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Favorisierte Antworten38%
  • What do I do when my best friend's crush likes me and not her?

    So, as it turns out my best friend's crush now may like me. I don't necessarily like him back, though I have definitely considered him as a future potential boyfriend. My problem is my friend (lets call her Brea) always gets jealous whenever I talk to him, even though I'm not flirting or leading him on in any way. Now it's starting to hurt me and Brea's friendship. She doesn't mean to get angry at me but it happens. Also, I can't completely cut this boy out of my life because he is also a really good friend and I can't stand hurting his feelings as well. What should I do?

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 8 Jahren
  • Small and calm dog breed?

    My family wants to buy a puppy but we aren't sure which breed is the best for us. We're looking for a dog that doesn't require too much attention, is calm and lazy, but also small (my children are afraid of large dogs). I know not all the requirements will fit in an ideal puppy but if you could give some suggestions and point us in the right direction that'd be great!

    6 AntwortenDogsvor 9 Jahren
  • What Do You Think of the Name Ariel?

    What kind of person comes to mind the moment you think of Ariel? (Besides mermaids and washing soap)

    Does she sound like a gentle, flowery princess? A spunky rebellious beauty? An air-head model? A fighter with tattoos?

    I'm writing a story about a girl whose name is Ariel and I was just wondering what image came to your mind. Thanks!

    6 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 9 Jahren
  • Physiological Adaptations of Cactus?

    SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME! I'm doing a project and it requires me to know two physiological adaptations of a cacti. The thing is, I can't find anything on Google, or if I have, I don't know if its physiological or not.

    Definition: inherited changes that regulate functions with in an indivisual


    5 AntwortenBotanyvor 9 Jahren
  • Amazing books with intricate plots and deep characters?

    Does anyone have a list of amazing books that have intricate plots and deep character development? I love the intertwining of sub-story lines with complex people who add so much depth to a book. Anyone have any suggestions? Even suggestions to just books that you can never shake from your mind, though they may not have the best of plots or the most interesting of characters would be nice! I'm dying for some good literature. Please no Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc. Already read most.


    5 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 10 Jahren
  • Why have there been so many earthquakes lately?

    Haiti, Chile, small ones here and there, California, JAPAN...all in a year! I know its not uncommon to have earthquakes frequently, but to have THIS many in a period of time that have caused catastrophic results (Haiti and Japan, mostly) is too much of a coincidence! Is there a scientific explanation?

    Also, birds/fish have been randomly dying by the thousands in different places. The birds that fell from the sky, the fish found dead in the sea...

    Is there a reason for all of this and that these events are happening around the same time?

    Is there a scientific explanation for the COINCIDENCES?

    5 AntwortenEarth Sciences & Geologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Critique My Writing.?

    I was just wondering how I sound and if I am decent writer.


    The streaming morning sun, pours into the room - illuminating the walls to a pasty, golden, color. I sigh, blinking into the stifling rays of hot light. The pale bed sheets are tangled at my ankles in a lump, strangling my feet into a mass of twisting blankets. I tug them off with a quick jerk, shoving them onto the roughed, tiled, floor. They land with a soft THUFF.

    Another hot, endless, summer day, I sigh, heaving my shoulders in reluctance. I hate mornings.

    Moving slowly, I get out of bed, my heart pulsing. I raise my hands toward the shades of the window, drawing them abruptly close. The sudden darkness penetrates through my skin, but I don't care. I slump against the metal cell walls, forcing my eyes to stay open.

    Glancing briefly at my new room, I try to take in the surroundings. A metal chair lays over turned in the corner beside a rusty sink and toilet. Three plants lay half dead against a soiled carpet, their leaves yellowed and sick. I frown, wondering if that is ALL they gave me. I turn my attention to the bed, which I just got out of. It is pushed against the wall, locked into place by heavy nuts and secured by two wires. I comb my dark hair absentmindedly, working at the lumps with my thin fingers. "At least I have a window," I mutter turning to face the curtains. I sigh once more, my heart thundering.

    Every morning its like this. Wake up in a new room, a new place, with a new identity and get used to it until night falls. Everyone night, I slump into the bed, pulling the covers up tight, and closing my eyes, not wanting to watch the renovation and moving taking place. My hands lightly trace a dark stain on the cold floor. Its in the shape of a knife. I shudder.

    The experiments were getting worse everyday.

    Long ago, I was opted for a test with thirty other girls. I didn't want to do it, but it was forced on me - an experiment that would change history, I was told. I should have never followed the man into that bus, I think, pressing my nail into the stain. I shake my head. It is too late now.

    Every morning the thirty of us girls would wake up in a new room and have to survive the day with whatever the place had. There were usually no doors or windows. The point of the test was to see how fast we'd adapt or escape the surroundings. All of us wanted get out of there as fast as we could and we all wanted to be back home. However the twist was, if we wanted to escape, we had to do so without any of the other girls acknowledgement. No one could see us. If we were caught, we were dead.

    All twenty nine had done it. I was the last one.

    Sorry that its choppy and hard to understand and has rough transitions. Its hard to get an idea across with so little space and on the spot. SORRY!

    5 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why can't women put on mascara without their mouth closed?


    2. Why does the sun lighten out hair but darken our skin?

    3. Why doesn’t glue stick to the inside of the bottle?

    4. Why is abbreviated such a long word?

    5. Why is a boxing ring square?

    6. Why is it considered necessary to nail down the lid of a coffin?

    Sorry, just curious

    5 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is your amusement park?

    My family and I want to do something before the summer end. Any good amusement parks that don't cost much, and are fun? (no Disney World/Land because the lines are too long and we have been there before)

    10 AntwortenAmusement Parksvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is a good series?

    I love reading and am now bored because I have read everything the library has to offer!

    Any suggestions to a good series or just plain good books?

    (Please don't put down Harry Potter or the Twilight series! People say these all the time.)


    10 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I need Photography Help!?

    I am a beginner photographer, so I would like some help. Does anyone have any tips about how to get good pictures? Examples are welcome!

    6 AntwortenPhotographyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is the best college for...?

    My sister is going to college soon. She doesn't know what college to apply for, but she is extremely talented in art, designing, music, and acting. (Basically all the expressive arts). Are there any VERY GOOD COLLEGES (like up with Harvard) that she can attend that focus on the expressive arts?

    4 AntwortenHigher Education (University +)vor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How can I lucid dream fast?

    I have asked this question many times but most of the answer require me to do things for a long period of time (like keeping a dream journal). I have experienced lucid dreaming a few times and it was amazing, but I would like more tips on how to do it instantly. I don't really have time to write what i remember in the mornings so any other tips beside dream journaling would be very helpful!

    9 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How can I Lucid Dream?

    I really want to get better at lucid dreaming. I have done it once, but cannot seem to control it. The main problem is that it never occurs to me to control my dreams while I am dreaming. I also forget to try and stay lucid while i dream.

    My dream sweeps me down a current and I just go with the flow. How can I get better? Any websites?

    2 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is a simple, pretty, and unique name for a girl?

    I am writing a book and need help. I need a really unique name that is pretty and simple. I know a few like Aryssa, Erla, Maliana, and such but I would like more options to choose from!

    Does anyone know a name very unique, pretty, yet simple?

    6 AntwortenOther - Entertainmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How Can I Control My Dreams?

    When I fall asleep almost all of the time I know that I am dreaming. I try to control them, but they seem to have a mind of their own and do exactly the opposite of what I WANT them to do.

    Once I was dreaming that I was walking with my friends. I didn't recognize this road so I immediately knew I was dreaming. Suddenly the road split into a two separate streets. I wanted to go right and I willed it to happen, my feet started going in the right direction but as I was getting closer, my feet decided to take a little walk and went the opposite ways. I even remember in my dream saying, "STOP!" to my feet. I then thought it over and wondered to myself, "can I really control my dreams when even my own feet won't listen to me?"

    The other night I realized I was dreaming because I was sitting with a bunch of people with fuzzy faces. I wanted to fly and I thought about flying. Thought light thoughts and even jumped. I didn't fly. Then when I calmed down and tried to relax and will it to happen, I fell through the pavement and landed in a pool of water.

    I stopped trying hard and tried to calm myself and not force myself to control it. I started to lift but then I just realized I was shifting to another dream. It is like being stuck in a book and you know you are asleep but can't wake up and can't control what is happening. Once I had a nightmare and I yelled to myself, "WAKE UP OR CHANGE YOUR DREAM!" It didn't work.

    Can anyone help me?

    4 AntwortenDream Interpretationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I Had A Strange Dream-What is it About?

    I dreamed that I was climbing an mountain and a plane circled above me. I had no safety harness and the mountain was craggy. I was 3 thousand feet above the ground. I had no idea how I got there and suddenly I was falling. The plane dipped below me and I fell through the roof into the plane. I searched it wondering who piloted it and wanted to thank them.The plain was empty. I opened the door to the flight control room and I gasped. The pilot was me.

    Suddenly the "clone" stood up and touched me. She said "Pilot the Plane and when the Next one falls tell them the same as I tell you."

    Unexpectedly I was waring her helmet and driving the plane. I was circling above a girl who looked a lot like me.She fell and I dipped below her. Moments later she came through my door and everything repeated.

    Until once a different girl named Sarah was climbing the mountain. When she fell and when I caught her she said that my turn being the pilot was over and that it was her turn to dream this.

    Strange or what? What does it mean?

    1 AntwortDream Interpretationvor 1 Jahrzehnt