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Ive been a Harp (harmonica) player for about 13 years now...
Where can i find the chords to 'Make me a channel of your peace'?
Its one of my stepmothers favourite songs, and i want to play it on my guitar for her at christmas. i have checked the obvious online sites, but no joy....
Other - Musicvor 1 JahrzehntRaising Sand Chords anyone?
Can anyone help me find the Chords to the songs on Robert Plant/Alison Krauss's Album Raising Sand? I've managed to sort the lyrics out, but now i need to be able to play them on guitar.
1 AntwortOther - Musicvor 1 JahrzehntWho Was Mona in the Video?
I've just watched the Vid for Craig Macloughlans 'Mona'.....who played the Beautiful blonde girl with curly hair ?
1 AntwortMusicvor 1 Jahrzehnt