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What are the most important reasons to build vocabulary?
8 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 6 JahrenIs elementary statistics the same as statistics in high school?
I'm an upcoming junior in high school and I went to a CC near me and I got into elementary statistics. So is that the same as AP Stats because it's a college course?Will the elementary stats be harder than AP stats?Will it count as AP credit?
1 AntwortMathematicsvor 7 JahrenPopular fashion in Canada 1990s?
What were some popular fashions in Canada for men and women? Like hairstyles and accessories?
4 AntwortenOther - Canadavor 7 JahrenForeign Culture: Canada 1990s?
1. Fashion
) What type of clothing was popular during that time period?
) Popular accessories?
) Popular hairstyles?
) Make sure to illustrate difference between Men and Women and also social classes
2. Music
) What type music was popular during that time period?
) What musicians were popular?
3. Recreation/Leisure
) What venue was used for entertainment? (movies, music, television, sports, etc)
) Popular activities (dances, games)
) Any popular movie stars, sports figures
) Food
4. Politics
) Who were the leaders during the decade?
) Any political scandals?
) Any wars?
5. Economy
) How was the economy at the time?
) What was the unemployment rate?
) Were there any shortages?
6. Values/culture
) What was important to the people during that time period?
) How did they view women?
) Were there any movements or revolutions during that time period?
) Were there any popular sayings or slang?
) What was going on religiously during the time period?
7. Inventions/Technology
) Were there any important/influential inventions that came out of your decade?
) How did the inventions impact people?
1 AntwortOther - Society & Culturevor 7 JahrenVideos for learning Comp. Sci. A?
I'm want to learn Computer Science A because I'm planning to take AP test next year.
1 AntwortTeachingvor 7 JahrenWhat are covered on the AP Computer Science 2014 Exam?
Also, I would appreciate putting links of learning C++ and Java for free.
1 AntwortHigher Education (University +)vor 7 JahrenHow to study/prepare for the SAT?
I'm a sophomore preparing I'm not really sure how to study for the SATs so i know there are three sections writing, reading comprehension, and lastly mathematics. As for writing, I am reading college level books such as Faulkner. Any suggestions for college level authors? And I'm not really sure how to get ready for the reading comprehension part. Any suggestions? And lastly the math part I have no clue how to study for math? The last thing I would use would be the SAT practice! ANY SUGGESTIONS?
2 AntwortenStandards & Testingvor 7 JahrenWhat does this dream mean about me and my crush?
As background information: I had/have a crush on her for a while. So I pretty much have an off and off crush on her. She stares at me during class, when I look at her she stops staring. I really like her. I sometimes go on her facebook and try to learn more about her and her interests also looking at her great photos but then I came across a post from her boyfriend that they have been together for a year and getting a year anniversary.
Dream: So my dream is about: I am walking into school, she sees me we both greet each other. Then I later find her trying to lock hands with me also I was trying to do the same and getting a grip is was magical then i saw her leaning towards for a kiss and getting comfortable in my arms. When she was about to kiss me, I woke up. It was a dream within a dream. So when I awoke a song got stuck in my head as a reminder of her " Wish you were here", it seemed like it was pure memory then I woke up again. When I woke up in real life I find myself crying!
1 AntwortDream Interpretationvor 7 JahrenHow would i balance this equation give me one way?
HgNO3 = HgO + NO2 + O2
1 AntwortChemistryvor 8 JahrenI don't know where Barbas is?
So the last time I saw Barbas was in Falkreath leading me to the Haemers Shame. And when I went in I killed all the people with my companion but he is Barbas is was in sight! I haven't saved it when he sent me to Haemers Shame. So I went to Fallreath and double check but it couldn't have option to find Barbas. What's the problem?
1 AntwortVideo & Online Gamesvor 8 JahrenWebsites for learning music theory guitar?
I want to learn music theory for guitar. Any recommendations on websites for guitar music theory?
6 AntwortenPerforming Artsvor 8 JahrenWebsite/video recommendation to learn guitar theory?
For the websites and videos:
No subscription
No sign-ups
Are there any good websites that help for guitar theory for beginners?
1 AntwortOther - Musicvor 8 JahrenWhat are some questions that could get some lots of answers?
Best question 10 point!!! Worst question 10 points!!!
3 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 8 JahrenIs she messing with my feelings? This girls means so much to me. I'm so confused?
I like/d this girl. I'm still confused if I still like this girl. We have classes together. In our classes we have eye contact most of the times but I do not know if she is just playing with me. She is really pretty and smart. I thought we had a conversation through our eye contact. I think she thinks she likes me.or the staring is creepy. Whenever I tried to talk to her something will come in the way between us. Either one person talks to her or somebody talks to me. There was one incident that whenever I was sitting next her she crosses her legs.She was happy I think. I told her closest friend that I liked her, I don't know if my crush knows that I like her. I tried playing with her on Fb. No reply for her. I commented on one of her statuses her friend liked it but my crush didn't like it she liked everybody else's but not mine. And was like 15 comments liked except mine. She puts cute comments on another kid she comments on his like I didn't say anything. That other guy is popular, smart and funny from that she likes him. Right now I feel devastated. On what happened. Did she like me in the first place?
4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 8 JahrenHow long will it take to read "The Shining" by Stephen King?
For a teenage boy
4 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 8 JahrenWhat age is the "The Shining" mostly appropriate?
2 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 8 JahrenMy son eats but does not grow what wrong?
My son is 13 years old he pretty skinny and about 4 6 and weighs 65 pounds what is wrong with him. Does he have a chance of death.
4 AntwortenOther - Healthvor 9 JahrenWhat are good fantasy young adult books?
Also some fantasy with some dragons for my teenage son. Put some recommendations that are less than or 500 pages?
7 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 10 JahrenDoes my friend's girlfriend like me?
The girl always stares at me, when I look at her she looks away.
I had a crush on her once.
4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt