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A Philosophical Counsellor, feel happy, only when can make others feel comfortable and relieved from breathlessness that life gives us, at one or other point of time. It is not always necessary that when problem comes up, we are having some psychological disorder. A very normal person can also have trying situations, at that point of time, I feel like lifting up the view of life, to make the person feel relieved from the grind and filth of life situations.

  • why Indian writers are paid comparatively less?

    It is always the case that writers from UK or U.S.A are paid much higher than those of Indian writers. What can be the reason behind?

    5 AntwortenOther - Social Sciencevor 8 Jahren
  • Why is Philosophy being totally rejected in India?

    Philosophy is not only the mother of all subjects, but also the only way to evaluate and elevate your life pattern, all other countries have accepted this fact, but India, where Philosophy was there from the ancient times, people are rejecting Philosophy altogether. The result of it is seen in everyday's news nuisance, what could be the reason behind it?

    5 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 8 Jahren
  • why I feel lazy to groom up?

    I am a woman of 40 yrs. its not only now, but since my teen age, I never felt like grooming myself, though, finally I am bound to do the minimum, when I attend some marriage or party. I am not that beautiful, but have a quite fair complexion, good hair and not so bad features. I never felt like building up a good self image either. be it study, career, looks and behaviour, I never grew the urge to compete anybody, grab the attention, though ironically, I feel too elated, if people appreciate me for any reason. need to know about

    1 AntwortPsychologyvor 8 Jahren