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help with win10 and jpg?
just got a win update last night now none of my jpg pictures will open
I was opening them picture viewer
the only app I can open them in now is paint
anybody got advice on what happened
even better how to fix it
2 AntwortenSoftwarevor 4 Jahrenis there any doubt the media is against Trump ?
watching ABC news tonight they did a story on Trump doing bad on POLLS
and how he was fighting to maintain and get more voter on his side, because the POLLS were against him
but of course they never said just what the POLLS were saying
the just went on and on about how Trump can't win
BUT then they talked about Hillary on how she is happy and care free, her farts smell like roses
and we all should kiss the ground she walked on
3 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 5 Jahrenanyone know what is going on with answers not working right?
I get you have reached your answer limit after only 1
click to answer and get this question is being reviewed and I can not answer
but with both I close and open again and it works fine, been this way for 2 days
4 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 7 Jahrenname of old tv show like lost?
I remember seeing a show about a plane crash, people stuck on a island, and a small abandon mining town there.
time frame would be late 60s thru 70s think it only lasted 2 years
any help?
3 AntwortenDramavor 1 Jahrzehnt