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can I still keep my house if I file chapter 7?
I heard that I can keep my house even after filing chapter 7.I know chapter 13 you can but what about chapter 7?
4 AntwortenPersonal Financevor 1 JahrzehntI heard that I can file chapter 7 and stil keep my house?
I am in arears and the mortgage co. will not work something out for a repayment.Although after reviewing the paper work they say that I am able to pay a mortgage payment but still have no programs for me.
2 AntwortenPersonal Financevor 1 JahrzehntDoes anyone have any websites or phone numbers for any of those Gov.programs helping people from losing their?
home could go into foreclosure and mortgage co.has been taking so so so long to assist.Long story but was told today by the mortgage co." From all the info,it looks like you can pay your mortgage and money left over but does not seem to be any programs available".Long story how we got to this point but have been making alot of changes to fix it.Thanks for any info.
2 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehnthome loans?
anyone know what mortgage companies do loans for not such great credit but plenty of equity in our home to scores near 600.
3 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehntrefinance after bankrupcy?
in chapter 13 and got approved for a loan to it true that it has to get approved with bankrupcy court and that it takes a month before we hear back for the approval?
3 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 JahrzehntBK 13 or foreclosures.Have been in one or other at one time.?
contact me if you know a company that does bankrupcy or foreclosure " buyouts" Thank You
1 AntwortRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehntbankrupcy quistion?
does anyone know of any companies that will do a refinance after only 4 months in bankrupcy and all payments to the court trustee have been on time and so has my mortgage payments.i am looking to refi away from my current lenders ( they are not good to deal with) and start fresh and work on my credit score to repair it.Need a lender we can trust.thank you
5 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehnttree revoval?
Does anyone know of any tree removal places in Mass.that removes trees free.I heard that there are some companies that do to use the wood for landscaping material,ect.
1 AntwortGarden & Landscapevor 1 JahrzehntCountrywide Home Loans????
Well it is no secret that I hate Countrywide,and upon ending up in a foreclosure and have gotten ourselves out of it,we found out 2 days ago that the cashiers check that we sent them back in Feb.06 certified and overnight mail seems to now not exist.I even checked a couple days after I sent it and they had recieved it.Luckily for reciepts,but knowing them this is going to be a long battle.Another thing( wish I knew more back then but...) we had purchased our first house in 1999,just so happens it was a foreclosed home owned by them.Anyway we bought it for $105,000 and 1 1/2 years later we sold it.When we arrived at closing all of a sudden the pay off amount had changed!! How can it be that the pay off amount was just under $105,000,the same price as we purchase it for?? I know not all of the payment goes to the principal but 19months of payments and the pay off was almost the exact same as the purchase.What do you think?? Serious answers please.foreclosure was due to bad communication.
6 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehntforeclosure and BK 13 ??
We were in a foreclosure and husband filed BK 13 to save our home.We have resumed paying our mortgage and making payments to the court trustee and on time.Still deperatley looking to refinance away from our current lenders becouse we are not happy with them at all.They are hard to communicate with.we have equity in our home and steady employment with the same company for 7 years.I need someone to contact me that knows of a company that does refi's for this kind of situation.Thank You.
3 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehntgas prices??
OK who do we blame for the rising gas prices this time?What is the reason this time.It rises the cost of everything else,such as groceries,landscaping items ect.and ruins the traveling that people like to do during the summer.I find it to be depressing.The cost of living has gone up,but has your pay check?Not ours.
10 AntwortenCommutingvor 1 Jahrzehntforeclosure company?
I found a foreclosure company on line and have been talking to him about our situation and he seems a to be able to help us in our situation,he sounds sincere,but yesterday asked for moneyto be sent to his company for 2 different things that he needs to do.It is not a very large amount ( $200.00) but wondering if I should? Is that legitimate do you think? I know there are alot of honest companies around,but just wondering your opinion?I have heard if a company asks for money to be sent then not to deal with them??
5 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehntforeclosure?
went into foreclosure and then filed chapter 13 to save our home.have employment and equity in my home.having a hard time communicating with our current lenders( that is why all this happened in the first place.)do you know of any company that we refinance still,after all that?we hate our current lenders and have the feeling they are going to be hard to deal with even more from here on in.
4 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehnthate countrywide home loans?
if you have or had countrywide home loans as a lender,what are your opinions of them? I have heard horror stories.what do you think?
8 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehntforeclosure?
Have you ever been in a foreclosure and gotten out of it?How? (besides selling your home and leaving).
7 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehntforeclosures?
if you or someone you know can do a refinancing for someone who has been in a past foreclosure,and did a chapter 13 and it was later dismissed and a foreclosure could be on it's way the way there is income and equity in the home.send an email or website please.
1 AntwortRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehnthelp save our home?
help!We went into forclosure and I filed that same time i was trying everything to refinance with another lender.i made 3 payments to the court trustee and had not made the payment to our mortgage company becouse we were all set to close on a loan and that ended on a bad unexpected lawyer had my chapter 13 dismissed and here i am again trying to save our home.we have employment and equity in our house.please do not say sell.that is not an option.we have 3 kids and love our home."bad things do happen to good people".answer me if you know of a company that can help.thank you.we are not in forclosure again yet.actually even though the lawyer had it dismissed i have heard nothing yet from the court or the mortgage company.
7 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehntforeclosure buyouts?
anyone know anyone that does foreclosure buyouts so someone does not lose their home.need acompany that deals in this no matter the situation,with credit scores in the high 500's to low 600' me if only you know this can be done.there is income and plenty of equity in the home.
3 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehntforeclosure and chapter 13?
has anyone ever been in forclosure before and filed chapter 13 to save their home and if so did you ever get to refinance your home and how soon after?i know there are chapter13 buyouts and people who help this types of situations to repair credit.but who?
5 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 JahrzehntI Love Lucy Fans?
Dos anyone collect Lucy things? I have a large collection that I am thinking about selling some of it?I have dolls,ceramic teapot,cookie jar,salt and pepper shakers,throw blanket,tin pisture signs,lunch boxes,books,post cards,magnets,none of these are antiques except my tv guides from 1967 and 1966.
3 AntwortenHobbies & Craftsvor 1 Jahrzehnt