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Suresh SAINI
What is the new income tax slab?
What is the new income tax slab raised in budget..
3 AntwortenIndiavor 7 JahrenHow can we gain weight?
Dear All,
We want to know that if a person are infected by tidefite in past...
and present time he/she is out of that diseas but he/she is not healthy.
what kind of treatment can make him/her healthy in a short/long time.
2 AntwortenOther - Diseasesvor 7 JahrenHow can we increase our height after age 24, and between 20-24 age.?
Could you tell me a single treatment to improve health with height.
when we are going to near about be 24.
and when you will between 20-24.
3 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 7 JahrenHow can we improve our stamina?
I want to know that how can we improve your stamina.
-- Suresh Saini--
4 AntwortenMental Healthvor 7 JahrenWhat is the penalty payment code?
We are depositing tds in sbi branch their cashier is asking penalty code..and we don't know about penalty code and he/she also don't know about that.
He/she is telling that in sbi tds payment software is showing penalty code(11C and N11C)....?
Please help me that where can we use 11C and N11C.???
4 AntwortenCreditvor 9 JahrenI would like to know what is the full form of V.P.P. in courier and Mean also?
I would like to know what is the full form of V.P.P. in courier and Mean also????
Please explain understandable.
4 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 9 JahrenSpam mails how to stop these type of mails?
Spam mails how to stop these type of mails?????
I am receiving 15-20 mails everyday in spam folder that is not useful for me.. these comes for a offer for like Viagra random offer, someone want to me and offering me,.,. you have only 2days to meet me.,.
Hii I am Nisha .,. I am looking for,., etc.,.
How can I stop these types of mail.?
Please help me,.
4 AntwortenSecurityvor 9 JahrenHow to make Birth Certificate?
I'm Suresh and aged 21yrs old. I want to know can I make birth certificate now?
at the time of birth It was not prepared. Right now i want to make this.
Please provide me solution and process.
8 AntwortenOther - Family & Relationshipsvor 9 JahrenAadhar Card.,.,.., I have applied for aadhar card before 2.5 month?
Still I have not received my aadhar card.
Kindly Help Me.,,,,.
3 AntwortenImmigrationvor 9 JahrenWhat is Opportunity Loss?
What is Opportunity Loss???
When we are regularly working(produced),..,.
When are opening a new business,.,.
When we are solving a question of statistics,. where demand is 2 and supply is 0????
Please reply.,
3 AntwortenCorporationsvor 9 JahrenHow can make network connection?
How can make network connection?
Please tell me How can we make a network (LAN)connection on local computer,
I have but it is not working properly.
I have server connection.
when I want to open shared files on other asks password, but we don't put any password in server,
Kindly suggest better answer and path to out off this problem.
1 AntwortComputer Networkingvor 10 JahrenWhat is Nasbandi????????????
Can somebody tell me what is nusbandi?
How can be stop pregnancy by nusbandi?
What is the process of nusbandi?
2 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 10 JahrenWhat is limit amount for tds applicable? On contract?
2 AntwortenIndiavor 10 JahrenHow can I stop mail received from disgusting person?
4 AntwortenAbuse and spamvor 10 JahrenHow to manage own selves?
1. How to manage own selves?
2. How to wake up early in the morning?
3. How to sleep early in the evening(Night)?
4. How to go to walking in the morning? (How to prepare to go to walking?)
5. How to get ready for go to gym?
Please Reply!!!!
It can be very useful for many of peoples!
3 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 10 JahrenIf I am filling a cheque in favor Mahalaxmi Tools?
but by mistake it has filled Maha Laxmi Tools.
Will it be correct.
will it be accept by bank?
should we make another cheque?
Please Reply
1 AntwortOther - Business & Financevor 10 JahrenI want to know, How to lead a team?
I want to know, How to lead a team?
If i want to manage my 10th pass manager than how can I?
Please reply!!
2 AntwortenCorporationsvor 10 JahrenImport Export Certificate Rectification ?????
Dears All,
I have changed my business address and also made amendment in IEC. but still my bank transaction is showing my old address when I make an telegraphic transfer ( TT ).
I have changed my business address also in bank by an prier notice.
Please help my off this situation!
2 AntwortenCorporationsvor 10 JahrenI have mentioned wrong mobile no. in pan application?
So No sms come from nsdl for pan acknowledgement kindly help?
how to out off from this.
how can I get my pan card
3 AntwortenIndiavor 10 Jahren