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Cold Bird
Finland, Finland,'s the country where I want to be!!
Parmesan Cheese?
When in Italy I usually bring a big lump of parmesan cheese with me, but it tends to go mouldy quite quickly. How do I prevent it? I've tried different kinds of containers and even packed it with ice packs when I come home but nothing seems to help. Any tips at all?
5 AntwortenOther - Food & Drinkvor 1 JahrzehntI'm thinking about giving up men?
They seem to be more hassle than they're worth. But I have a high sex drive. How can I cope a life without sex??
25 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 JahrzehntWorking in the U.K. How does the salary compare?
I'v been offered a junior position for a job in a smallish town in U.K. The starting salary would be about £ 20,000 / year and would rise to at least £ 25,000 after 2 yrs. Is this an ok salary or a lousy one? I'm wondering if it's worth the hassle of moving from Scandinavia.
6 AntwortenCareers & Employmentvor 1 JahrzehntTrouble sleeping?
Ever since my summer holidays I've had truble falling asleep. I've been trying to get up early in the morning and not to nap. I'm usually very tired during the day but I won't fall asleep. I will not take any sleeping pills, what should I try instead?
12 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt