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I'm 30 & very happily married with 4 kids. I have 3 dogs, 3 cats. I love spending time with my family. I'm a talk radio junkie, Love Glenn Beck! I'm a coffee addict,Love the outdoors, & love hard physical labor (I'm a wierd girl) I'm big on supporting & preserving our Constitution, Freedoms, & Rights! I'm friendly & outgoing. I can easily speak whats on my mind but can come across as mean. I'm usually misunderstood & I'm use to it by now I TRY TO be peaceful, & understanding. However,my convictions & moral standards prevent that. I'm also a bullhead & have a terrible lil' temper (I get that from my dad & the German & Irish in the family.) lol. I believe that the biggest problem in this Country is, liberal agendas, the political correctness movement, lack of morals & responsability. These are just a few things poisoning todays society. I am a believer in Jesus Christ & am not ashamed to say it or speak it. With out Jesus my life would be a mess & have no true meaning
What is your "Dream Car or Truck"???
Sorry I just had to ask... I am a gearhead, greasemonkey, tomboy gal' who absolutly LOVES old cars & trucks.... Just wanted to know what some of ya'lls dream machine might be....
God Bless.
20 AntwortenOther - Cars & Transportationvor 1 JahrzehntWho all thinks we are living in the End Times?
With all this greed, evil, violence, wars, terrorism, technology....
I feel like the world is a pot boiling over like a volcano!...
Does anyone think this is leading up to the End.?
The End that the Bible speaks of?
The tribulation & the Anti Christ, deciever of the world?
If so why.. what signs do you see?
God Bless & be with us all
I personally believe the end is near...I pray & hope it is!
8 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 1 JahrzehntIs Iran planing something on 8/22???
This is the 1st that I heard about this... Anyone know anymore info.. Supposedly Iran will have all the answers on 8/22???
Calling all info freaks.... Info freak that hasn't heard about this yet :(
5 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 1 JahrzehntHow to keep real Garlic from holding moisture?
I love to cook with fresh Garlic. However with this humidity beings soooo high. My garlic holds the moisture & if not used quick enough. It goes bad....
Anyone know how or where to store it to keep this from happening?
2 AntwortenOther - Home & Gardenvor 1 JahrzehntAlternative/Herbal Remedys for Migranes related to Hormone fluctuations?
I get severe migranes right before & right after my monthly. At the moment I take 800 mg. of Ibuprofin when I feel them coming on.. However I know how bad that stuff is for you in the long run.. Messes with your liver & kidneys. Anybody know any alternative/herbal remidies that are proven safe & do work?
Thank You in advanced.
8 AntwortenAlternative Medicinevor 1 JahrzehntPolitical correctness, cultural diversity, acceptance/tolerance.Who came up with this whacked up stuff?
I'm sick & tired of political correctness, acceptance crowds & hearing how everything is just SOO racist! ANYBODY ELSE W/ ME??? If we don't translate every sign for a foreigner.. then we are not Culturally Diverse enough! If I don't agree with the "alternative lifestyle" I'm a homophobic biggot, racist,
If I say don't agree with someones views I'm too narrow minded..
"I need to have a tolerant open mind" blah blah blah
What happened to America?! Where everyone was themselves, everyone was still REAL not fake, Where most had the same stance when it came to moral issues? Everyone spoke English as a 1st language or took time to learn it? Kids grew up in a normal family setting?
This is America we speak English, drive too fast, talk too slow, love & protect our kids. We have our own culture & morals here. America don't like it feel free to leave!
Who sat around & thought up all this stuff & then incorporated it into what was once NORMAL country?
Anybody feel this way?
13 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt