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Lv 55.946 points

monteil m

Favorisierte Antworten73%
  • Que pensez-vous du nitrate de potassium?


    Que pensez-vous du nitrate de potassium utilisé en tant que conservateur dans la charcuterie ?

    Un grand merci pour vos réponses.

    1 AntwortSanté et démarches administrativesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Traduction en anglais?


    Pourriez-vous faire une petite relecture, pour vérifier les les erreurs d'expression. Mille merci pour votre aide.

    Who are we?

    Since 1994 we collaborate with Parisian hotels. We have always ensured that the bookings are done via the official website of the hotel, which presents many advantages, no intermediary, no commission, the ability to choose your room, and confirm your booking with the hotel management.

    To help you, in addition to the websites, you have access to :

    - A downloadable guide

    - You can contact the hotels directly via their official websites, and email addresses

    - You can also contact the hotels via your cell phone. (all hotels have not this option yet)

    - You can either call us or email us, we will answer to all your questions with pleasure.

  • Translation, I need your help..many many thanks.?

    Here is the text in French :

    Guide d' Hotels à Paris :

    Trouver votre hôtel à Paris : télécharger notre e-brochure

    I need this translation from french to english, Russian, spanish, italian, simplified chinese, traditional chinese, norvegian, swedish, german, danish, portuguese, Japanese, italian, deutch.

    Thanks a lot for your help.

    3 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt