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Tennesse country-man- curmudgeonly old fart, conservative, and agnostic. Smoker,gun and dog owner, everything mom said stay away from. I eat fatty foods and contribute to global warming any way I can. Sorry.
HVAC Blower Motor Replacement Question?
I have to replace the blower motor in an old Rheem unit. I'm an electronics guy by trade, but the markings on this replacement motor have me confused. I got a Fasco universal replacement motor. The old motor was 1/3 hp, 1700-something RPM. The new motor is a 3-speed, and is rated 1/3, 1/5,1/6 HP. The rpm is not listed on the motor but my tach shows about 1700 rpm on high. My question is, is the 1/3 HP rating at high speed, or one of the other speeds? I got a new capacitor with it. I test ran it today for 2 hours, it ran fine on high, but the motor seemed to get a little hot, you could lay your hand on it (after it was stopped), but not for long. Any comments welcome...Thanks.
4 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 1 JahrzehntDell GX250 Power-Up Problems?
Here's a fun one. I have a Dell GX250 that will not power up. The power button comes on solid yellow. Now, here's the fun the case (do nothing else) and it will power up and run for days or weeks until the next time it is turned off. Then it's back to the yellow power button. The supertechs in India haven't a clue...neither do I. Whatdaya think? Thanks.
1 AntwortDesktopsvor 1 JahrzehntF-150 Sparkplugs at 180000 miles?
I have a 1998 F-150 5.4L that has 180000 miles on it with the original sparkplugs. What's the chance of them coming out without damaging the heads? I'm not going to do it myself, I'm going to hire a pro, but I have heard horror stories about F-150 cylinder heads.
I already know I shouldn't have let them go that long, but water under the bridge. Whaddaya think?
4 AntwortenFordvor 1 JahrzehntTextured Ceiling-How to remove stain?
I have a sprayed-on textured ceilng in my house (latex paint and chips on top of drywall). I had a water leak from the roof that has left a brown stain on about a foot square area. Is there any way to remove this stain without also removing the texture? Thanks much.
4 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 1 JahrzehntNetwork Guru's... I need help with IP please.?
OK. I have this computer at a location with a static IP address, let's say To get to the server it talks to wherever that is there is a DNS and Gateway set up. There is also domain extensions added and stuff.
I want to connect two ethernet cameras to this computer, both with static IP addresses, to be used locally only.. Could I set them up with an IP of and and plug them into the switch or would this cause problems? Thanks.
2 AntwortenComputer Networkingvor 1 JahrzehntAnyone care to guess what could be wrong with my dog?
She's a 65 lb black lab/pit mix, about 5 years old. Normally a big hearted dog, she is now hiding in corners and behind furniture. At night, instead of her same sleeping spot she's used for 5 years, she hides in the bathroom. She won't eat the dog food (the other dogs are eating it ok), but she will eat a treat like a dog biscuit or something. Normally she will down a whole big bowl of kibble daily. In every other respect she seems OK,runs, pees,poops, and even the vet can't find anything wrong. The only thing in her life that has changed is that my girlfriend has been gone for a week, and I wonder if the dog misses her or something. Any speculation/suggestions welcome....thanks.
10 AntwortenDogsvor 1 JahrzehntWindows XP: How many files can you have in a folder?
Is there a limit to the number of files in a specific folder, given ample hard drive space?
6 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 JahrzehntAny Freeware Video Editors out there?
I have a neighbor that wants to take her vcr tapes, edit them, and burn them to dvd's. She has an old program that does some of it, but it's basically a video capture program and not much else. She has upgraded her pc (from an old p4 to a quadcore) and does not have money in her budget for a new editing program, so I was wondering if there is something like OpenOffice except for video. I don't know a thing about video editing/programs so any help would be welcome. Thanks!
1 AntwortSoftwarevor 1 JahrzehntI can't align my Dish Network Antenna, can you help?
I have an older Dish 500 system. It has worked well for about 4 years. 110 has been dropping out, 119 was fine. I figured the antenna had shifted so I nudged it, and when I did, I lost 119 also, now I get nothing. I did all the usual reboots,switch checks and all that and have even gotten so desperate that have run a coax from the rf out on the receiver to a tv out at the satellite pole so I can watch the satellite strengh meter. In addition to the recommended setings, I have scanned god's blue sky (slowly, for 4 hours) for a sattelite signal. I get nothing. I wonder if the lnb has died. If you can be of any help, please answer as my girlfrienf has had to bury her sister and is distraught, and the tv helps distract her. I'm going to call a dealer tomorrow, but any help tonight, I can't tell you how apprecitave I would be.
6 AntwortenTVsvor 1 JahrzehntCan anyone tell what the issue here with Outlook Express is?
My dad's Outlook Express is messing up. I don't use Outlook so I don't know crap about it. He like to send pictures. When he tries to send a picture for example "picture 1" , the recepient gets something like:
"picture 1" [1/2]
"picture 1 [2/2]
instead of "picture 1.jpg"
Usually more, instead of a file they can open. I know it's a setting, something to to with MIME, but don't know which. I had him log in to my yahoo webmail and send me the pic and it works fine, so it's something local to Outlook. Ideas? Thanks!
3 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 JahrzehntGMC Jimmy (1991) Tune Up Question?
I inherited from my girlfriend a 1991 GMC Jimmy 4x4 4.2L. I kept it running the last 4 years by replacing lots of parts. She finally got a car and the truck is mine. It runs OK but doesn't have a lot of power. It has 192000 miles on it and I wanted to get opinions on what to do with it. I don't want to scrap it if I can help it because everything on it works.
I'm almost certain the plugs are the ones that came on the truck, as I have never changed them and she doesn't think they have been changed. I will probably have to replace the cables, too, as the boots are cracked and stuck to the plugs. I'm concerned that those plugs have been in there so long, it's gonna damage the heads to get them out. On the other hand, at 192000 miles they just *have* to be worn out. What would you do if this was your truck? It uses very little oil...well once I fixed those leaks it did...
4 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 1 JahrzehntVB5/6 Handling divide by zero errors?
I was discussing this with some programmers today and started a war. The topic: how to handle divide by zero errors. I say do it like this:
[we are not concerned with range checking,etc, we just want to avoid runtime errors]
Private sub Divide_it(variable)
If variable >0 then
end if
end sub
Others say do the divide with a "On Local Error" handler for when the variable comes in zero. That seems silly to me when a simple if will do. What say you? Thanks.
1 AntwortProgramming & Designvor 1 JahrzehntWireless Router-What do you do with the 25-digit security code?
We have the connection up but can't get on. We have the 25-digit code for the router, so what do we do with it in Windows 2000? Thanks.
3 AntwortenComputer Networkingvor 1 JahrzehntDoes it cost more to change an engine in a cargo van than ,say,a pickup?
There's this fellow that has a Ford E-250 van with the body in good shape. Probably the trans is ok too, the van has 120000 miles on it, and is a 2003 with a high top. I believe it has a 5.4L that is bad. So, gearheads,does it cost a lot more to swap an engine in a van than for example, a pickup?. The van has shelves, and a hig-top, good upholstery, and a lift gate. I can buy it for $2600. I need a what do you guys think? Thanks.
4 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 1 JahrzehntJess or Heather (Rock of love) Which one do you want Brett to chose?
My girlfriend is a big fan of the show and wants to see who you want to win. She's rooting for Jess, so I spent 5 points to see who you favor. Thanks!
26 AntwortenReality Televisionvor 1 JahrzehntYoung men (under 30), what's the strangest reason a girl won't go out with you that you've been told?
I was reading all this stuff and got to thinking about my own youth. What is the best or funniest rejection you have had? One girl told me "I can't, I have to do my hair!". Another told me "Because I think you're a dweeb!" It hurt my feelings, but I appreciated the honesty. I just wonder what some of you have been told.
2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 JahrzehntCould you reduce your carbon footprint by peeing outside?
Think about it. I live in the country and being a male, it is just as convenient to take a whizz outside than inside. Therefore, no electricity is used to pump water from my well to refill the toilet, which means I use no electricity peeing, which means no coal is burned to generate the electricity. If I pee outside my whole life, will it offset enough carbon for even one of Al Gore's jet trips? If all the males peed outside, think of all that carbon not placed in the air, and you get the lawn watered to boot.
10 AntwortenGlobal Warmingvor 1 JahrzehntWhere is Al Gore?
Now that he has taken your money for his fiction books and dvd's, is he just relaxing in the mansion or what?
14 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 1 JahrzehntIBM Thinkpad Problem?
It had been a really bad day already. I was in the middle of writing a program for a machine when my IBM T21 froze up. When I rebooted, it said "operating system not found". I picked up a piece of 2" steel pipe and slammed the keypad with it, and that did not help. So I poured coffee into it and ran over it with a forklift before kicking it 50 yards across the factory floor. Still doesn't work. The green light comes on but nothing happens. Do you think the battery might be bad? Grrrrr.
3 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 1 JahrzehntMy shih-tsu ate this, what should I do?
Female shih-tsu, 15 lbs. We were gone and she went into the pantry and retrieved a box of Betty Crocker Brownie mix, opened it, ate all the mix and the all chocolate fudge syrup.
(A) Take her to the vet! She's gonna die!
(B) Put the brownies up higher next time.
(C) You are so cruel to your dog, you shouldn't have one!
(D) They say chocolate is bad for dogs, but the dog disagrees.
Or an essay will be fine.
29 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt