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Lv 151 points

hello heavan

Favorisierte Antworten14%
  • Junior girl with freshman??!?!?!?!?!!?!?

    I'm a junior girl liking a freshman guy please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!?

    Ok I'm 16 turning 17 in june 2nd and I'm not let's say as mature as girls my age . I still act like a feshman and people are surprised when I tell them I'm a junior. You see I don't do things regular teens do like drink, smoke, and drugs etc. I kind of disnt spend my junior high years like others since y mom had cancer I had to take care of her and ii couldn't socialize with kids my age. This year I met this guy in my art we bug eachother all the time ! I mean we laugh and just act funny and have a hoops time. I sort of snorted in front of him and he thought it was cute . So any moms out there that would get bothered by there 14 yet old son dating a 16 year old? Or any girls out there that have been in my situation? Please help!!! I mean jb and Selena Gomez are the same age difference ...

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • Does my teacher have a crush on me?

    So I'm a junior 17 years old . I sort of have a crush on my Enligh teacher. He's 32 newly divorced. And I've noticed he only talk in a full. Convo with me . Smiles at me all the time. I noticed I missed 5 assignments I have 100 % an A . I'm very confused by this. Do I fancy him? And I've also noticed we always lock eyes and he turns around shyly? Please no immature answers like " pervert" etc... And we have many common interest such as baseball and more. He always asks how was my morning and weekend only to me?

    10 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • Will my baby get blue eyes?!?!?!?????!?

    How will my baby look like ? : )??????

    In Hispanic Hungarian Hungarian and Italian I have redish brown hair an light tanned skin . I have brown eyes . My grandpa has green and fret grandpa was mulatto with aquamarine eyes . My husband is white with light skinn and blue eyes so does his father , alsO golden blonde hair ? Will my baby have colored eyes and or will she or he look like there daddy?

    4 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 9 Jahren
  • How will my baby look like ? : )??????

    In Hispanic Hungarian Hungarian and Italian I have redish brown hair an light tanned skin . I have brown eyes . My grandpa has green and fret grandpa was mulatto with aquamarine eyes . My husband is white with light skinn and blue eyes so does his father , alsO golden blonde hair ? Will my baby have colored eyes and or will she or he look like there daddy?

    2 AntwortenNewborn & Babyvor 9 Jahren
  • ok so if i deactivate my facwebook and i liked a photo a little while before can they see the like?!??!?!?!?

    ok so i was being a creeper and likes this guys pic on accident so i deactivated it super fast will it show that i liked the photo if he gets on ?

    2 AntwortenFacebookvor 9 Jahren
  • Does he seem that he likes me?!!?!??!?!?

    ok so theres this guy who is new to my school. One time when i gave him gum he said "thanks darling" and then he told me to look into my eyes and tell him whateye color are his eyes and vise you think he likes me do i have a chance?ps he talks to me alot 2 : )

    4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • What app for itouch 4g to talk for free without credits for surveys?!?! free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    i got a bran new itouch i got a app to talk for free and text but i ran out of minutes is there any more that theres no credits for it and any surveys or stuff like that to earn credits? whats it called? :D thank you so much.

    3 AntwortenMusic & Music Playersvor 9 Jahren
  • What is it like to be married to a doctor?

    Because my fiance is in college trying to pursue to be a med doctor or a medical scientist. Is it flashy? is the life style nice? and do you get to see him alot? please details !!!

    3 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 9 Jahren
  • how to use body language to attract a guy!!!!!! and does he like me!?!??!?!!!!!! **~*~**~*~*~*~ look*!*!*!*!*!?

    Ok so i need help with body language and does he like me??!?!?!?!?! help **!~!~!~!~! LOOK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    ok so i like this guy and when my friends told him i liked him he blushed.. he turned bright red. and when i went to go talk to him he turned like a cherry! this was like 2 months ago . now my friend mike introduced us and when he said hi he had his eyes wide open! does that mean anything? and what type of body language should i do so he knows im intrested hold a gaze for more longer? like if he looks away like shy is that good?!!!!!!!!!!

    4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • ok so i need help with body language and does he like me??!?!?!?!?! help **!~!~!~!~! LOOK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    ok so i like this guy and when my friends told him i liked him he blushed.. he turned bright red. and when i went to go talk to him he turned like a cherry! this was like 2 months ago . now my friend mike introduced us and when he said hi he had his eyes wide open! does that mean anything? and what type of body language should i do so he knows im intrested hold a gaze for more longer? like if he looks away like shy is that good?!!!!!!!!!!

    1 AntwortCelebritiesvor 9 Jahren
  • help im in a relationship i have a crush on another guy !?

    ok my bf is 18 i was band from seeing him becuase my dad found out we had sex we lost it to one another.. i am madly in love with him and we already planned out our wedding .... im 15 yea you probably thing im so nieve.. but i am in love we text and he sees me at my bus stop where we met. we made a promise to see each other that when i turn 18 we get to out out again, its like a romeo juliet thing. he snuck into my window and we yea... well i am willing to wait but theres this guy my age who sweet and blushes when im around and is shy to talk to me. i think hes cute. help i need adivce. whould i dump the other one to be with this guy. please dont call me a whote or anything. sometimes you think you are never going to cheat but what goes up comes down. i told myself i hated to girls who cheat. but now i understand there situation.. what should i do !?????

