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  • Can you help with this quote?

    "Не тот дорог, с кем хорошо, а тот, без которого плохо."

    "It's not the one, who you are happy with, who is dear, but that, without whom you suffer."

    "It's not the one, who you are happy with is dear, but that without whom you are miserable."

    For those, who do not read Russian, the idea of the quote should be obvious from the two translated versions. I don't like either version, but if you gather the essence of the quote and can express the thought better, it will be greatly appreciated.

    3 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 9 Jahren
  • Why won't Republican, Libertarian and Conservative leaders hold obama bin lyin responsible NOW? opposed to allowing hillary to investigate herself and be ready with results on Benghazigate - a WEEK AFTER the elections? The cover up by the adnimistration and obamedia is too visible and outrageous to let them get away with murders! Contact your Representatives, White House and all major news networks with demands of resignations and coverage!

    4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Why media refuses to cover the crime and murders of Benghazigate?

    despite all the facts, e-mails, and that classified cable of August 16, 2012, describing islamist terrorists' activities in Benghazi? Obama bin lyin and hitlary had accepted a "full responsibility" in the middle of October... Where is outrage? Where are consequences? Resignations? Are we still residing in the Land of the Free?

    23 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Who In Here Doubts That 0bama Will "Wag Da Dog ?”?

    ...between today and November 5th 2012, because he had ran out of other options?

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Will you attend his funeral?

    Obituary of Common Sense (October 20, 2012 )

    Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense... He had struggled to stay alive among us all the way up until 2008, when metastasis of a latent social decease became palpable...and until today... Common Sense shall be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:

    - Knowing that investing in lies, manipulations and deceptions costs a lot and pays dividends of disgust, outrage and sometimes of blood ;

    - Why cover ups tend to blow up in your face...

    - ...and that maybe whatever it is - could be your fault after all.

    Common Sense used to live by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn... don't believe that you can tax yourself into prosperity), and reliable strategies (don't rely on welfare to win elections... don't believe that weakness begets strengt...especially with bullies).

    Common Sense's health began to deteriorate rapidly when a sinister Political Correctness and her arrogant children Cultural Diversity, Affirmative Action, and the latest arrival - Social Equality aka Redistribution of Wealth - became an integral part of ALL governments...When overbearing regulations were set in place or removed at the government 's will (as in cases where having a home for which you couldn't pay - became your "right").

    Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate...of laws that parents have no right to know that their teenage daughter submits to an abortion.. of a Dream Act... of America's secondary to Europe leadership role...and that it ceased and desist as a Christian nation - only worsened Common Sense's condition.

    He lost a considerable ground when you were forced to accept that the government is allowed to sell you whatever they deem necessary ... and he continued to decline further when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault... even when it was a situation within your national home's borders.. when our military was forced to fight "wars with human face" - with one hand tied to the "Rules of Engagement" ...when mass murders by the "peaceful followers of islam" were called "a workplace violence"...and when criminals of all persuasions received a better treatment than their victims.

    Common Sense finally gave up the will to live when Americans began believing that the government doesn't belong to them, but that they belong to the government. Thus - the indefensible performance records became irrelevant and open acts of War of Civilizations, resulting in deaths of our heroes and civic servants, became" Benghazigate"...(or just a "not optimal...bump in the road"?), hastily swept under Oval Office's carpet and seemingly untouchable.

    Common Sense was preceded in death, by his parents, Truth and Trust, by his wife, Decency, by his daughter, Personal Responsibility, and by his son, Reason.

    He is survived by his four step-cousins:

    I Am Entitled

    Someone Else Is Guilty

    I'm A Victim

    End Justifies All Means

    Not many are attending Common Sense's funeral...Just those who realized he was gone. If you wish to honor Common Sense - feel free to support his Great-Great Grandmother, Constitution... or to join the silent majority and do nothing .

    7 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Now when both obama and buden had failed....? respond to those "bunches of malarkey stuff" (i.e., the real state of the Union) - shouldn't next Presidential debate include these crucial for America the Great survival questions?

    Which one of you called 9/11/12 murders of Ambassador Stevens and 3 other Libya a "terror attack" for the 11 consequtive days and why or why not?

    Which one of you was in favor/contributed financially to the upraise of the violent islamism aka "arab spring"?

    Which one of you had a Senate race fundraiser organized at the home of William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn?

    Which one of you had been EVER endorsed and financed by George Soros, Hezbollah, Muslim Brotherhood and/or Nation of Islam?

    Please quote your nationality/citizenship, as it appears on your application/registration to Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School (for Mr. Romney) and to Harvard Law School (for President Obama)?

    Since it's our economy that needs an immediate attention - list in detail your OWN BUSINESS record in the past 15 years?

    4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Would ANY of you here bet on fabricated by obama...?

    unemployment rates report, the last before elections, which pulled out of hussein's hat with the help of HIS OWN employees (who had poolstered 60K preselected, still is NOT a representative sample for anyone with a little knowledge of stats)?

    I bet against all of you, neolibnazi, that that highly invalid and incredible report will be "adjusted" to 8.2% on the day AFTER election with a promise that "responsible for the error will be investigated"? LOL!


    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Are White Progressives' Leaders True Racists For Blaming Obama's Failure On...?

    ... obama's alleged reluctance to appear "AN ANGRY BLACK MAN", and on obama not having the same "latitude as a white speaker has"? Oh, boy, hahahahahahah!

    How can Blacks, who are voting for Dems. not be outraged by this?

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Is the Independent Investigation of Fake Jobs' Report...?

    ...for pre-election September 2012 report to be conducted NOW given that we had LESS jobs in September 2012 than in August...Less jobs in August than in July, and significantly less jobs overall than 2012 than in 2010?! Americans, why do we allow this insane spin machine by Feds to keep kicking???

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Just in: "Chris Matth-rill-Up-Me-Leg and Rachel Mad-though - Stomped...?

    ... to Half-Truth At the Front Line by the Rest of obamedia Job-Seekers!"

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Didn't sweetie michelle look last night amazingly....?

    ...similar (especially from behind) - to a roach powdered by a deadly BLUE "Combat" poison?

    Who else thinks hussein will be sleeping on a couch at the very least - until their departure to "barack's homeland" (per her own words) - in January 2013?

    1 AntwortPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Have all of you seen Bill Maher...?

    ...'s TWITTER last night?

    "Obama DOES need a telepromter!" Translation: "I want my $1,000,000 back!" LOL!

    7 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Why would obama's own..."?

    ...Minister of Marxist Propaganda, David Goebbels, oh, sorry, Paul Joseph Axelrod, look as if his proteje had been kidnapped? lol...And why would he refuse to answer media on how that islamo-marxist "messiah" had faired against Romney?

    Such a brutal slap to ever so submissive and ready-to-please obamedia...

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Concervatives and Liberals, do you approve of these "fair share" debate questions?

    Should not Moderator ask these crucial for America's survival questions of EITHER man?

    Which one of you had a Senate race fundraiser organized at the home of close friends William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn?

    Which one of you had been EVER endorsed by George Soros, Hezbollah, Muslim Brotherhood and/or Nation of Islam?

    Please quote your nationality/citizenship, as it appears on your application/registration to Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School (for Mr. Romney) and to Harvard Law School (for President Obama)?

    Which one of you was accepted to Harvard under any special conditions/programs/actions and please NAME those?

    Specify in detail - how did each one of you pay the tuition at Harvard?

    Since it's our economy that needs immediate attention - list in detail your OWN BUSINESS accomplishments in the past 15 years?

    Which one of you held an office and took no salary for the period of 8 years being in official capacity?

    Name and list your DOCUMENTED volunteer (i.e. unpaid) services for this country in the past 15 years?

    Which one of you opposes a requirement of a valid and legal voter identification for ALL voting-age Americans?

    Name and list your DOCUMENTED volunteer services for this country in the past 15 years?

    Name and list your DOCUMENTED charitable donations (and DOCUMENTED amounts of those) in the past 15 years?

    How many Americans have been murdered by islamists domestically under YOUR watch during YOUR last documented Office (for Mr. Romney-while a Governor of Massachusetts)?

    9 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • How Would This ONE Question Exterminate Obama On The Spot This Evening?

    Moderator: Mr. President, these are your own statements, made by you, in person, as you could see. Please address any 10 of these statements and tell American peaople whether or not you stood by your own words/promises:

    (all of the quotes could also be found in text form online using any search engine)

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • When will Democrats realize their role...? ruining Western civilization in general and American society in particular? Read the story:

    GRASSHOPPER and THE ANT: Conservative version:

    The red ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed. The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold. MORAL OF THE STORY: Be responsible for yourself!

    Progressive version: The red ant works hard in the withering heat and the rain all summer long...etc. Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while he is cold and starving. ABC, AP, CBS, CNN , and PBS show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfy home with a table filled with food…America is stunned by the sharp contrast. How can it be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?

    Kermit the Frog appears on Oprah with the grasshopper and everybody cries when they sing, 'It's Not Easy Being Green...' Oprah passes around gift boxes of tissue for all and announces a $525 mil's project to build five boarding schools for the fatherless grasshoppers in East Africa.

    Nation of Islam, WSO and ACORN stage multiple demonstrations in front of the ant's house. All TV programs film Bill Clinton and Maria Kennedy singing alongside the protestors,"We shall overcome". Nearby businesses are being looted and loans are used as estroom facilities.Police is called, but

    when they arrive, Rev's Sharpton and Jessie Jackson chain themselves to the nearest TV van. They fire up masses with tragic stories of formerly black ancestors of the grasshoper in Masaka, a remote village in the central part of Uganda. Allegedly, the ant's ancestors stole the eggs and enslived the nymphs of the grasshopper's ancestors, who accidentaly belonged to Muslim Broth'od.

    Rev. Jeremiah Wright leads the protesters in a closing God Damn America Hymn. Next morning in

    Uganda, 12.1% of very insulted Muslims revolt against the "majority" of 41.9% of Roman Catholics. During "spontaneous mob action" (latter recognized as an act of terror), some Protestants, atheists, Pentecostals, UN observers and Seventh Day Adventists are sodomzed and beheaded as well.

    President Obama interrupts his 39th vacation and addresses the Nation. After brief reprimand to police for stupidity(later followed by a peace pipe), Obama apologizes to Muslims of Uganda and of Universe for red ant's ancestors and signs a $850 mil reparation check.

    He condemns the greedy ant and blames President Bush,President Reagan, Creationists, Founding Fathers and the Pope for the grasshopper's plight. Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid state in an interview with Matt Lauher that the ant has gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper, and both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his FAIR SHARE.

    Finally, the EEOC drafts the Economic Equity & Anti-Grasshopper Act retroactive to the beginning of the summer. The ant is additionally fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs when building his house. Since the ant has nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the Gov's Green Czar and given to the grasshopper. The story ends as we see the grasshopper and his free-loading friends finishing up the last bits of the ant's food while the government house he is in, which, as you recall, just happens to be the ant's old house, crumbles around them because the grasshopper doesn't maintain it.

    The ant has disappeared in the snow, never to be seen again. The grasshopper is found dead in a drug related incident, and the house, now abandoned, is taken over by a gang of spiders who terrorize and ranshacke the once prosperous and peaceful ants' neighborhood. Riots spread and the entire Nation collapses bringing the rest of the free world with it. MORAL OF THE STORY: Be careful how you vote in 2012.

    1 AntwortPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Why is Obama refusing to admit the Nov. 2009 act of jihad by Nadal Hasan when the murderer states it openly?

    It will be THREE long years since hussein soetoro and his goons are refusing to call a cold blooded Ft.Hood massacre of 13 of unarmed troops "an act of islamic terror". American grown muslim mass murderer made no secret as to his motives from day one, so why cover up?

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Why are islamists and "progressives" united in their support of 0bama's agenda...?

    The answer is in this response to one of so many obamedia's articles - "High debate stakes: Romney looks to gain momentum" (by Nancy Benace, Associated Press, 9/29/12)

    Dear Governor Romney,

    When you look into those cold, emotionless eyes of a charismatic liar and the most dangerous inside enemy of our country ever, don't worry about the required "friendly" smiles...about "striking a confident pose"...about "speaking with a resonant tone of voice".

    Barack Hussein Obama is presiding over a country dumbed down by "progressives"' ideology since LBJ. He had succeeded in a "fundamental transformation of America" way beyond the wildest dreams of George Soros and of those, who are relentlessly building the "universal islamic caliphate" for the past 150 years.

    The U.S.'s economy lays in ruins and the world is taking advantage of us - in full accord with a calculated, sinister design of an international and American neolibnaziism and their not that well camouflaged creditor - a brutal militant islamism. Islamism which is currently raging throughout the Midlle East as a wild fire - thank to Obama's personal involvement, support and financing of so-called "Arab spring" at the taxpayers' expense.

    Remember that Barry Soetoro is concentrating on one and one thing only: staying in power, regardless of means or costs. A true statesman ought to be focused on a much higher goal - the fate of our nation. A nation, that used to be ONE under God and indivisible as determined by Language, Boarders and Culture.

    May dear Lord strengthen your hand in a fight against the darkness and misery of Evil.


    P.S. To all of you, who have been advising me to seek a higher, more visible forum: If an American-Egyptian and Christian Bassille Nakoula (who dared to expose the "Innocence of Muslims" for what it is and who had Pakistan's bounty on his hand since 9/21/12 ) was NOT in California's jail, based on ludicrous premises of "violation of probation" for non-violent infractions - I would. Besides, it's a letter to you too.

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Just in!!!! Snooki and Romney....? not share the same ideological platform? Now, when I got America's attention the only way shown to be effective nowadays, the following a pre-debate letter to the presidential candidate:

    Dear Governor Romney,

    When you look into those cold, emotionless eyes of a charismatic liar and the most dangerous inside enemy of our country ever, don't worry about false smiles...about "striking a confident pose"...about "speaking with a resonant tone of voice".

    Barack Hussein Obama is presiding over a country dumbed down by "progressives"' ideology since LBJ. He had succeeded in a "fundamental transformation of America" way beyond the wildest dreams of George Soros and of those, who are relentlessly building the "universal islamic caliphate" for the past 150 years.

    The U.S.'s economy lays in ruins and the world is taking advantage of us in full accord with a calculated, sinister design of an international and American neolibnazeiism and their creditor, a brutal militant islamism.

    Remember that Barry Soetoro is concentrating on one and one thing only: staying in power, regardless of means or cost. A true statesman ought to be focused on a much higher goal - the fate of our nation. A nation, that used to be one under God and be determined by Language, Boarders and Culture.

    May dear Lord strengthen your hand in a fight against the darkness and misery of Evil. AMEN

    P.S. To all of you, who are advising me to seek a higher, more visible forum: If an American-Egyptian and Christian Bassille Nakoula (who dared to expose the "Innocence of Muslims" for what it is and who had an islamic country bounty on his hand from 9/21/.12 ) was not in CAs jail for "violation of probation" for non-violent infractions - I would. Besides, it's a letter to you too.

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Why does Michelle Bachmann....?

    ...need a daily "Fact Check" limit", asked the user "Romney squats to pee" (wow, what a name!), who is blocking me and all, who disagree with American neolibnazeiism and its fuhrer, islamo-marxist saboteur Soetoro Obama. Here is the answer:

    When the political columnists say 'Every thinking man' they mean themselves, and when candidates appeal to 'Every intelligent voter' they mean everybody who is going to vote for them. Franklin P. Adams

    The rest of us, i.e. roughly 53% of Americans, including Michelle Bachmann, see the obamedia for what they are and prefer to fact check, when we feel it's necessary.

    BTW, how about obamedia and the fuhrer lying for 11 straight days about Lybian 9/11/12 act of war and aggression against the USA and calling it a "spontaneous mob action"? lol

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren