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How to disable the date stamp function on Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS10?
I would like to remove the date stamp on my pictures. Do not remember how I enabled but it is annoying. Thanks in advance!
3 AntwortenCamerasvor 10 JahrenWhat is the name of the action movie?
This movie came out a few years ago. Story line featured some teens in a snow resort snow boarding and performing other similar activities. Eventually they are pitted against some terrorists while stranded on the mountain. The trailers showed many nifty action sequences.
3 AntwortenMoviesvor 1 JahrzehntLucent Partner II Communications System?
How do I input the sequence for Auto Line Sequence? Want to use Line 3, Line 2 then Line 1.
Need to program Lucent Partner II phone system for the Auto Line Selection (Chapter 5-20). This function allows to skip main Line #1 as the main pick up and thus can use Line #3 as the pick up line. Line # 1 is the main incoming line and want to avoid additional traffic. Kindly see below:
FEATURE "0", "0" (Begin)
Left Intercom (Twice)
Right Intercom
Extension (Example 15 "1", "5")
Extension Buttons in Sequence ??????
FEATURE "0", "0" (End)
It has been a while so I was even wondering if this is the right function.
Thanks for the look.
1 AntwortOther - Electronicsvor 1 JahrzehntRemove Automated Drop Down E-Mail Name List from Outlook?
How would you remove a name / disable the automated drop down name list from Outlook when sending outgoing message? For instance when I type in "sales@" prefix then 2 or 3 choices would populate. I do not want to accidentky send e-mail to wrong address.
3 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt