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Best app to download kpop songs (Android phone)?
What is the best app for free downloads of Kpop songs? (I live in the US and have Android phone).
2 AntwortenOther - Musicvor 7 JahrenWhich cellphone should I get?
- I have a kid who is often in the hospital/going to medical procedures/appointments so I want to be able to use the Internet since I have hours of waiting time once a week.
- Some months I use alot of minutes in phone calls, other months not so much
- Don't do any text messaging
- Want to check Facebook once or twice a day
- My verizon contract is now up so I'm free to switch. Suggestions?
6 AntwortenCell Phones & Plansvor 1 JahrzehntWhat to do in Dublin?
My husband will be in Dublin for two weeks for his job (in the upcoming month - end of July, beginning of August). What is good to do in the evenings and weekends? Also, is there anywhere to play tennis for free or a nominal charge? Is there a Chinatown section? (He's Chinese but his English is excellent and he's already traveled quite a bit). He likes all types of food too. (We are from Florida in the US). Thanks.
5 AntwortenDublinvor 1 JahrzehntWhy Aren't There Any "A" and "B" Batteries?
There's "AAA" and "AA" then it goes to "C". What happened to the "A" and "B" batteries?
5 AntwortenOther - Electronicsvor 1 JahrzehntCan an I-pod destroy your motherboard?
I had some weird problem with my I-Pod Nano (it gave a strange error dialogue box when I tried to charge it) and shortly thereafter (a couple of weeks maybe), the motherboard on my laptop was all messed up and I had to get a new laptop. Coincidence?
I had uploaded all the music from existing CD's so it's not as if I could have received a virus from downloading music.
5 AntwortenOther - Hardwarevor 1 JahrzehntAlan Jackson Video "Country Boy" Live?
I'm looking for the Alan Jackson video "Country Boy". it's the one where he's live on stage with 3 other country singers, one of them is Brad Paisley. I looked on CMT's website but I couldn't find it.
My 4-year old autistic son really likes this song, when it comes on he will stop what he's doing and sit in front of the TV and move his body to the rhythm. :)
2 AntwortenCountryvor 1 JahrzehntAnyone else tired of hearing about Michael Phelps?
I really don't care about his armspan, what he eats in a day, etc.. Sheesh. Let's move on now.
10 AntwortenSwimming & Divingvor 1 JahrzehntWhat's On Your Car or Truck?
Stickers, license plate frames, magnets, etc.
My car has a "Semper Fi" sticker and a martial arts girl.
25 AntwortenOther - Cars & Transportationvor 1 JahrzehntWhich Dead Celebrity...?
...would you like to have sex with?
(for me, the answer is Brandon Lee. I was just thinking of him today)
16 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 JahrzehntBilly Idol or Adam Ant?
Who do you think was better, why, and have you seen either in concert? Bonus for real names.
9 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 JahrzehntLeftover Cous Cous?
What can I make with leftover cous cous? It doesn't seem to have much flavor on it's own. What can I add to it? The box has a cold salad recipe on it but cous cous strikes me as the sort of thing that would not be good cold.
10 AntwortenEthnic Cuisinevor 1 JahrzehntMarco Polo?
What is the point of the game "Marco Polo"? What are the rules? It is mostly played in the swimming pool, though I have seen one instance of it played on land. I never could figure it out by watching. It just seems like kids randomly yelling "Marco!" and "Polo!"
1 AntwortWater Sportsvor 1 JahrzehntYo Gabba Gabba?
Anyone else think it's the most retarded show on Noggin? Sheesh.
2 AntwortenToddler & Preschoolervor 1 JahrzehntParenting Unrewarding?
Does anyone else find parenting completely unrewarding? Just wondering...with two autistic kids I'm having difficulty finding the parenting experience rewarding now or even hoping it could be in the near future.
4 AntwortenToddler & Preschoolervor 1 JahrzehntFlat Coca-Cola for Battery Terminal Cleaning?
I opened a 2-liter of (actually, store brand) cola to clean the battery terminals on my car. Will it work just as well once it's gone flat? I only used a little bit out of the 2-liter.
5 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 1 JahrzehntMiso vs. Tofu?
What's the difference between miso and tofu? They are both made from soy. I have a recipe which calls for miso. Can I use tofu instead?
3 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 1 JahrzehntMP3 player ?
What's a good MP3 player to get which is similar to an i-pod shuffle but not as expensive?
(I put my i-pod shuffle in the washing machine, I left it in my shorts pocket! I got the i-pod free for opening an e-trade account so I don't want to spend alot to replace it.)
5 AntwortenMusic & Music Playersvor 1 JahrzehntBaby Signs?
I am attempting to use baby signs since my toddlers don't talk. Does anyone know, does it matter which hand you use? Iam left handed but my kids are right handed. I am trying to remember to use my right hand but I know instinctively I'll use my left. These signs are based on American Sign Language, so anyone with ASL experience would be able to answer too.
Yes, we're doing all the evaluations for therapy, neurological testing, etc. I just want something to use signs to start some line of communication. I'm getting desperate since my kids are 3 years old and not talking.
2 AntwortenToddler & Preschoolervor 1 JahrzehntTerrified Toddler!?
My 3-year old (non-verbal) daughter has been terrified to go to day care. This morning she had a good morning but when we pulled into the parking lot she began wimpering. She got so upset today she scratched herself all over her face. Previously she was ok there and even began joining in group activities. Now she won't even eat. The staff have been the same for the past 2-3 months and one of the teachers has been there since the place opened and we started going there in August.
That teacher said my daughter may be terrified of a part-time boy who I once witnessed pull her hair. My daughter was standing off by herself and I was looking right at her. This little piece of trash walked RIGHT over to my daughter and gave her hair a yank. He really went out of his way to do it. And all he got from the teacher was a "no-no". How can I get to the bottom of this? I tried talking to the owner today & he was clueless.
And yes we are having my daughter evaluated for autism, speech delay, etc.
9 AntwortenToddler & Preschoolervor 1 JahrzehntRe-gifting!!!?
Did you ever re-gift something? If so, what was the gift, who gave it to you and who did you give it to? Were you found out?
I re-gifted a toy that was sent to my kids. The company sent an extra toy. My sis said she wasn't charged for it so I should just keep it. I gave it to another kid for his birthday. He hadn't been to my house so he never saw the toy.
5 AntwortenChristmasvor 1 Jahrzehnt