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Lv 15 points

He Himself

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  • Were any of the Mass Murderers who help Romney start Bain Capital present at the Convention?

    I didn't notice any Latin American types from El Salvador surrounded by body guards in the TV coverage, but I don't have cable and the reception isn't too good.

    And for some reason the CEO of Styricycle, the Fetus Disposal company, were not present, on camera anyway.

    4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Considering that Romney's original investors from El Salvadore were facing a serious threat to their country?

    by Communists, was their tactic of cutting activists throats and pulling their tongues through the opening an appropriate response?

    Of course in the United States we would never cut a Communist's throat and leave him or her on the street as a message because its illegal here.

    But in El Salvador authority was being undermined by Communists and it was not illegal to cut their throats, so they committed no crime, except maybe in the eyes of some Liberal Hippy Dippy International Court, also backed by Commies and Liberals.

    Are we too soft on Commies here and maybe need to think about changing the laws before they take over?

    1 AntwortPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Why did Liberals try and make a big deal over Romney's original investors at Bain being Right Wing Death Squad?

    members from El Salvador?

    Just because these investors were "alleged" to be the financiers of Death Squads who killed thousands of people, including Nuns and little children, that does not mean they are guilty of a crime.

    And Liberals have trouble separating their morals from good business practice and even object when a health insurance company can find a legal loophole to cancel a sick person's insurance.

    And we must not forget that Romney is staunchly Anti-Communist and the Death Squads silenced many a Che tee-shirt wearing Commie but cutting his or her throat and pulling their tongues through the opening in their neck. Free Markets must be protected. And this was an effective tool to show others what would happen to them.

    I'm not suggesting that Romney condoned cutting people's throats and Romney did not do the cutting, did he?

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Why do only Socialists and Libertarians speak out against the fake "free markets"?

    Main stream politicians of both parties support the idea of Finance Capital and large corporate structures backed with tax subsidies.

    They support the TBTF Banksters and their corrupt manipulation of commodity markets.

    Of course the main parties are wholly owned subsidiaries of Wall Street so it is understandable.

    But why do more Americans not realize the simple truth that only Socialists and Libertarians seem to understand?

    1 AntwortPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Is Romney the perfect Republican candidate because he stands for nothing?

    Romney, the perfect Republican, stands which ever way is to his benefit at the moment.

    An example of Republican Shape Shifting can be seen in their oppostion to "big government" while most small business people have Small Business Administration Loans which made the venture possible.

    Another example is the "Obama Phone", pushed through a Republican led Congress at the behest of Carlos Slim of Tracphone fame.

    People on Public Assistance did not hire a lobbyist to convince John Boehner and Paul Ryan of the logic of giving a cell phone to Food Stamp recipients.

    Nay. Big John and Little Paul got a huge check from Carlos, and Presto!

    Of course as soon as they had passed the Obamaphone they blamed Obama.

    They shift with smell of money in the evening breeze.

    10 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Is Romney the perfect Republican candidate because he stands for nothing?

    Romney, the perfect Republican, stands which ever way is to his benefit at the moment.

    An example of Republican Shape Shifting can be seen in their oppostion to "big government" while most small business people have Small Business Administration Loans which made the venture possible.

    Another example is the "Obama Phone", pushed through a Republican led Congress at the behest of Carlos Slim of Tracphone fame.

    People on Public Assistance did not hire a lobbyist to convince John Boehner and Paul Ryan of the logic of giving a cell phone to Food Stamp recipients.

    Nay. Big John and Little Paul got a huge check from Carlos, and Presto!

    Of course as soon as they had passed the Obamaphone they blamed Obama.

    They shift with smell of money in the evening breeze.

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Should Obama do a campaign commercial speaking to an empty suit?

    Romney certainly is that, an empty suit.

    Obama could ask the empty suit questions such as why the suit thought mandated health insurance was a good thing at one time, but not now.

    And maybe ask the suit how it can be pro-choice and pro-life at the same time.

    And maybe ask the suit if it thinks tax deductions for dancing horses are really in the best interest of the country.

    These are just a few of the things Obama could ask Mr. Suit.

    8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Did anyone here get nauseated during the Republican Convention speeches?

    My son who is a philosophy major threw up during Ryan's speech and Condi Rice made by 9 year old grand daughter lose her lunch.

    My wife lost it during the Huckabee speech.

    We got it all cleaned up later though.

    4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Which was your favorite speech from the Republican National Convention?

    They were all good but I think I liked Condi Rice speech the best.

    Condi raised some eyebrows when she stated that if Romney would make her Secretary of State, she would help him pin a WMD wrap on someone and let his friends get rich off the the war as she did for Bush and Company.

    And Huckabee was a riot when he admitted to being a two bit Evangelical Preacher who finally landed a job at Fox News.

    Which was your favorite?

    12 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Who do you admire more, those like Jamie Dimon and Richard Fuld who conduct themselves like absolute?

    assholes, or those like Romney who are absolute assholes but try and hide it?

    Romney is more subtle than someone like Fuld who says that to be a success you must be able to rip out a competitors heart and eat it in front on him while he is still alive.

    Romney comes across as a much nicer guy while he picks your pockets.

    1 AntwortPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Who is better at making eloquent speeches while saying absolutely nothing: Obama or Romney?

    I think Obama is better at this sort of thing because he can make his supporters believe that he cares about them while saying nothing at all.

    Romney just says nothing at all.

    11 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • In order for a child to be financially successful in the United States, should we teach them Sociopathic?

    behaviors from an early age?

    In a Shark Tank Economy where only the fastest and strongest survive, should we not teach clildren to art of cutting a compeititors throat at an early age, the art of Ripping The Muppet's Face Off?

    As Romney said in his book No Apologies, "its either me or you and it won't me me".

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Isn't Cuba lucky that they don't have anything of real value that the United States wants?

    If they did, they would be speaking English today.

    Unlike Iraq, Cuba has no oil reserves.

    Unlike Afghanistan, no mineral deposits to exploit.

    No gold, no diamonds. Just coconuts and fish.,

    I suppose they are safe. But as least we could try and make them open a McDonalds and to buy their soap and tooth paste from us.

    7 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • In a true Free Market Society, wouldn't corporations have the right to take anything they want as long as it?

    is legal?

    Corporations are people too and have rights.

    As long as they don't break an existing law or have the law overturned beforehand, there should be no restrictions on them of any kind.

    Individuals are free to form associations to counter them, just not the government because that would be Regulation.

    In fact, Corporations should control as much as possible because its in the public interest whether they realize it or not.

    8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Why are Republicans so tolerant of Medicare Fraud?

    Convicted Fraudster Rick Scott of Florida is a Tea Party and Romney favorite.

    I suppose their logic is that the more the healthcare system can stead from Medicare, the more money in the pockets of people like Rick Scott and their share holders.

    And the more money which is stolen, the sooner they can convince the country that Medicare must stop.

    6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Will Governor Rick Scott of Florida be a valuable asset to Romney on stopping Medicare Fraud?

    Gov. Scott should be appointed to a Cabinet Level Position to show Romney how to stop Medicare Fraud.

    Gov. Scott, while CEO of HCA Hospitals, commited the largest Medicare Fraud in U.S. history so he is an expert on the subject.

    Then HCA was sold to Bain Capital and gutted even more.

    Now they are under investigation for installing heart stints in healty patients for a few extra bucks from Medicare.

    They have to repay Bain somehow.

    1 AntwortPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Should the United States target Venezuelan oil fields to punish Chavez for giving free health care to the poor?

    The wealthy people are having to pay more tax to pay for this and many of them have second homes in Florida and are spending less money now. We can't afford for these Communist ideas to take root in our Free Market hemisphere.

    Venezuela is our 4th largest supplier of oil but we won't need them soon as Romney will Drill Baby Drill if he is elected.

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Will most Republicans at their convention thing run like a rabbit is the wind gets over 30 mph?

    As Bob Dylan said, "You will not die. It will not kill you".

    But a little pea shooter Cat 1 Hurrincane would make them pee themselves.

    Gulf Coast Veteran

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Has Canada forgiven the Republican Party for the egregious lies they spread about their Health Care System?

    Canadians are generally tolerant of idiots but they had had enough of Republican Bullshite.

    Have they forgiven them yet?

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Should the Republican leadership ask Akin to have himself Castrated?

    This might be their only hope to redeem themselves if they ever expect another female vote.

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren