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john c
Why was Field Marshall Irving Rommel such a great military leader?
8 AntwortenMilitaryvor 8 JahrenWhy are so many foreign doctors working at V.A. Hospitals?
1 AntwortMedicinevor 9 JahrenWhen I click on a link for a free coupon,it denys my access, and all the funny box?
Anyone sends me a link on which to click, I click and I am denied access. Is this part of Yahoo's censorship? The link was for a free coupon!!!!
1 AntwortSearch Engine Optimizationvor 9 JahrenWhy are the law licenses of both Obamas suspended?
Illinois Bar Too vague!
4 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 9 JahrenDoes Barack Hussein Obama have a 19 yer old son?
Web research indicates that he does, and there are hundreds of things that the public does not know about the current resident in our whitehouse.
5 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 9 JahrenHow many Community Organizers in the U. S. A.; and what percentage of them have police records?
What is the total number of Community Organizers in the U.S.? and how many Community Organizers have police records?
1 AntwortGovernmentvor 9 JahrenIn what court did Barry Soetoro file an action to change his name to Barack Hussein Obama?
Legal personal name changes require action by a court having jurisdiction over that matter.
1 AntwortLaw & Ethicsvor 9 JahrenDid Barry Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro travel to Pakistan during 1981, as an Indonesian citizen with a pas?
At issue, is whether Barack Hussein Obama II, AKA Barry Soetoro, travel to Pakistan during 1981, and what passport did he use? Although most of Barry''s past is well concealed or sealed from public knowledge, for the obvious reason that his true identity,academic records, and other official records, if exposed, would make him unfit, and not eligible for the office that he now occupies. He has perpetrated one of the biggest frauds in American history.
4 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 9 JahrenWhy does the media only print the photos of ayoung Trayvon Martin, instead of the real, current photos of Mart?
In the Florida case, where a Block Watch Captain, Zimmerman, used deadly force in self defense, and stood his ground against the perpetrator, Martin, the MSM is using "out of date photos to bolster their bias and deception,depicting Martin in the best image with out of date photos, taken years before the incident, while Zimmerman is depicted using less realistic photos taken more recently. Typical for the leftist MSM to be bias and deceptive to deceive the public..
1 AntwortMedia & Journalismvor 9 JahrenLegimate name changes require a court action, so where is the action for changing Soetoro to Obama?
"Hussein Obama" has spent over one million dollars to seal/conceal his true identity, academic, political, police, and other records of public interest. Why the stealthy operation? Honest people have no need to seal and conceal their past records.
1 AntwortGovernmentvor 9 JahrenMay 3rd, being the National Day of Prayer did Hussein Obama pray today, to Allah? or to our God Almighty?
Hussein or Soetoro was raised as a Muslim, and under Sharia law, once a Muslim always a Muslim. This fact is well documented my major global news media. To abandon the Muslim cult, one becomes an apostate, which is punishable by death under Sharia law.
4 AntwortenGovernmentvor 9 JahrenWill Hillary Clinton replace Joe Biden on the 2012 Democrat ticket?
Barry Soetoro needs much help as the general public now sees what a fraud that he really is, and Hillary provides intelligence, and doesn't need a teleprompter to answer questions. Hillary honestly earned her credentials, and not a gift from AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. She is truly and honestly, highly qualified for V.P. and the Oval Office.
5 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 9 JahrenHow many illegal votes (Acorn purchased) were in the 2008 Election?
1 AntwortLaw & Ethicsvor 10 JahrenWhy are Affirmative Action employees considered incompetent?
It is well know in the real and business world that employees who receive their positions by the preferential selection process called Affirmative Action. are less or under qualified than those who passed the exams, and honestly earned their selection for employment, however, the racial and sexual quota system , although unfair and unconstitutional, remains alive and well.
9 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 JahrenDid Barry Soetoro and Eric Holder conspire, and act in concert a collusion in the "Fast and "Furious" scandal?
The Fast and Furious was a leftist/ socialist scheme to send weapons to Mexico , which would later be used to kill U.S. citizens and Mexicans. The ultimate objective in this idiotic scheme was to destroy the 2nd Amendnent of the U.S. Constitution, thus giving the Soetoro regime grounds to implement strict gun control and later ban all gun ownership by U.S. citizens.
9 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 JahrenDo you think that the ready to limit the presidential term to 4 years?
8 AntwortenElectionsvor 10 Jahren