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Favorisierte Antworten32%

been gardening nearly fifty years... Master Gardener in NC.... loves Science and all Space and Geology related subjects... studied Psychology and Human Behavior in college... have a wonderful man who has twenty-four years in my great-grandson and another little great-grand on the way!, 9 grandies, five kiddies, their mates, various cats, dogs, q bird and a snake included in the family here..... love to see if I can help with of garden here...

  • serious question....when conquering armies came into Jerusalem,?

    it was their first big move, to destroy and pillage the temple....... what would happen today if a war started and an army took its first shot at the Dome of the Rock ?.... or the Kabaa?....what if Mecca was leveled to the ground in retaliation for some battle somewhere else?..... it would break the hearts of the peaceful Islam peoples..... would they finally turn on those who give their religion a bad name and make them stop the murders and terrors?....

    9 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 Jahren
  • three X-flares in a row from the same spot....?

    ... is this as rare a happening as I think it is?.... would you think it's likely to continue from that same spot?....I thought flares kind of 'released' a build up of energy from an area.... this seems not to have done that.... anyone here a sun student?...

    2 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 8 Jahren
  • what do you call the accessory....?

    ... that is bigger than a scarf, but flat like one..... not a shawl, but worn draped around the shoulders like one..... very light in weight, usually sheer....something makes me want to say the name starts with an 'h' and is a foreign word....???....

    4 AntwortenFashion & Accessoriesvor 8 Jahren
  • bringing a water heater up to code?

    what could be wrong with the set up of a gas hot water heater in the basement of a ten yr old home inWinstonSalem NC that would require not only a new heater , but repairs to something to bring it 'up to code' and cost $750.... and that is without the cost of the water heater included?....the current one is on an elevated block....this is my son's house , still under buyer's warranty, and I'm concerned that he's not being dealt with they have all the costs of their wedding in June looking at them so an extra thousand right now is just not needed, you know?....... so I come to you folks for your input.... thanks ahead of time.....

    7 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 8 Jahren
  • what's the best guess whether dark matter is consumed by black holes or not...?

    if it is hovering above and around galaxies in the area where black holes exist, can the BH's manage to grab some?... would an actively feeding BH with a jet erupting thru the dark matter that is hanging around up there cause any abrupt changes in the dark matter or scoop any into the event horizon?...I can't imagine the two being mixed together as anything but totally unpredictable!!.... what's been thought already about this, anyone ever read it?...

    4 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 8 Jahren
  • neutrinos... where do they 'end up'?

    having been created along with the Universe and travelling thru it all these 14 plus billion years, and adding to the original numbers, all the ones created by the succession of many many stars, mankinds fiddling with nuclear processes, etc... where are they going and where do you suppose they'll 'end up'?..... are they part of the 'dark energy' expansion engine out there?... and , if they came 'with' the creation of the Universe, would that have us suspect that a self-destruct was built in?...

    3 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 8 Jahren
  • will Comet Lemmon be a naked eye object when it becomes visible in the Northern Latitudes?

    ...... in April?.... it's already got a tail and it's such a pretty green......

    4 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 8 Jahren
  • are our galaxy and Andromeda galaxy both spinning in like manner?

    what I'm getting at is, will they be spinning the same way when they merge or is one going to be going the opposite way?.....

    if the merger has them going the same way that would be a smoother occurance than if the stars in each were coming head on at each other, yes?....

    and.... is the speed of the rotation of each nearly alike or very different?.... do you think that will have anything to do with the relative ease of the merger?....

    I usually see drawings that have Andromeda coming at us at nearly a right angle.... much like a buzz saw!... is that how we'll meet, at angles?...

    sorry to slap too many questions together, but they just popped up this morning out of no where... thanks...

    3 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 8 Jahren
  • did any of you opt for the 'over the air' TV?

    did it work good for you?... mine went all pixelated and froze so often it wasn't worth the worry.....but what I don't understand is, back when that was ALL we had, the worst we got was a little 'snow'..... so what's different now?.... do I have to put up an antenna on the roof to get a decent 'air' signal?.... I already have satellite for the living room and the college kid, but didn't want to pay for another 'box' for jsut my bedroom, so I went for the 'air' stuff...... maddening that it doesn't work with that great little box the govt said WOULD!!!.....

