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Lv 739.960 points


Favorisierte Antworten6%

die hard liberal atheist more of a realist than most. In other words, the glass isn't half empty or half full. The glass is twice as big as it has to be.

  • Attachment image

    did yahoo's homepage change? why am I getting this view on my windows 8 machine (chrome)?

    I'm using the chrome browser, and on my windows 8 machine, this is what get for instead of the 3 column format. On my windows 7 and windows xp machines, it is still the 3 column format. how can I get the 3 column format back? On windows exlorer I get the 3 column format as well.

    1 AntwortYahoo Searchvor 7 Jahren
  • selling home, form 8949 column E or G improvements?

    so I have a 2nd, vacation home I sold and made a bit of money. to the tune of $130k if I go with the gross selling price subtracting the buy price. However, I had to pay the realtor $12,000 to sell the house in commission, and I redid most of the house, new kitchen, bathrooms, carpeting, even the furniture that I bought and was included int the sale. How do I get credit for these expenses and where do they go in the form:

    for the record:

    realtors fee: $12,000

    new kitchen: 25,000

    bathrooms: 25,000

    carpeting: 4,000

    furniture 10,000


    from the instructions of form 8949 column E:

    Adjustments to basis. Before you can figure any gain or loss on a sale, exchange, or other disposition of property, you usually must make certain adjustments (increases and decreases) to the basis of the property. Increase the basis of your property by capital improvements.

    3 AntwortenUnited Statesvor 7 Jahren
  • form 8949, selling vacation property, improvements.?

    I have several questions with this form,

    1) I am 1/3 owner of the property and the 1099-S shows the full price, Am I supposed to divide it by 3 as with the other items on the form?

    2) I'll assume I'm supposed to divide everything by 3. now my share of the proceeds, line 3, column D, is 1/3 of the $180,000 so its 60,000 correct?

    3) line 3E, the cost basis is the 1/3 I paid for the house, 15,000. correct?

    4) now comes the part I can't figure out, over the 25 years we have owned the property, we have redone everything so the receipts add up to 75,000, so I get to put down ($25,000) in column g, as well as 1/3 the realtors fee, (12,000/3==4000) in column G. correct? and what are the codes I'm supposed to put for these deductions? I couldn't figure it out fromthe instructions.


    2 AntwortenUnited Statesvor 7 Jahren
  • 1099-div, total capital gain distributions, top tax bracket?

    so I have a dreyfus disciplined stock fund that I regularly buy into through a payroll deduction. I have never sold a single share. This year I see on my 1099 some real gains,


    box 1a total ordinary dividends $485.16

    box 1b Qualified dividends $485.16

    and the big one:

    box 2a Total capital gain distributions: $10,016

    sound great, but now I need to report these as incomes.

    Now I'm confused, box 1a and box 1b are the same amount, and the instructions say that the 1b is available for reduced tax rate, (vs the 1a that goes on schedule b and as such will be at my top tax rate) How can I reduce my tax burden?

    now the biggie,

    that 10,016 total capital gain distributions. following the instructions, it goes. on schedule D, line 13, then sch D, 16, which in turn was the exact dollar amount that ended up on my 1040, line 13.

    Is there something (maybe in the worksheet, I havent looked at yet,) to get these values off of my AGI so I will pay less than the 28% rate?

    additional info: married filing jointly, 4 dependents, AGI about $180k,


    3 AntwortenUnited Statesvor 7 Jahren
  • yahoo email is again not responding?

    why does this keep happening? I delete a bunch of messages, then I try and click on an email it goes into an infinite loading spin, then may or may not timeout, and if I leave the tab and sign back into the mail, the email I deleted are still there. Why does this keep happening every month or so???

    2 AntwortenNotices and Errorsvor 7 Jahren
  • yahoo mail just hangs, ignores comands,?

    Im on windows 7 pro, chrome version 26 or I.E 9;

    it just doesn't work. I delete messages, and it says it deletes them but a refresh shows them still there,

    I go to the next message and it just shows hourglass, I switch folders its spins as well, does this have to do with my companies firewall, or is it something else. ?

    2 AntwortenOther - Yahoo Mailvor 8 Jahren
  • why do pro-gun folks compare drunk driving to guns/?

    It is the dumbest comparison there could be, and it proves how stupid there position is.

    I would be thrilled to make guns like cars and drunk driving. lets licence all firearms just like we do cars, registration, safety checks every year, mandatory insurance, the works, learners permits, re-testing,

    Since we made laws tougher on DD, and took away licences, etc on DD, made a big deal about not tolerating DD, DD deaths have been lowered by 2/3rds in the last 30 years.

    for the life of me I can't figure out what point they are trying to make.

    18 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 Jahren
  • jesus really existed?

    don't know why this question was deleted a few minutes ago, but here is my answer

    None what-so-ever.

    The facts are this:

    1) there are a lot of writings from the time of JC's lifetime.

    2) The stories of JC are pretty incredible, walking on water, healings, water to wine, etc.

    3) The stories indicate he was a public figure, and had public speaking engagements.

    and the last fact:

    4) there is not a single bit of written mention of JC from the time of his lifetime. Not one newspaper article, not one death notice, not even a diary mention of say "hey, this guy was in town and he walked on water!"

    those are all absolute facts, undeniable by anyone.

    14 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 Jahren
  • Is it me, or is tonight inundated with lots of pretty atheists?

    All the posts slamming the theists and fundies, so many pretty women....

    1 AntwortReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 Jahren
  • a word for an animal that does not hunt other animals?

    Not the word prey. Prey is defined as something being hunted by a predator. Thre are plenty of predators that are also prey. Is there a word, sorta like predator, for the classification of animals that do not hunt and catch other animals, the opposite set of animals to predators. this can include animals that scavenge as they eat dead animals but don't hunt, not just herbivores.

    5 AntwortenZoologyvor 8 Jahren
  • how can anybody concentrate on what critical thinker says?

    All I can do is stare at her rack.

    3 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 Jahren
  • so donny trump gives meaning to "flipped his wig"?

    I never understood that expression, is donny giving meaning to that expression now?

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • I think I figure out Mitts strategy, put people to work rowing the new navy boats.?

    All those boats are gonna need a lot of people to row them. and a drummer too. It that how he's gonnna save america?

    1 AntwortElectionsvor 9 Jahren
  • yahoo answers WTF is with recommended?

    why does that come up now instead of the newest? I don't want it, I don't like it, I want to turn it off. I want the person responsible for changing the way yahoo answers works drawn and quartered. Where is the button to turn it off.

    1 AntwortYahoo Answersvor 9 Jahren
  • did he really say this? MITT ROMNEY: No, middle income is $200,000 to $250,000 and less?

    GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Is $100,000 middle income?

    MITT ROMNEY: No, middle income is $200,000 to $250,000 and less

    is this guy for real????

    10 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 Jahren
  • when people buy gold do they keep it at their house?

    People I know think gold is a good investment and that the dollar isn't worth anything since its not backed by gold anymore. They think that gold is the only good investment right now, but these same folks don't actually keep the gold in their house. What makes them think that if the US Dollar completely collapses, (USA in anarchy,) they are ever going to get their gold, and even if they did have it in their house, what makes them think they will be able to do anything with it?

    4 AntwortenInvestingvor 9 Jahren
  • On a ski lift and its hit by lightning. are you safe?

    On a ski lift and its hit by lightning. are you safe?

    pretty much that's it. your suspended in mid air below a steel cable, 40 feet from the ground (and from the support towers) are you fried, or are you like a bird on a wire and safe? what about a faraday cage isn't the ski lift chair like a faraday cage?

    1 AntwortPhysicsvor 9 Jahren
  • on a ski lift and its hit by lightning. are you safe?

    pretty much that's it. your suspended in mid air below a steel cable, 40 feet from the ground (and from the support towers) are you fried, or are you like a bird on a wire and safe? what about a faraday cage isn't the ski lift chair like a faraday cage?

    3 AntwortenWeathervor 9 Jahren
  • Mike the typical theist?

    Mike the typical theist?

    Here's the email I received. Plus he disabled the reply button. I figured I'd out him.

    Hello jl (jleslie48),

    You have received a message from another user!

    From: ?

    Subject: ***

    Message: you are a ******* retard and need to get your atheist *** kicked so bad you will be in coma for life and then ,meet the very one you insult, you ******* punk *** retard! you have a smart *** mouth, punk,and id beat you half to death for your insult to the good people on earth, you evil ******! go to hell, you homo

    8 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 Jahren
  • republican election motto 2012...?

    you betcha!! when the moon is the 51st state, we can have all the poor we don't care about go there and form a christian nation!!!

    or is there something I missed ?

    I mean the stuff I'm hearing from the republican candidates,... SNL really couldn't do a better job of making a parody.

    7 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 Jahren