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  • Desensitizing a horse?

    My gelding came from an abusive situation and I had been slowly working with him over things. After he flipped out over a western saddle squeaking some one offered to help me desensitize him. We started with his saddle pad going on and off as he used to be scared of it, then the lunge whip touching him all over and being moved around, then a big plastic bag, grain bags put on him, a lead rope hitting his shoulder, walking over tarps, tossing dog toys all around him and having 1 or more dogs take off after it, tossed the dog toy at him an by his feet. He just stands there, I've skipped around him, jumped, and made sudden movements. He's doing a lot better but he is still terrified of people, at a show this young girl came up to give me his ribbon and he acted like she was going to kill him and not even 5 minutes later another young girl came up and was petting him all over his face and he just stood there. Some times he freaks out and other times he doesn't so I'm not sure what to do for it. Also any other things to use to desensitize him to?

    2 AntwortenHorsesvor 6 Jahren
  • Hoof question?

    This isn't my situation but I was wondering. Let's say you have a horse who goes barefoot and has very little heel. Would being pastured on a hill all the time cause the horse to wear his heel off so it becomes even less heel? Sorry if that doesn't make sense

    4 AntwortenHorsesvor 6 Jahren
  • Not sure what to do with my horse?

    My horse chews his bit to no end. He will start grinding his teeth as well and literally just clanks the bit the whole time, and if you have contact he starts to throw his head. He has 2-3 wrinkles from the bit which a trainer told me that was good.

    It's easier to just list what I have tried and have had done:

    -Teeth done a few months ago

    -Checked for wolf teeth

    -6 different bits (French link full cheek, French link roller loose ring, loose ring French link, copper eggbut snaffle, loose ring snaffle, Myler level 1 Dee ring snaffle, current bit see ring snaffle)

    -new saddle (fits)

    -a different rider

    -riding him into contact

    -riding with little to no contact (still chews just doesn't toss his head)

    -treated for ulcers (had many signs all others have gone away except for this one)

    I have put my hands around his muzzle like how a flash would sit and it made him stop, so I was thinking trying a flash?

    I had to take a video for my sister while I was on him and he just stood there clanking away with no pressure on his mouth at all.

    He's also 10 years old and well broke, he is practically voice command. Only thing I'm concerned about is I wanted to show hunters, which you can't have a flash for, but he has a ground covering canter that could go either way.

    9 AntwortenHorsesvor 6 Jahren
  • Attachment image

    Color for a chestnut?

    I know there are probably a million of these questions but anyways. I am going to order a new saddle pad to fit under my saddle better than what I have. But I'm torn on the color. My gelding is a chestnut Appaloosa, he has 4 high white socks, a big wide blaze, as well as a spotted hindquarters that extends to his withers, he also has a white spotted stomach. His original color I was going to use for him is blue, he looks good in it but I also have a fly bonnet that is hunter green and it looks cute on him. I also think burgundy would look cute on him. I want to eventually do jumpers with him, and I want a less bold color that is more reserved mostly because he is so loud him self with all of his white I don't need a bright saddle pad color to draw attention to us. I was going to order all 3 since they are half off but, I don't see why I would need ever single one and I need to buy other things as well as this saddle pad.

    I attached a picture of the saddle pad colors the blue I'm talking about is the more of a royal one, the hunter green is the 6th from the bottom, and the burgundy is second to last. My gelding is also more of a coppery penny type chestnut.

    5 AntwortenHorsesvor 6 Jahren
  • Show Coats: Black or Navy?


    I outgrew my brown show coat that looked amazing paired with a pink shirt with my chestnut roan Appaloosa, but since I've outgrown both the show coat and horse I have been borrowing this navy plaid show coat but it's too small and my gelding who is a chestnut Appaloosa with a blanket, 4 socks, and a big blaze. He looks nice in navy but this show coat I found on sale is out of the navy and only in black in my size. I am showing local shows while I get into showing but I plan to do hunter/jumper further on so would black be okay?