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • I have a lump on upper butt ? help!!! hurts alot is it a tumor?!?

    ok im 16 and i have this lump on my upper but in the middle i can feel it it hurts like a boil what can i be??? in grown pimple? tumor!

    3 AntwortenCancervor 9 Jahren
  • Can you go to a junior college like SJVC after high school? what are the pros?

    i want to get into the sonography program? is SJVC COSTY? Is it worth it?

    1 AntwortPrimary & Secondary Educationvor 9 Jahren

    Like how much is a water bill a month. And a Gas/Electric for two people small apartment.? In bakersfield.

    1 AntwortRenting & Real Estatevor 9 Jahren
  • How to win a emancipation trial please i need help :( !!!!! SOS SOS!?

    Hello im a 15 year old im looking to become emancipated . Once im 16 i wish to find a job and keep it. I have a boyfriend in which ive been with for 4 years hes 18 currently... we met since i was 11 he was 14. He wants to marry me we are made for each other . I lost my virginity to him this summer i was 15 he was 18 . My dad found out and banned me from seeing him . He was going to press charges but i made a deal with him. It was either not seeing or press charges. We have been talking through letters. I miss him dearly . I have seen him secretly and he was going to propose. We even thought of running away with one another. He has two jobs and he is in a university trying to get a phd. He makes ok money to rent a small apartment. My question here is can i get emancipated ? with me having a job and having support from him. How can i win this any tips?My mom died of cancer last year . My dad gets financial support 800 something dollars for me and my sister. He barely buys things for me. he remarried 3 months latter after her death. Sometimes when i get introuble i get hit and choked... is this enough to win this case?

    2 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 9 Jahren
  • is he thinking about marrying me???!??!?!?!?!? HELP!!!!!?!?!* PLEASSE:D?**~**~*~*~**~*~**~*~**~*~*~*look~!?


    ok so ive been with my boyfriend for a long time and he tells me how he want me to be with him for the rest of his life n what not we even planned out the location and tell me how im "the one" does that refer to him as his wife? is he thinking about me marrying him ? :D and im like really tan right and he mentions " i wanna be there when them tan suckers will be popping out of you" <-- wat does that mean does it refers to children? babies?!?!?! and if so do u think it would be weird to like talk about baby names?!?! and gender??

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 10 Jahren
  • is he thinking about marrying me???!??!?!?!?!? HELP!!!!!?!?!* PLEASSE:D?

    ok so ive been with my boyfriend for a long time and he tells me how he want me to be with him for the rest of his life n what not we even planned out the location and tell me how im "the one" does that refer to him as his wife? is he thinking about me marrying him ? :D and im like really tan right and he mentions " i wanna be there when them tan suckers will be popping out of you" <-- wat does that mean does it refers to children? babies?!?!?! and if so do u think it would be weird to like talk about baby names?!?! and gender??

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 10 Jahren
  • Do you think this is true love?! and is HE THINKING ABOUT MARRYING ME O_O TRUE SOUL MATE???!??! HELP!!??!?!!!!?

    ok so Im 15 years old going on 16 and my current boyfriend is 18, We met in drama class of last year have been together ever since started off as bff and he asked me out how can i resist? :D and so do you guys believe of a true soulmate? and if so can it come at any age any time in our lives? well i think we were meant to be. I lost my virginity to him i know its considered "rape" but love has no limits : ). we complete eachothers sentences we feel the same exact way of eachother if he just wanted the sex wouldnt he have just left me?O_O but he hasnt he is willing to wait for me until im 18,oh yea my dad found out that i did it with hijm and banned me with one condition he said if u tell me the truth i wont press charges and if u promise u will have no contact with him, its hard to give up seeing him so he wont get charged.. but yea thats part of the story. so we do contact eachother by letters through his sister shes in my class. and he stops by in my bus stop to visit me. Is it good that i already met his family and his mom ? he talks about us marrying eachother we even have the date n place O_O and he came up with a new idea ! kids! omg i cant believe it! do you think he is planning on marrying me? he talks about where we are going to liev and every detail. like today for instance im tan right and he said a comment he said "i want to be there to see those tan suckers popping out of you" is he talking about babies? :D will it be to weird to talk about baby names? everyday he sends me some sort of poetry im head over heals for him.. so do you think he is planning a life with me and if so, is it ok that i tell him the names of the kids? O_O <3 thanks :))

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 10 Jahren
  • If a guy blushes does he mean he likes me? O_O !!!!!!!!!!!!*~**~*!*~*!~*!*~ help!~!~*!*~*!~*!*~*!~*!*~*!~~~~~~?

    ok so my friends went up to my crush and they told him about me and that i liked him. and i was far away but i saw his face turn red!!!! and my friends told me that he was blushing like alot ! is that good or bad ? O_O

    5 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 10 Jahren
  • how to look like adriana lima? like hair color n eye color etc... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~?~?!?~?!? <-- there and like whats her eye color like blue green? and her hair color please im getting a makeover soon im going to a pro i just need details :) thanks .. ps i have the same skin tone >:)

    2 AntwortenHairvor 10 Jahren