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Favorisierte Antworten3%
  • Has anybody here been to Stringfellows in London?

    Can you tell me if I would embarrass myself going there as a woman or have you seen women there with their partners or in a group? Was going for a laugh at the weekend with my hubby but am not so sure it's a good idea...

    3 AntwortenLondonvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why doesn't my son play by hisself?

    He is our first born and I suppose has always had a lot of attention. Now we have a 1 and a half year old daughter which not only knows how to entertain herself but also does she need some of my attention too. At the moment I hardly get chance to spend any time with only her as he is so demanding.

    We have got a set routine in place which includes playtime with both the kids on their OWN and TOGETHER, individually with me and dad. So he does still get lots of attention that way.

    I can not understand how he can still be craving for so much more. He doesn't know what to play, all of his toys only ever get used if one of us plays with him or it's bedtime and he's trying to stall it.

    He's a bright little boy, full of himself and with lots of imagination and energy.

    Just sometimes I feel like pulling my hair out, I just wish he would disappear in his room sometimes and get lost in his play without me, so then I could get on with things or be with my daughter a bit more.

    Does anybody know what to do or had the same problem?

    When I do housework and leave him to hisself, he tends to get up to mischief or he hangs around me.

    Also we have a reward chart in place, so we are trying everything possible to sort this out.

    He has been like this for as long as I can remember. Thing is, he has been going to creche for a couple of sessions a week since he is 1 and a half (before his sister was born) and has just started Pre School every day in the mornings.

    11 AntwortenToddler & Preschoolervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How can I teach my 3 and a half year old son to play on his own?

    He is our first born and I suppose has always had a lot of attention. Now we have a 1 and a half year old daughter which not only knows how to entertain herself but also does she need some of my attention too.

    We have got a set routine in place which includes playtime with both the kids on their own and together, with me and dad. So he does still get lots of attention that way.

    I can not understand how he can still be craving for so much more. He doesn't know what to play, all of his toys only ever get used if one of us plays with him or it's bedtime and he's trying to stall it.

    He's a bright little boy, full of himself and with lots of imagination and energy.

    Just sometimes I feel like pulling my hair out, I just wish he would disappear in his room sometimes and get lost in his play without me, so then I could get on with things or be with my daughter a bit more.

    Does anybody know what to do or had the same problem?

    10 AntwortenToddler & Preschoolervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What was one of the songs called on tonights episode of the F Word?

    If you've watched it, it was played when he let the sheep into his garden, I think it's called "The One", but by who is it? I just can't think of it.

    Anybody that can help, thank you!!!!

    2 AntwortenReality Televisionvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Warum kann ich auf meinem Nokia keine Mulitmediamsg/Bild empfangen?

    Hallo, habe ein Nokia 6230i und habe gestern ein Foto geschickt bekommen, was ich allerdings nicht aufmachen konnte. Das Foto wurde mir vom englischen O2 Netz geschickt, aber das sollte doch eigentlich egal sein, wo es her kommt oder?

    Kann mir einer sagen, warum das nicht geht?

    4 AntwortenHandysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What experiences have you made with angel cards?

    Would love to hear about anything to do with them!

    5 AntwortenOther - Social Sciencevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What do I do now my hubby has gone away with work for 2 weeks?!?

    I feel like somebody's unplugged me, deflated and empty. Got two kids that miss their daddy, hate every day life without him. Just miss him like mad.

    And that's only the start. Soon he'll be going away for 7 months, to Iraq, over the christmas period...I am dreading it.

    27 AntwortenOther - Family & Relationshipsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Könnte ich schwanger sein? Was meint Ihr???


    ich habe eine 6 Monate alte Tochter und trotz Stillen meine Regel ziemlich früh bekommen.

    Habe einmal, kurz nach meiner Regel, mit meinem Mann geschlafen, wir hatten kein Kondom dabei, haben es dann eben weg gelassen und ich dachte mir, so kurz nach der Regel kann so oder so nix passieren.

    Nun warte ich seit 2 Wochen auf meine Regel, habe auch schon 2 Tests gemacht, die beide gesagt haben, dass ich nicht schwanger bin. Regelschmerzen hatte ich auch schon, aber es passiert einfach nichts.

    Was meint Ihr, könnte ich schwanger sein?

    16 AntwortenSchwangerschaftvor 1 Jahrzehnt