    5 AntwortenHorsesvor 6 Jahren
  • Bit Question?

    My gelding was ridden in a regular Dee ring snaffle before I got him, I asked his previous owner what bit and the only difference I can tell is that they used a copper bit. My gelding chews and plays with the bit no matter if you are riding him or just put his bridle on he does it. I talked to a trainer and she thought the bit was too low so I raised it up and there has been no difference, his bit is a Dee ring snaffle. While I'm riding him he's constantly chewing and if I try to push him into the bit he just throws his head up. I took a video yesterday of what he does and the video was literally a minute after I put the bridle on. I'm going to talk to the trainer again and see why she thinks but for the time being I didn't know what anyone else thought. His teeth were just done about a month ago and he has no wolf teeth as we checked for those tho king it could of been that. I'm going to post the video on the answers because anytime I post it in the question my question doesn't show up to be answered.

    6 AntwortenHorsesvor 6 Jahren
  • Teaching a horse to pivot and other showmanship tips?!?

    im having a hard time to teach my horse to pivot for showmanship classes. My horse knows how to walk, trot, back, set up, for showmanship and he does this all very well but I cannot figure out how to get him to pivot or teach him. I've tried reading but nothing seems to work, hopefully some one might know a way to try and teach him!

    2 AntwortenHorsesvor 6 Jahren
  • Getting Registration Papers?

    My horse is said to be registered through the Aphc, how ever from what I was told he was beat, sent to an auction, rescued and the lady who rescued him lost his papers in a barn fire, the old owner I got him from got him because of the barn Fire. I don't have a registration number and he has no brands or anything. Would it be easy to identify him through the registry considering he is an Appaloosa with some distinct markings? I would really like to get his papers but is it really worth the hassle of making sure it's him?

    4 AntwortenHorsesvor 6 Jahren
  • Wolf teeth or low palate?

    The video attached is my gelding and what he does with a bit in his mouth. He tosses his head and does this while moving as well. But he tosses and pulls down and twists his head. I can't really see his teeth long enough but I did think I saw wolf teeth, but I've never seen any so I'm not totally sure. I was also told it could be because he has a low palate, and then when ever the rein is used it hits him in the mouth. Could it be both? I'm going to have the vet come out but I'm just questioning the low palate and that it could be a combination of wolf teeth and low palate. How do you know if the horse has a low palate? Also anyone know roughly how much it is to get the teeth out as well as what about riding and feeding after they get done?

    1 AntwortHorsesvor 6 Jahren
  • Would anxiety medication help with riding?

    I have a lot going on in my life and my councilor thinks that anixety medicine might help me because when I get nervous I freak out and have bad panic attacks. I was just wondering if the medication would help my riding as well. I fell off my gelding last September and broke my wrist, I got back on and ride him before going to the E.R I didn't think about it again. But now when I ride him I am terrified to do anything because I'm afraid of him dumping me again. I had a problem with my mare a little over a year ago where she would back up when you tried to get on or while you were getting on. When I tried to get on her it usually ended up I would be freaking out until I was on her, after that I would just walk and I wouldn't want to get off because you had to have some one hold her and you had to push your self away from her because she would flip out and back up. She doesn't do this now and it doesn't scare me anymore. I'm just wondering if any one takes anixety medication here and if it helps calm them for riding as well. Thank you

    3 AntwortenHorsesvor 6 Jahren
  • Putting horses out with snow?

    We have about maybe 6 inches give or take an inch or two. I'm afraid to turn my horses out because I don't want them to get hurt. I have a friend who had a horse who they had to put down because he slipped and broke his leg, he had other health issues as well. My mare is around 20 she has some leg problems as well as neck issues. My gelding is 10 and he's perfectly able and has no issues. I'm terrified that either one will be injured. I feel bad keeping them in but I think I would die if something happened to them. What do you guys do in the winter? The barn I'm at has been turning out in certain fields. Am I just being too cautious

    3 AntwortenHorsesvor 6 Jahren
  • Cantering dilemma?

    So after my fall off my gelding where I broke my wrist I haven't gotten the courage to canter him again. I did after I fell right away but haven't since. My biggest problem is I fell because he dropped his head and shoulder and is still doing that. My mare did it to me the other day and I just sat up and applied leg and made her move forward. But with him I just get nervous. He doesnt lunge and I know I can get on another horse and canter it's just him. Because that's where the confidence problem stems from. I truly know that once I over come the issue of being nervous on him that I'm

    Going to excel and not be nervous. I did that with my mare. I didn't ride her for 9 months then one day it clicked and I rode her and we did everything together and I was never nervous riding her again, not even after I fell off her. How can I tell my self that I'll be okay and to work up the courage for the canter or how to stop him from

    Dropping his shoulder/neck and going behind the bit?

    2 AntwortenHorsesvor 6 Jahren
  • Flash vs Figure 8 noseband?

    I was thinking of riding my gelding in one because he will open his mouth slightly and turn his head while trotting mostly. it's hard to explain but he plays with the bit and cocks his head to a side or goes extremely behind the bit even if there is light contact on the reins. So

    Educate me on flash vrs figure 8!

    (We are hoping to have a trainer ride him and see what she thinks, just wanna learn what I can)

    5 AntwortenHorsesvor 6 Jahren
  • IEA Questions?

    Can any one tell me how this works? Like if you have your own horse do you ride it or what?

    2 AntwortenHorsesvor 6 Jahren
  • Pedigree? Appaloosa?

    Just wondering if any one knows anything about my gelding and his pedigree.

    Here's the link

    2 AntwortenHorsesvor 6 Jahren
  • Potty training?

    I got a puppy and she's been doing great with potty training. She would cry when she had to go and I would take her out and she would go. Now she is just going where ever and when ever without doing it. I don't know what to do. My family has potty trained 4 other dogs over the years but she's my first dog my self.

    1 AntwortDogsvor 6 Jahren
  • Helmet Replacing?

    My helmet is almost a year old and I fell in it earlier the year. It did not come in contact with the ground. I was seung off like an emergency dismount. So I landed on my feet. Later in the year I fell off my gelding when he dropped his head and shoulder. I didn't think I hit my head but I did break my wrist. I say I should just get a new helmet. It's a less expensive brand which I don't mind but I think I should replace it how ever it's I am getting debated with my family. What would you guys do? I vote just replace it it's better than getting hurt because it was damaged. I also heard IRH has a replacement deal

    10 AntwortenHorsesvor 7 Jahren
  • I know yet another I'm nervous to ride :p?

    I guess I just need some reassurance. I want to ride more than anything, I didn't ride for 9 months in 2013 because I have scared. I had just gotten my new horse and I went to a show and we cantered and placed and I felt good and confident. Well two days later I didn't feel like riding and my mom made me and I went on a hack with a few others. The first two riders went up the slope at a canter and I was trotting but then I decided what the heck let's canter and asked for the canter. We did about 4-5 strides before he dropped his head and shoulder and I flipped over and broke my wrist. I did get back on and ride him before going to the hospital. I've been riding on the days my first horse was feeling better and I'm not scared of her just him. The reason he did drop his head and shoulder was his bit and he needs a lifter for his saddle. I know this is it as last week I used a different bit and a half pad and lunged him before I was gonna get on, the vet ended up showing up. But he was way happier no chewing the bit or head tossing. I guess I just need some inspiration and to be told it's okay. What's the difference between a loose ring snaffle, eggbutt snaffle and a Dee ring snaffle? All being basic snaffles

    3 AntwortenHorsesvor 7 Jahren
  • Blanketing horses?

    It's around 40-high 50s during the day and 30-45 at night here lately and I blanketing my horses today because of terrible wind making it extremely cold. My newer gelding came from south of where I live, he was blanketed last winter and he has a very thin coat even when he tries to fluff up when it got slightly colder. Should I just keep him blanketed, since he has a super thin coat?

    Second my mare is about 20 and is slightly under weight but is gaining the weight. I know she can get hairy but then if you even walk her in the winter she gets hot, so it's ideal to blanket her. I wouldn't be so worried if she ate in the pasture when she goes out, she will eat some but she kind of just likes hanging out with the other mare with her. I don't want her to be cold since she possibly could be older due to no exact records.

    So when is the right time to blanket? What temperature? Sorry for all the blah blah stuf

    4 AntwortenHorsesvor 7 Jahren
  • Naming ideas?

    I'm getting a puppy and she is mostly white with little black. I want the perfect name. I've come up with Eskimo and Daffney....I want the perfect name

    6 AntwortenDogsvor 7 Jahren