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Lv 59.732 points


Favorisierte Antworten8%
  • How come someone else can be using.....?

    ....the same screen-name I've been using since last September already??

    (I'm the second Joshua who replied to this question)

    I thought that, when a name was taken already, Yahoo would refuse that name when you try to subscribe with it?

    It certainly did when I tried, LOL, took me ages to find a screen-name Yahoo would accept.

    Please fellow Yoshua, I hope you're way more creative in finding another screen-name than I am, and if so, would you mind very much changing yours??

    First time I asked this question a few hours ago, I got no answers, and someone apparently took offense to it, cuz all I got was a thumbs down.

    Please believe me, there was absolutely NO offense meant in my previous question, NOR is there in this question. (just to set the record straight. :-) )

    1 AntwortOther - Entertainmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How come someone else can be using.....?

    ....the same screen-name I've been using since last September already??

    I'm the second Joshua who replied to this question.

    I thought that, when a name was taken already, Yahoo would refuse that name when you try to subscribe with it?

    It certainly did when I tried to subscribe!!

    Please fellow Yoshua, I'm finally used to my screen-name now, would you mind very much changing yours??

    1 AntwortOther - Entertainmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How come I only get to answer 20 questions, despite being on level 4?

    According to the rules I'm now allowed to reply to 80 questions, however, after answering 20 questions, I get an autogenerated message saying :

    "You have reached your daily limit for answering questions. For more information on daily participation limits, click here."

    I tried to contact Yahoo about this, but I can't seem to find an email-address to send my question to!

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    2 AntwortenOther - Entertainmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Please help me out??

    I had to save up courage first, before I dared pose this question, cuz it's a rather dumb one.

    I always read all the answers to the questions I reply to, and if an answer is really good, I rate it with a thumbs-up.

    I thought that was THE way to choose "Best answers", however,

    last week I began to suspect there is yet another way to choose a best answer to your (or a) question.

    So I tried to find out HOW to do that....and have to admit that I can't figure it out. (blushing)

    Please explain to me how to choose a "best answer" to my questions? (can I also pick a "Best answers" to other people's questions??

    Thank you in advance!

    (blushing even more now, cuz I'm afraid this may not be the right category to put my answer in)

    2 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Please help me out??

    I had to save up courage first, before I dared pose this question, cuz it's a rather dumb one.

    I always read all the answers to the questions I reply to, and if an answer is really good, I rate it with a thumbs-up.

    I thought that was THE way to choose "Best answers", however,

    ast week I began to suspect their is yet another way to choose a best answer to your (or a) question.

    So I tried to find out HOW to do that....and have to admit that I can't figure it out. (blushing)

    Please explain to me how to choose a "best answer" to my questions? (can I also pick a "Best answers" to other people's questions??

    Thank you in advance!

    (blushing even more now, cuz I'm afraid this may not be the right category to put my answer in)

    5 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Please help me out??

    I had to save up courage first, before I dared pose this question, cuz it's a rather dumb one.

    I always read all the answers to the questions I reply to, and if an answer is really good, I rate it with a thumbs-up.

    I thought that was THE way to choose "Best answers", however,

    ast week I began to suspect their is yet another way to choose a best answer to your (or a) question.

    So I tried to find out HOW to do that....and have to admit that I can't figure it out. (blushing)

    Please explain to me how to choose a "best answer" to my questions? (can I also pick a "Best answers" to other people's questions??

    Thank you in advance!

    (blushing even more now, cuz I'm afraid this is the right category to put my answer in...but I prefer this category above "Yahoo answers and questions".(

    7 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • For the person looking for Hanson-pics yesterday.....?

    Try this link. (sorry, only one pic, but a nice one!) Hanson-pic

    1 AntwortFashion & Accessoriesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I can't sign up at "


    I've been trying to sign up at (with?), it seems easy enough, and I have NO problem filling in the required answers.

    I'm from the Netherlands, they seem to have no problem with that, LOL, but they DO have a problem with my Dutch Postal code.

    I've tried many times to sign up, but they keep telling me to fill in a valid Postal Code. (which of course I did to begin with)

    I sent an email to customer-service of Myspace, asking them for help, and got an auto-generated answer, which didn't help any.

    I sent another email, asking if it was possible to talk to an actual person, but as a reply I got the same auto-generated answer I got earlier already.

    Is there anyone out there who can offer me a solution for this "problem"??

    Thanks in advance!

    4 AntwortenInternetvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I'm looking for an ACTIVE Blythe Danner fan-site!!!?

    I asked this before already, and got 2 answers, for which I thank those people.

    Unfortunately doesn't excist, and I've searched in every search-engine I can get my hands luck...yet!! (one can hope, right?)

    The "Unabashedly Blythe" site has great pics, and even a fan-board, but that one is almost completely "dead".....just a few messages this year. (mostly my own, oy)

    There's also a "Presidio Med"-board, but that too is totally "dead"

    I'd love to talk with other Danner-fans about her work, should be far more fun than talking to myself, LOL.

    Is there a Danner-fan out there, or someone who knows a Danner-fan, who can give me directions to an active fan-site for Ms. Danner?

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AntwortenCelebritiesvor 1 Jahrzehnt