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Favorisierte Antworten24%
  • Amazon charged me for Free Trial?

    I've had an amazon student prime membership for a while now but I decided to try the amazon prime free trial for instant video access and i thought i had an entire month of free trial but was recently charged $43.51?!? I cancelled my membership immediately but was only refunded $39.11!!! (Which by the way hasn't been added to the card yet) Was I charged for the membership or something? I thought I had an entire month to end it! I've only had it for a little over a week! And what's worse is that it was charged on my mom's card and I needed that money to pay student fees due tomorrow! How do i get my money back ASAP??!?

    2 AntwortenYahoo Shoppingvor 7 Jahren
  • math question (fractions)?

    Gina worked 3 3/4 hours on Monday, 5 1/2 hours on Tuesday, and 2 1/3 hours on Wednesday. If her pay rate is $24 per hour, what is her total pay for these three days?

    I know you have to add up the fractions and multiply by 24 and i think the LCD is 12 but i don't know whether or not i have to convert to mixed numbers first?

    3 AntwortenMathematicsvor 8 Jahren
  • math question???????

    An athlete is entered in the 200 pound weight class in the conference finals coming up in 4 weeks. The athlete needs to lose 12 1/2 pounds. If he loses 3 3/4 pounds the first week, 2 1/2 pounds the second week, and 1 3/8 the third week, what is the total amount of weight he has lost?

    1 AntwortMathematicsvor 8 Jahren
  • math question: find the area?

    find the area of the room which has a length of 9 3/4 meters and a width of 7 5/10 meters

    5 AntwortenMathematicsvor 8 Jahren
  • 3(3/4)+5(1/2)+2(1/3)x24?

    The answer is supposed to be 278 but i can't get that answer?

    Can anyone break it down?

    2 AntwortenMathematicsvor 8 Jahren
  • Did the NSC-68 go too far in characterizing the Soviet union as a threat?

    and how do you think U.S. foreign policy is outlined today, by Kennan or the NSC-68?

    1 AntwortHistoryvor 8 Jahren
  • computer screen problem?

    Hello there, i was wondering if anyone could help me fix this issue i am having with my computer/computer screen? I'm not sure what the problem is, I've never had this issue before, the little white line at the top of the screen during startup won't go away. Here is a picture if you have no clue what I am talking about.

    i honestly can't seem to get past this part at startup.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)

    2 AntwortenMonitorsvor 8 Jahren
  • taking the ged test for someone else?

    in California

    my sister wants me to take the ged test for her

    what would be the consequences if i got caught taking it for her?

    any information you can give me is greatly appreciated.

    5 AntwortenStandards & Testingvor 8 Jahren
  • Internet connection problems on laptop?

    I just got wifi 4 days ago, and my internet connection works fine on my desktop which is directly connected to the router. I have wireless connection on both my phone and my laptop, but the internet connection on my laptop is failing. It keeps saying that the local network is disconnected. I called the internet company and they told me everything was fine, and that it may be my network adapter or something. The wifi switch on my laptop is always on too, so that can't be the problem. Can anybody give me any suggestions? PLEASE?

    If it helps:

    Router: Netgear CGD24G

    Windows Vista Home Premium

    Manufacturer: TOSHIBA

    Model: Satellite A305

    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T5800 @ 2.00GHZ 2.00GHZ

    Memory (RAM): 3.00 GB

    System Type: 32-Bit Operating System

    2 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 9 Jahren
  • Buying a laptop at a pawn shop, Good idea or bad?

    I am in desperate need of a laptop for college, but I can't spend too much money. I checked at a pawn shop nearby and they're selling them starting at $150. It seems like a good deal to me, but I'm worried about the quality. So, I was wondering if it was a good idea, and also is there any laptop recommendations?

    5 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 9 Jahren
  • Can i call the cops for this? What do I do?

    My sister has been physically abusing her dog. When he poops in the house, she either hits him with a broom, kicks him, or punches him. He cries and she tells him to shut up. I threatened to call the cops but she said, "it's my dog, i'll do whatever I want with him." I don't really know what else to do. I'm worried about that poor dog, but she's also extremely violent. I'm worried for myself and my mom as well.

    1 AntwortLaw Enforcement & Policevor 9 Jahren
  • I blacked out, but I was still standing?

    So, I hadn't eaten all day at school, and I had woodshop. My teacher was talking about how someone once sawed their finger off and I started getting dizzy. I felt like my eyes were closing. I tried opening my eyes wider, but I still felt as if everything around me was just going dark. I knew I was going to faint so I grabbed onto a table and leaned against it. Then suddenly everything went dark. It felt like a second later I had woken up, but I was still leaning against the table. I thought, surely I would have collapsed.. but I was still standing.. I guess I would like a clearer understanding of what happened please..?

    3 AntwortenOther - General Health Carevor 9 Jahren
  • How many grams of KNO3 should dissolve in 300 grams of water at 35 °C?

    The solubility of potassium nitrate in water at 35 °C is about 60 grams KNO3 per 100 grams of water. How many grams of KNO3 should dissolve in 300 grams of water at 35 °C?

    2 AntwortenHomework Helpvor 10 Jahren
  • Where are there omens of ill in Macbeth?

    I'm not sure I understand the question, but apparently there are omens of ill in Macbeth Act 2 Scene 3.

    First of all, does anyone know what omens of ill ARE?

    1 AntwortTheater & Actingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What does this mean.............?

    In Macbeth, Act 3 Scene 2, when Macbeth is talking to Lady Macbeth, what is he saying here?

    then be thou jocund. ere the bat hath flown

    His cloistered flight, ere to black Hecate's summons

    The shard-borne beetle with his drowsy hums

    1 AntwortWords & Wordplayvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is it called when you have a whale phobia?

    I'd google it but I'm too afraid that a picture of a whale will pop up.

    4 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I need a list of sad movies?

    Can you give me a list of movies possibly about like teen drama and stuff that are somewhat sad?

    I'm talking about movies made between 2000-2010

    14 AntwortenMoviesvor 1 Jahrzehnt