. The one on the right gets great photos, but no video and is pretty much a point-and-shoot. Both are gently used. Make and model are shown too, here:

    1 AntwortCamcordersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Canon 5D problem, how do you use this thing?

    O-K, like, so the book said to look through the lens and, like, compose and take a picture. All I see is, like, this little box thingy, I doing this right?

    Anyway, no matter what I point the camera at, all I get is this:

    Thanks for any advise you, like, give. As you can see I'm at wits end!

    4 AntwortenCamerasvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is up with all the "open the 3rd or 4th link" responses? Camera, Camcorder, cell phone, Laptop.?

    I see them a lot in the Camera section, are they doing this simply for the "points", do they get paid for sending hits to a web-page, is it a more sinister conspiracy ;-)

    5 AntwortenCamerasvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How many tripod shoes/plates have you lost over the years?

    And is this evidence of a sort of super-natural "Bermuda Triangle" effect within camera bags?

    4 AntwortenCamerasvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Have you ever read your camera's User's Manual?


    Cover to cover?

    Looked at the pictures?

    Only to solve a problem?

    I know, this is more of a "Poll", but I am specifically interested in Camera Manuals (or CDs or On-Line).

    If so inclined, please give brand and what you thought of manuals info. Me? I'm a cover-to-cover guy, and impressed with Canon manuals.

    12 AntwortenCamerasvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Life span of Nissan 2.4L engine?

    I know, more of a poll, but wanted input from real Nissan Owners!

    Looking for how long one of these CAN run, and when or if the timing chain and water pump need attention. I just got a 95 (pickup) with 175K. I have several friends with 2.4s well over 200K. So, answerers, whats your record!

    2 AntwortenNissanvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How cold is it? It's so cold....?

    Funny, G-rated, prefferably classical regional tall-tale answers like "My match froze and I had to build a fire to thaw it out!"

    6 AntwortenCampingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Premiere and Photoshop users, Motherboard and processor recomendations please!?!?

    Been a while since my last computer and I am a little overwhelmed by the choices available now. I am thinking a WTX or at least extended ATX form factor but am open to suggestion. I am thinking a single quad core processor, but am open to dual processors or 6-core. at a minimum, the mobo needs to be RAID 0 capable (1 and 5 preferred)

    I do (real) video editing of DV from MiniDv tape with Premiere and edit full frame digital photography with photoshop CS5. On board firewire is a must for the DV.

    Bottom line, I'd like to keep the processor, mobo, and power supply close to $1000 (less is best!)

    2 AntwortenDesktopsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Modern Water Wars, what do you think about this:?

    I'm torn here. Read this short article about flood-type shower heads and regulation.

    I believe wanton waste of any resource is morally, ethically, and socially wrong. I struggle to pay the water bill for my large (vegetable) garden where I use high efficiency drip irrigation. I live in an area that "mines" limited groundwater and charges more per gallon, the more you use. There is no distinction between my garden and one of these shower heads.

    On the other hand, I believe people that enjoy these devices pay for the luxury to use them and it is an unnecessary intrusion to deny them the right to benefit from their affluence however they see fit.

    So, Yahoo answers, what words of wisdom have you?

    3 AntwortenConservationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Rhubarb Growing/ Harvesting question?

    It's getting hot, I know the end of the season is near. Can I harvest all the stalks or should I leave a few to wither and die anyway?

    1 AntwortOther - Home & Gardenvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What do you think the fine for speeding (1-15 mph over) SHOULD be (and what is it locally for you).?

    Follow-up to this Q?;_ylt=AteId...

    In the 1980's Montana had a $5.00 fine for "wasting fuel" occasionally issued to those going over 75 (no other speed limit). Clearly this was no deterrent to speeding. I kept two $5.00 bills in my pocket and crossed the state at 120mph without getting stopped (Motorcycle).

    Now, for me, anything over $40.00 is hard to take! lol

    But are $150-$500 tickets appropriate for 1-15mph over (on the open highway). Should they be based on income as in some countries and be potentially tens of thousands of $$ or more??

    What $$$$ keeps you legal. What $$$$ would be an undue hardship for you?

    5 AntwortenOther - Cars & Transportationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Are Speeding Ticket fines too high. Deterant or oppression?

    I agree there needs to be regulation.

    I agree that speed kills.

    I have not had a speed ticket for over a decade, and only 2 since the 1970's.

    I support law enforcement and understand the Legislature and/or courts of each state determine fines.

    I have a very fast car!

    My question is, are these fines too harsh compared to what would compel you to not speed. Should it be different in areas with little population/traffic.

    Some countries base the fine on a percentage of income, is this concept fair?

    6 AntwortenOther - Cars & Transportationvor 1 Jahrzehnt