    4 AntwortenTVsvor 9 Jahren
  • did any of you opt for the 'over the air' TV signal?

    did it work good for you?... mine went all pixelated and froze so often it wasn't worth the worry.....but what I don't understand is, back when that was ALL we had, the worst we got was a little 'snow'..... so what's different now?.... do I have to put up an antenna on the roof to get a decent 'air' signal?.... I already have satellite for the living room and the college kid, but didn't want to pay for another 'box' for jsut my bedroom, so I went for the 'air' stuff...... maddening that it doesn't work with that great little box the govt said WOULD!!!.....

    13 AntwortenSenior Citizensvor 9 Jahren
  • did you see Spaceweather today?

    did you see Spaceweather today?

    it seems Hurricane Sandy left Alabama a glorious gift!!!.... check this out!!!

    2 AntwortenWeathervor 9 Jahren
  • did you see Spaceweather today?

    it seems Hurricane Sandy left Alabama a glorious gift!!!.... check this out!!!

    4 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 9 Jahren
  • the Sun's orbit in the Galaxy... isn't Voyager going the same way?

    I hope I can ask this right..... if the Sun is cooking along at 486,000 mph in its orbit of the center of the galaxy, how can little Voyager at 38,000 mph, get OUT of the heliopause, ever?... seems to me that Voyager's speed wouldn't be enough to let it get far enough ahead of the heliopause and that the Sun would keep moving in the same direction as Voyager, faster than the probe, and overtake it ....??..... or is Voyager travelling in a direction that would let the Sun slide by after all?.....what am I seeing in this diagram that would make me think they'll get out?....

    3 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 9 Jahren
  • anyone have a dog that reacted badly to COMFORTIS?

    My 'grand-doggie' got Comfortis last Friday and has been lethargic and droopy and not happy since then.... will that stop soon or does he need another trip to the vet?... the vet was called....*one of the aids didn't think that was a side effect of Comfortis, but was brought up to speed by my daughter!!..... what she needs to know is if it's necessary to get ANOTHER bill or if the dog will straighten out on his own.....

    many thanks to all who answer!!....

    5 AntwortenDogsvor 9 Jahren
  • anyone have the logistics of how often someone on Mars would see Earth in transit ?

    in transit across the face of the sun?..... I found the info reported by the guys on Slooh to be very thought -provoking...... that Mercury transits 13 times a century and Venus, 13 times a millenium.... wondering how Earth would compare from Mars.....

    2 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 9 Jahren
  • where to look for washing machine leak?

    only a couple years old.... no water leaking from hose connections at the wall.... ammount of water is less than half a cup and it's being caught by the tray the washer sits in..... where else would I look for a leak?.....could it be coming from a too-full tub or the spin cycle spray?....your help appreciated....

    3 AntwortenCleaning & Laundryvor 9 Jahren
  • Did you catch the Gingrich notion that we'd have a base on Moon...?

    by 2020 if he got two terms?...... and that if there got to be 13,000 people living up there , they could apply to be a state?......really?.... sigh......

    does the 'treaty' cover this kind of thing?..... or is it 'sovereign occupation'? our embassy in foreign countries.... could this actually happen????.... a US state on the Moon?......or does he just have his wires crossed?

    7 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 9 Jahren
  • a question about 'antenna' tv....?

    what is so different now?.... way back when, the tv came over the 'air' thru an antenna..... same deal as I have on my bedroom set.... (no cable to that room)..... I don't ever recall the pictures 'freezing' or dissolving into pixels or getting a sign saying ''No Signal"" way back then..... so what's different that I get it now?..... do I need a roof top antenna again?.... dang!!!.....

    5 AntwortenTVsvor 9 Jahren
  • von karman vortice streets look like Jupiter's bands/storms.....?

    and what I read says they are caused 'here' by things that stick up into the atmosphere, like volcano's the possibility that there's something on Jupiter that projects up into the atmosphere to cause it's swirling clouds???....

    here's where I found the Earth's swirls...

    Those two trails of swirls are Von Karman vortex streets, named after the aerodynamicist who explained the phenomenon. In a nut shell, when airflow of the correct speed passes over a round body (like a volcano, for instance), vortices will be shed alternately from one side and then the other.

    and, if Jupiter's situation is that different, is there another explanation for its swirling patterns?

    thanks, y'all.....

    2 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 9 Jahren
  • is APOD site having a bad day?

    it's three days now that I can't get the site to come up for me.... anyone else having a problem with it?...

    7 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 9 Jahren