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Favorisierte Antworten15%
  • Rescuing a Dog, Help?

    I am most likely going to rescue a dog from the local domestic animal shelter.

    This dog caught my eye, but his info says 'red golden retriever'. This is obviously not a red golden, and I cannot exactly tell what type of dog this is. He looks a mix, but I'm not sure.

    What breed do you think he is? Do you know anything about this breed and how they are?

    Have you rescued a dog before and how was it?

    Thank you in advance.

    5 AntwortenDogsvor 7 Jahren
  • Help With a Parabola?

    I have a math question about a parabola.

    My vertex is (1.5,7.5) and I'm continuing the table. Since you can pick the set of x values, do they have to always be one less/one more than 1.5 or could I pick any number?

    Would this be okay to use as my x-values?

    X | Y







    2 AntwortenMathematicsvor 7 Jahren
  • Getting a Golden Retriever Puppy?

    I'm going to pick up my golden retriever puppy in about two weeks.

    I have a few questions about what I should do.

    I have found 2 breeders. Both litters are AKC registered and have their shots and vaccinations.

    One breeder sells their males for $600, which I think is a reasonable price compared to other prices I've seen.

    However, the other breeder sells males for only $400. His wife said he's been breeding for 20 years now and she said other things that made him seem like a loving breeder.

    For an AKC and vaccinated puppy, $400 seems a little cheap. I'm worried he may have health problems or something in the future.

    Is he just a generous breeder or is $400 a bit sketchy?

    Thank you in advance.

    7 AntwortenDogsvor 7 Jahren
  • What Are 'Consumable Supplies'?!?

    We are doing our science project for science fair, in the things we have to fill out, it says "The equipment, consumable supplies, measurement devices, and safety equipment required for this experiment includes:"

    What are consumable supplies?

    My experiment is the Mentos and Diet Coke reaction..

    Please help.

    2 AntwortenPhysicsvor 9 Jahren
  • Help! U.S History!!!?

    We had to answer this in history today.

    Please help.

    Which three branches of government were suggested at the convention in Philadelphia?

    - National, Executive, Federal

    - Executive, Legislative, Judicial

    - Supreme Court, Government, Senate

    - Congress, House of Representatives, Senate

    2 AntwortenGovernmentvor 9 Jahren
  • Once Upon A Time Season Premiere!?!?

    I thought Once Upon A Time was premiering for season 2 today?

    On the TV listings for ABC it says Lion King is on at 8?

    And there was supposed to be a recap for OUAT at 7 and Alice In Wonderland is playing?

    What just happened?!

    4 AntwortenDramavor 9 Jahren
  • What Video Game Is This?

    It was a game about a blue dragon or maybe a dino? It basically followed his life and how he is trying to survive. I've spent years trying to remember what it was called, and it's very vague in my mind. But if anyone knows the name, please, tell me.

    4 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 9 Jahren
  • Science Fair Ideas?!?

    What are some really good and creative ideas I can use as a science project? Something creative and impressive. Anything that would fall into the category of something a high school student would do (I'm in 8th gade) that would impress my teacher. I don't mean models, I mean something I can actually test, and have a hypothesis towards. Please list more than one idea. Thank you all in advance.

    (The deadline for ideas is tomorrow).

    2 AntwortenOther - Sciencevor 9 Jahren
  • What To Eat If You're On A Diet?

    I recently started working out, and I am determined and motivated for a flat stomach.

    What are foods that I should eat? What should I stay away from?

    It's 7:30 PM over here, so what kind of dinner should I have right now? And what kind of breakfast should I eat tomorrow?

    Keep in mind that I am only 14, so I can't exactly cook anything. Thank you in advance!

    3 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 9 Jahren

    So.. Toby is A? Do you guys think he is A or do you think they are just throwing us off again somehow? Remember we thought that Paige was A.. But she wasn't. And what about Maya?! Who killed her????

    5 AntwortenDramavor 9 Jahren

    Well, my two guy friends were having a straight joke game, one of them said "You're as straight as Elton John" and then the other said "You're as straight as the 4th of July"

    I understood the Elton John one, but not the 4th of July one.. Help me out?

    2 AntwortenJokes & Riddlesvor 9 Jahren

    Well, today was my first day of 8th grade, the teachers were pretty good but it's the people in my class that bug me. There is no one in all 7 classes that I'm friends with. I literally have no friends. All my friends are in a diff. class and it's horrible! I can't just sit there for 45 minutes with no one to talk to.. Should I ask for a schedule change? I've had some of my friends do that before - and I can't just make friends with the people in my class, they're a lot more popular and most of them are guys.

    3 AntwortenPrimary & Secondary Educationvor 9 Jahren
  • What App Does This Person Use?!?

    There is a person on Instagram who has the user - Herestothekidss

    They post pics like this -

    What app do they use?!

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 9 Jahren
  • Micheal Phelps Retires From The Olympics?

    I know that he is retiring from the Olympics after 2012, but is he done with swimming forever? Or just the Olympics?

    3 AntwortenOlympicsvor 9 Jahren
  • What Is This Poem About?

    Here is the poem:

    In going from room to room in the dark,

    I reached out blindly to save my face,

    But neglected, however lightly, to lace

    My fingers and close my arms in an arc.

    A slim door got in past my guard,

    And hit me a blow in the head so hard

    I had my native simile jarred.

    So people and things don't pair any more

    With what they used to pair with before.

    I'm sure it's not just about a guy getting struck in the head by a door, I think you have to interpret deeper and read between the lines. I don't understand the meaning of this poem and what it's trying to say. Please help.

    3 AntwortenPoetryvor 9 Jahren
  • What Are Some Good Songs By Drake?

    I've been listening to Drake alot latley, and I would really like to know what some of his best songs are. I like The Motto and Headlines alot, what are some other great songs? What are your favorites by Drake?

    7 AntwortenRap and Hip-Hopvor 9 Jahren
  • Team Name For An Orange Team Shirt?

    It's my 3rd season playing Volleyball. Every season we get a new shirt color, and we pick a new team name. This season its the color Orange. We can't decide on a team name because nothing fits. Tigers is too original. Does anyone have any ideas? Please help. Team name deadline is tomorrow. Please give more than 1 idea. I need lots.

    5 AntwortenVolleyballvor 9 Jahren
  • Is Lucifer The Devil?!?!?

    I have heard that he is...So is he or isnt he? Is Lucifer just another name for Satan? Who is Lucifer anyway? Please help, and be specific.

    10 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 Jahren